
第94章 The Professor's Yarn(2)

As I moved away,I saw one of the gamblers approach and accost him;then another of them;then the third.I halted;waited;watched;the conversation continued between the four men;it grew earnest;Backus drew gradually away;the gamblers followed,and kept at his elbow.

I was uncomfortable.However,as they passed me presently,I heard Backus say,with a tone of persecuted annoyance--'But it ain't any use,gentlemen;I tell you again,as I've told you a half a dozen times before,I warn't raised to it,and I ain't a-going to resk it.'

I felt relieved.'His level head will be his sufficient protection,'

I said to myself.

During the fortnight's run from Acapulco to San Francisco Iseveral times saw the gamblers talking earnestly with Backus,and once I threw out a gentle warning to him.He chuckled comfortably and said--'Oh,yes!they tag around after me considerable--want me to play a little,just for amusement,they say--but laws-a-me,if my folks have told me once to look out for that sort of live-stock,they've told me a thousand times,I reckon.'

By-and-bye,in due course,we were approaching San Francisco.

It was an ugly black night,with a strong wind blowing,but there was not much sea.I was on deck,alone.Toward ten I started below.

A figure issued from the gamblers'den,and disappeared in the darkness.

I experienced a shock,for I was sure it was Backus.

I flew down the companion-way,looked about for him,could not find him,then returned to the deck just in time to catch a glimpse of him as he re-entered that confounded nest of rascality.

Had he yielded at last?I feared it.What had he gone below for?--His bag of coin?Possibly.I drew near the door,full of bodings.

It was a-crack,and I glanced in and saw a sight that made me bitterly wish I had given my attention to saving my poor cattle-friend,instead of reading and dreaming my foolish time away.

He was gambling.Worse still,he was being plied with champagne,and was already showing some effect from it.He praised the 'cider,'as he called it,and said now that he had got a taste of it he almost believed he would drink it if it was spirits,it was so good and so ahead of anything he had ever run across before.

Surreptitious smiles,at this,passed from one rascal to another,and they filled all the glasses,and whilst Backus honestly drained his to the bottom they pretended to do the same,but threw the wine over their shoulders.

I could not bear the scene,so I wandered forward and tried to interest myself in the sea and the voices of the wind.

But no,my uneasy spirit kept dragging me back at quarter-hour intervals;and always I saw Backus drinking his wine--fairly and squarely,and the others throwing theirs away.

It was the painfullest night I ever spent.

The only hope I had was that we might reach our anchorage with speed--that would break up the game.I helped the ship along all I could with my prayers.At last we went booming through the Golden Gate,and my pulses leaped for joy.

I hurried back to that door and glanced in.Alas,there was small room for hope--Backus's eyes were heavy and bloodshot,his sweaty face was crimson,his speech maudlin and thick,his body sawed drunkenly about with the weaving motion of the ship.

He drained another glass to the dregs,whilst the cards were being dealt.

He took his hand,glanced at it,and his dull eyes lit up for a moment.

The gamblers observed it,and showed their gratification by hardly perceptible signs.

'How many cards?'

'None!'said Backus.

One villain--named Hank Wiley--discarded one card,the others three each.

The betting began.Heretofore the bets had been trifling--a dollar or two;but Backus started off with an eagle now,Wiley hesitated a moment,then 'saw it'and 'went ten dollars better.'

The other two threw up their hands.

Backus went twenty better.Wiley said--

'I see that,and go you a hundred better!'then smiled and reached for the money.

'Let it alone,'said Backus,with drunken gravity.

'What!you mean to say you're going to cover it?'

'Cover it?Well,I reckon I am--and lay another hundred on top of it,too.'

He reached down inside his overcoat and produced the required sum.

'Oh,that's your little game,is it?I see your raise,and raise it five hundred!'said Wiley.

'Five hundred better.'said the foolish bull-driver,and pulled out the amount and showered it on the pile.

The three conspirators hardly tried to conceal their exultation.

All diplomacy and pretense were dropped now,and the sharp exclamations came thick and fast,and the yellow pyramid grew higher and higher.

At last ten thousand dollars lay in view.Wiley cast a bag of coin on the table,and said with mocking gentleness--'Five thousand dollars better,my friend from the rural districts--what do you say NOW?'

'I CALL you!'said Backus,heaving his golden shot-bag on the pile.

'What have you got?'

'Four kings,you d--d fool!'and Wiley threw down his cards and surrounded the stakes with his arms.

'Four ACES,you ass!'thundered Backus,covering his man with a cocked revolver.'I'M A PROFESSIONAL GAMBLER MYSELF,AND I'VE BEEN LAYING FOR YOU DUFFERS ALL THIS VOYAGE!'

Down went the anchor,rumbledy-dum-dum!and the long trip was ended.

Well--well,it is a sad world.One of the three gamblers was Backus's 'pal.'

It was he that dealt the fateful hands.According to an understanding with the two victims,he was to have given Backus four queens,but alas,he didn't.

A week later,I stumbled upon Backus--arrayed in the height of fashion--in Montgomery Street.He said,cheerily,as we were parting--'Ah,by-the-way,you needn't mind about those gores.I don't really know anything about cattle,except what I was able to pick up in a week's apprenticeship over in Jersey just before we sailed.

My cattle-culture and cattle-enthusiasm have served their turn--I shan't need them any more.'

Next day we reluctantly parted from the 'Gold Dust'and her officers,hoping to see that boat and all those officers again,some day.

A thing which the fates were to render tragically impossible!

  • 陆先生养狐成妻


    正文已完结,番外中 他不想要他的小狐狸懂什么人情世故,历什么艰难困苦,他只想要他的小狐狸没心没肺、张牙舞爪的活下去。 本以为是捡了只蠢笨的小狐狸,哪知竟然变成了他坚硬的外壳里唯一柔软的地方!“先生,夫人不见了!”某人眼神一敛,旋即便阴沉着脸朝着厨房走去。“不是告诉过你,不能吃生的吗?”某人皱着眉头蹲下身抱起某团白绒绒的东西,语气颇为无奈。“陆北辰,你别过分,你管的住我的身体,管不住我的心!”雪白的小狐狸立马在男人怀里变成了一个瞪着眼睛张牙舞爪的小女人。“我就是要吃生的!”某男人嘴角邪魅的一勾,捞起某狐狸便朝着卧室走去。“你可以吃我!”旋即,卧室里传来某个女人抓狂的声音。“陆北辰,你这个流氓,我对你不感兴趣!”自从遇见陆北辰后,陆瑾瑜才发现,她真的是枉为狐狸了,比起她,陆北辰才是狐狸祖宗!
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