

Thus having finished all things we departed the country (as I said before); but because the Busse had not lading enough in her, she put into Bear's Sound to take a little more.In the meanwhile, the Admiral, and the rest without the sea, stayed for her.And that night fell such an outrageous tempest, beating on our ships with such vehement rigour that anchor and cable availed nought, for we were driven on rocks and islands of ice, insomuch that had not the great goodness of God been miraculously showed to us, we had been cast away every man.This danger was more doubtful and terrible than any that preceded or went before, for there was not any one ship (I think) that escaped without damage.Some lost anchor, and also gables, some boats, some pinnaces, some anchor, gables, boats, and pinnaces.

This boisterous storm so severed us one from another, that one ship knew not what was become of another.The Admiral knew not where to find the Vice-Admiral or Rear-Admiral, or any other ship of our company.Our general, being on land in Bear's Sound, could not come to his ship, but was compelled to go aboard the Gabriel, where he continued all the way homewards, for the boisterous blasts continued so extremely, and so long a time, that it sent us homeward (which was God's favour towards us), will we, nill we, in such haste, as not any one of us were able to keep in company of other, but were separated.And if by chance any one ship did overtake other by swiftness of sail, or met (as they often did), yet was the rigour of the wind so hideous, that they could not continue company together the space of one whole night.

Thus our journey outward was not so pleasant, but our coming thither, entering the coasts and country by narrow straits, perilous ice, and swift tides, our times of abode there in snow and storms, and our departure from thence, the 3rd of August, with dangerous blustering winds and tempest's, which that night arose, was as uncomfortable, separating us so, as we sailed, that not any of us met together until the 28th of September, which day we fell on the English coasts, between Scilly and the Land's End, and passed the Channel, until our arrival in the river Thames.

THE REPORT OF THOMAS WIARS, Passenger in the "Emmanuel," otherwise called the "Busse of Bridgewater," wherein James Leeche was Master, one of the ships in the last voyage of Master Martin Frobisher, 1578, concerning the discovery of the great island in their way homeward, the 12th of September.

The Busse of Bridgewater was left in Bear's Sound, at Meta Incognita, the 2nd day of September, behind the fleet, in some distress, through much wind riding near the lee shore, and forced there to ride it out upon the hazard of her cables and anchors, which were all aground but two.The 3rd of September being fair weather, and the wind north-north-west, she set sail, and departed thence and fell with Friesland, on he 8th day of September, at six of the clock at night, and then they set off from the south-west point of Friesland, the wind being at east and east-south-east; but that night the wind veered southerly, and shifted oftentimes that night.But on the 10th day, in the morning, the wind at west-north-west, fair weather, they steered south-east and by south, and continued that course until the 12th day of September, when about 11o'clock before noon they descried a land, which was from them about five leagues, and the southernmost part of it was south-east-by-east from them, and the northernmost next north-north-east, or north-east.The master accounted that Friesland, the south-east point of it, was from him at that instant, when he first descried this new island, north-west-by-north fifty leagues.They account this island to be twenty-five leagues long, and the longest way of it south-east and north-west.The southern part of it is in the latitude of fifty-seven degrees and one second part, or thereabout.They continued in sight of it from the twelfth day at eleven of the clock till the thirteenth day three of the clock in the afternoon, when they left it; and the last part they saw of it bare from them north-west-by-north.There appeared two harbours upon that coast, the greatest of them seven leagues to the northwards of the southernmost point, the other but four leagues.There was very much ice near the same land, and also twenty or thirty leagues from it, for they were not clear of ice till the 15th day of September, afternoon.They plied their voyage homeward, and fell with the west part of Ireland, about Galway, and had first sight of it on the 25th day of September.

THE FIRST VOYAGE OF MASTER JOHN DAVIS, Undertaken in June, 1585, for the discovery of the North-West Passage, written by John James Marchant, servant to the Worshipful Master William Sanderson.

Certain honourable personages and worthy gentlemen of the Court and country, with divers worshipful merchants of London and of the West Countrie, moved with desire to advance God's glory, and to seek the good of their native country, consulting together of the likelihood of the discovery of the North-West Passage, which heretofore had been attempted, but unhappily given over by accidents unlooked for, which turned the enterprisers from their principal purpose, resolved, after good deliberation, to put down their adventures, to provide for necessary shipping, and a fit man to be chief conductor of this so hard an enterprise.The setting forth of this action was committed by the adventurers especially to the care of Master William Sanderson, merchant of London, who was so forward therein, that besides his travel, which was not small, he became the greatest adventurer with his purse, and commended unto the rest of the company one Master John Davis, a man very well grounded in the principles of the art of navigation, for captain and chief pilot of this exploit.

  • 月涧禅师语录




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  • 我真的很残忍


  • WG回忆


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  • 你是星河滚烫


    24岁的优秀高材生,大公司高管曲绵这辈子遇到最棘手的事情,就是哄男朋友。“你要乖乖睡觉。”“哼。”“宝贝,我爱你。”“曲绵,你那里为什么有那么多男人的声音?”曲绵暗想不好这个小醋王又要生气了“宝贝,我在应酬。”“你自己玩却让我早点睡,曲绵,你真的很渣。”然后就是忙音唉,明天又要去好好哄哄这个爱吃醋的小妖精了。 (姐弟恋,陪着一个男孩子长大,甜文,新手作家欢迎入坑)
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    求求你们,快跑吧,当我用出第二只手的时候,我自己都控制不住我自己啊!这是一个主角和他那禽兽左手怎么冲出地球,走向宇宙的故事!(本书又名:《我的双手跨时代》《我的左手有禽兽》《再不跑来不及了》《看书领鸡腿》) 鸡腿群号:785789803
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