

When it was over the young man walked home with him and the pair sat and talked until after midnight, just as on the previous night.

The following evening it was much the same, except that, as Mr.

Keeler pronounced himself more than usually "shaky" and expressed a desire to "keep movin'," they walked half way to Orham and back before parting.By the end of the week Laban declared the fight won--for the time.

"You've pulled me through the fust tussle, Al," he said."I shan't desert now, not till the next break-out, anyhow.I cal'late it'll get me harder than ever then.Harder than ever--yes, yes.And you won't be here to help me, neither.""Never mind; I shall be thinking of you, Labe.And I know you're going to win.I feel it in my bones.""Um-hm....Yes, yes, yes...In your bones, eh? Well, MYbones don't seem to feel much, except rheumatics once in a while.

I hope yours are better prophets, but I wouldn't want to bet too high on it.No, I wouldn't--no, no.However, we'll do our best, and they say angels can't do any more--though they'd probably do it in a different way...some different....Um-hm....Yes, indeed."Two letters came to Albert before that week ended.The first was from Madeline.He had written her of his intention to enlist and this was her reply.The letter had evidently been smuggled past the censor, for it contained much which Mrs.Fosdick would have blue-penciled.Its contents were a blend of praise and blame, of exaltation and depression.He was a hero, and so brave, and she was so proud of him.It was wonderful his daring to go, and just what she would have expected of her hero.If only she might see him in his uniform.So many of the fellows she knew had enlisted.

They were wonderfully brave, too, although of course nothing like as wonderful as her own etcetera, etcetera.She had seen some of THEM in their uniforms and they were PERFECTLY SPLENDID.But they were officers, or they were going to be.Why wasn't he going to be an officer? It was so much nicer to be an officer.And if he were one he might not have to go away to fight nearly so soon.Officers stayed here longer and studied, you know.Mother had said something about "a common private," and she did not like it.But never mind, she would be just as proud no matter what he was.And she should dream of him and think of him always and always.And perhaps he might be so brave and wonderful that he would be given one of those war crosses, the Croix de Guerre or something.She was sure he would.But oh, no matter what happened, he must not go where it was TOO dangerous.Suppose he should be wounded.Oh, suppose, SUPPOSE he should be killed.What would she do then?

What would become of her? MUST he go, after all? Couldn't he stay at home and study or something, for a while, you know? She should be so lonely after he was gone.And so frightened and so anxious.

And he wouldn't forget her, would he, no matter where he went?

Because she never, never, never would forget him for a moment.And he must write every day.And--The letter was fourteen pages long.

The other letter was a surprise.It was from Helen.The Reverend Mr.Kendall had been told of Albert's intended enlistment and had written his daughter.

So you are going into the war, Albert (she wrote).I am not surprised because I expected you would do just that.It is what all of us would like to do, I'm sure, and you were always anxious to go, even before the United States came in.So I am writing this merely to congratulate you and to wish you the very best of good luck.Father says you are not going to try for a commission but intend enlisting as a private.I suppose that is because you think you may get to the actual fighting sooner.I think I understand and appreciate that feeling too, but are you sure it is the best plan? You want to be of the greatest service to the country and with your education and brains-- This ISN'T flattery, because it is true--don't you think you might help more if you were in command of men? Of course I don't know, being only a girl, but I have been wondering.No doubt you know best and probably it is settled before this; at any rate, please don't think that I intend butting in."Butting in" is not at all a proper expression for a schoolmarm to use but it is a relief to be human occasionally.

Whatever you do I am sure will be the right thing and I know all your friends are going to be very, very proud of you.I shall hear of you through the people at home, I know, and I shall be anxious to hear.I don't know what I shall do to help the cause, but Ihope to do something.A musket is prohibitive to females but the knitting needle is ours and I CAN handle that, if I do say it.And I MAY go in for Red Cross work altogether.But I don't count much, and you men do, and this is your day.Please, for the sake of your grandparents and all your friends, don't take unnecessary chances.

I can see your face as you read that and think that I am a silly idiot.I'm not and I mean what I say.You see I know YOU and Iknow you will not be content to do the ordinary thing.We want you to distinguish yourself, but also we want you to come back whole and sound, if it is possible.We shall think of you a great deal.

And please, in the midst of the excitement of the BIG work you are doing, don't forget us home folk, including your friend, HELEN KENDALL.

  • Jeremy Bentham

    Jeremy Bentham

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    朝旭和老王挨着坐的。老王用脚踢了下朝旭,示意朝旭别给说这些。说这些没用。现在的干部谁还这样想?朝旭一时语塞……老王咳嗽了一声,没接着朝旭的话说:“没哪个不让你回家、不准你外出啊!你还不是经常外出办事啊!但你老是回家睡觉就没对啊!你是排长,按规定该和兵同吃同住吧。这是条令规定的没错吧。你这三更半夜、三天两头的往家跑,夜不归营,比我和指导员还回家的勤些。总不对吧?!” 李跃进找了很多理由最后说:“……就是条令也是人制定的,总要有点人情味吧?!”谈话不欢而散。李排长走了。
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    凌先生遇见他的兰小姐时,彼时,兰小姐正带着她智力拥有残疾的弟弟,刚到由政府牵线可供残疾人读书的大学来报道。 阳光下,遥遥地一望,凌先生的眼里留下了最美的风景。 之后好几次的擦肩而过,兰小姐不知她的身旁一直有个人在默默地关注着她。 直到命运的安排,给了凌先生一个英雄救助未来小舅子的机会。但血染下的风采,凌先生也向他的兰小姐要来了一个照顾他的机会。 就这样,两个人相识在了一起。看凌先生如何用他的个人魅力诱拐兰小姐? …… 在凌先生的眼里,他的兰小姐是一个爱护弟弟,但却异常坚强、坚韧的女孩儿。即使家中生活贫困,但她依然乐观向上。直到凌先生了解了兰小姐后,他才知道,原来他的兰小姐不仅拥有高智商,就连身后的背景也是让人望尘莫及。 而在兰小姐的眼里,她的凌先生是一个温润如春风、如暖阳的君子。 凌先生用他的真心敲开了兰小姐的心门。 …… 本文男女主都是彼此的初恋。 …… 这是一个关于爱的故事,虽不至于轰轰烈烈、惊天动地,但也绝对能感动人心、幸福温馨。它就像是生活,平凡中有波折,幸福里也有苦涩。最美的年华遇见最美好的他,一起携手,迈出自己勇敢的那一步。
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