
第59章 I Return to My Muttons(3)

'The old,old sea,as one in tears,Comes murmuring,with foamy lips,And knocking at the vacant piers,Calls for his long-lost multitude of ships.'

The towboat and the railroad had done their work,and done it well and completely.The mighty bridge,stretching along over our heads,had done its share in the slaughter and spoliation.

Remains of former steamboatmen told me,with wan satisfaction,that the bridge doesn't pay.Still,it can be no sufficient compensation to a corpse,to know that the dynamite that laid him out was not of as good quality as it had been supposed to be.

The pavements along the river front were bad:the sidewalks were rather out of repair;there was a rich abundance of mud.

All this was familiar and satisfying;but the ancient armies of drays,and struggling throngs of men,and mountains of freight,were gone;and Sabbath reigned in their stead.The immemorial mile of cheap foul doggeries remained,but business was dull with them;the multitudes of poison-swilling Irishmen had departed,and in their places were a few scattering handfuls of ragged negroes,some drinking,some drunk,some nodding,others asleep.

St.Louis is a great and prosperous and advancing city;but the river-edge of it seems dead past resurrection.

Mississippi steamboating was born about 1812;at the end of thirty years,it had grown to mighty proportions;and in less than thirty more,it was dead!A strangely short life for so majestic a creature.

Of course it is not absolutely dead,neither is a crippled octogenarian who could once jump twenty-two feet on level ground;but as contrasted with what it was in its prime vigor,Mississippi steamboating may be called dead.

It killed the old-fashioned keel-boating,by reducing the freight-trip to New Orleans to less than a week.

The railroads have killed the steamboat passenger traffic by doing in two or three days what the steamboats consumed a week in doing;and the towing-fleets have killed the through-freight traffic by dragging six or seven steamer-loads of stuff down the river at a time,at an expense so trivial that steamboat competition was out of the question.

Freight and passenger way-traffic remains to the steamers.

This is in the hands--along the two thousand miles of river between St.Paul and New Orleans---of two or three close corporations well fortified with capital;and by able and thoroughly business-like management and system,these make a sufficiency of money out of what is left of the once prodigious steamboating industry.

I suppose that St.Louis and New Orleans have not suffered materially by the change,but alas for the wood-yard man!

He used to fringe the river all the way;his close-ranked merchandise stretched from the one city to the other,along the banks,and he sold uncountable cords of it every year for cash on the nail;but all the scattering boats that are left burn coal now,and the seldomest spectacle on the Mississippi to-day is a wood-pile.

Where now is the once wood-yard man?

第一章Traveling Incognito MY idea was,to tarry a while in every town between St.Louis and New Orleans.To do this,it would be necessary to go from place to place by the short packet lines.It was an easy plan to make,and would have been an easy one to follow,twenty years ago-but not now.

There are wide intervals between boats,these days.

I wanted to begin with the interesting old French settlements of St.Genevieve and Kaskaskia,sixty miles below St.Louis.

There was only one boat advertised for that section--a Grand Tower packet.Still,one boat was enough;so we went down to look at her.She was a venerable rack-heap,and a fraud to boot;for she was playing herself for personal property,whereas the good honest dirt was so thickly caked all over her that she was righteously taxable as real estate.

There are places in New England where her hurricane deck would be worth a hundred and fifty dollars an acre.

The soil on her forecastle was quite good--the new crop of wheat was already springing from the cracks in protected places.

The companionway was of a dry sandy character,and would have been well suited for grapes,with a southern exposure and a little subsoiling.The soil of the boiler deck was thin and rocky,but good enough for grazing purposes.

A colored boy was on watch here--nobody else visible.

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