

More clearly still did Dunn realize that the faintest breath of suspicion stirring in the other's mind that he knew of what was hidden in the attic would mean certain death and just such another neat little hole bored through heart or brain as that he had seen showing in the forehead of his dead friend.""Haven't you, though?" Deede Dawson repeated."The bedrooms - the attics - that's all?""Yes, sir, that's all, take my oath that's all," Dunn repeated earnestly, as if he wished very much to impress on his captor that he had searched bedrooms and attics thoroughly, but not these downstairs rooms.

Deede Dawson was plainly puzzled, and for the first time a little doubt seemed to show in his hard grey eyes.

Dunn perceived that a need was on him to know for certain whether his dreadful secret had been discovered or not.

Until he had assured himself on that point Dunn felt comparatively safe, but he still knew also that to allow the faintest suspicion to dawn in Deede Dawson's mind would mean for him instant death.

He saw, too, watching very warily and ready to take advantage of any momentary slip or forgetfulness, how steady was Deede Dawson's hand, how firm and watchful his eyes.

With many men, with most men indeed, Dunn would have seized or made some opportunity to dash in and attack, taking the chance of being shot down first, since there are few indeed really skilled in the use of a revolver, the most tricky if the most deadly of weapons.

But he realized he had small hope of taking unawares this fat little smiling man with the unsmiling eyes and steady hand, and he was well convinced that the first doubtful movement he made would bring a bullet crashing through his brain.

His only hope was in delay and in diverting suspicion, and Deede Dawson's voice was very soft and deadly as he said:

"So you've been looking in the bedrooms, have you? What did you find there?""Nothing, sir, not a thing," protested Dunn."I didn't touch a thing, I only wanted to look round before coming down here to see about the silver.""And the attics?" asked Deede Dawson."What did you find there?""There wasn't no one in them," Dunn answered."I only wanted to make sure the young lady was telling the truth about there being no servants in the house to sleep.""Did you look in all the attics, then?" asked Deede Dawson.

"Yes," answered Dunn."'There was one as was locked, but I tooked the liberty of forcing it just to make sure.I ain't done no harm to speak of.""You found one locked, eh?" said Deede Dawson, and his smile grew still more pleasant and more friendly."That must have surprised you a good deal, didn't it?""I thought as perhaps there was some one waiting already to give the alarm," answered Dunn."I didn't mind the old lady, but Icouldn't risk there being some one hiding there, so I had to look, but I ain't done no damage to speak of, I could put it right for you myself in half-an-hour, sir, if you'll let me.""Could you, indeed?" said Deede Dawson."Well, and did you find any one sleeping there?"But for that hairy disguise upon his cheeks and chin, Dunn would almost certainly have betrayed himself, so dreadful did the question seem to him, so poignant the double meaning that it bore, so clear his memory of his friend he had found there, sleeping indeed.

But there was nothing to show his inner agitation, as he said, shaking his head "There wasn't no one there, any more than in the other attics, nothing but an old packing-case.""And what?" said Deede Dawson, his voice so soft it was like a caress, his smile so sweet it was a veritable benediction."What was in that packing-case?""Didn't look," answered Dunn, and then, with a sudden change of manner, as though all at once understanding what previously had puzzled him."Lum-me," he cried, "is that where you keep the silver? Lor', and to think I never even troubled to look.""You never looked?" repeated Deede Dawson.

Dunn shook his head with an air of baffled regret."Never thought of it," he said."I thought it was just lumber like in the other attics, and I might have got clear away with it if I had known, as easy as not."His chagrin was so apparent, his whole manner so innocent, that Deede Dawson began to believe he really did know nothing.

"Didn't you wonder why the door was locked?" he asked.

"Lor'," answered Dunn, "if you stopped to wonder about everything you find rummy in a crib you're cracking, when would you ever get your business done?""So you didn't look - in that packing-case?" Deede Dawson repeated.

"If I had," answered Dunn ruefully, "I shouldn't be here, copped like this.I should have shoved with the stuff and not waited for nothing more.But I never had no luck.""I'm not so sure of that," said Deede Dawson grimly, and as he spoke a soft voice called down from upstairs.

"Is there any one there?" it said."Oh, please, is any one there?""Is that you, Ella?" Deede Dawson called back."Come down here.""I can't," she answered."I'm fastened to a chair.

"I didn't hurt the young lady," Dunn interposed quickly."I only tied her up as gentle as I could to a chair so as to stop her from interfering.""Oh, that's it, is it?" said Deede Dawson, and seemed a little amused, as though the thought of his stepdaughter's plight pleased him rather than not."Well, if she can't come down here, we'll go up there.Turn round, my man, and go up the stairs and keep your hands over your head all the time.I shan't hesitate to shoot if you don't, and I never miss."Dunn was not inclined to value his life at a very high price as he turned and went awkwardly up the stairs, still holding his hands above his head.

But he meant to save it if he could, for many things depended on it, among them due punishment to be exacted for the crime he had discovered this night; and also, perhaps, for the humiliation he was now enduring.

  • 摄大乘论抄


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  • 追妻无门:女boss不好惹


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