

"Well, I'll be blanked!" said Ike, with a gasp.

"Quit that, Ike," said The Kid sharply."Look here--I am going to quit swearing right now, so help me.""All right, boss, I'm with you; put it there."Then above the hum of conversation General Brady's voice was heard:

"Gentlemen, it is my opinion that we have lost a great man to-night, a fearless man and a Christian gentleman.""That's my entire prognostication, General," said Ike, with great emphasis.

Meantime Shock had gone searching through the hotels for the doctor, whom he had seen slipping out before the closing prayer.But the doctor was nowhere to be seen, and in despair Shock went to Father Mike.He found that gentleman in a state of enthusiastic excitement.

"My dear fellow, my dear fellow," he exclaimed, "that was great!""What?" said Shock simply.

"That sermon, man.I would give my hand to preach like that.""Preach?" said Shock."I didn't preach.Did you see the doctor?""Never mind the doctor," said Father Mike."Come in, I want to talk with you; come in.""No, I must see the doctor."

"Well, then, wait; I will go with you."

Shock hesitated."I think I would rather go alone, if you don't mind," he said.

"All right, old chap," said Father Mike, "I understand.The door's always open and the kettle on.""Thank you," said Shock."You know how I appreciate that," and he went out.

There was a light in Macfarren's office.Shock knocked at the door and went in.He found the doctor and Macfarren seated by a table, upon which were glasses and a bottle.The doctor was pale, nervous, shaking.

"Sit down, Mr.Macgregor," said Macfarren, with more cordiality than he had ever shown to Shock before.

"I was just saying to the doctor that that was a fine discourse, a very able discourse, Mr.Macgregor."Shock made no reply, but stood looking at the doctor.

"I would like to say," continued Macfarren, "that I regret your leaving us.I believe, on the whole, it is a mistake; we require preaching like that." There was a touch of real earnestness in Macfarren's tone.

"Mr.Macfarren," said Shock, "I am sorry I have not been able to help you.You need help, you need help badly.Jesus Christ can help you.Goodnight." He took the doctor's arm and, helping him up, walked off with him.

"What do you want?" said the doctor fiercely, when they were outside.

"Doctor, I want your help.I feel weak."

"Weak! Great Heavens above! YOU talk of weakness? Don't mock me!""It is true, doctor; come along."

"Where are you going?" said the doctor.

"I don't know," said Shock."Let us go to your office."The doctor's office was a cheerless room, dusty, disordered, and comfortless.The doctor sat down in a chair, laid his head on the table, and groaned."It is no good, it is no good.I tried, I tried honestly.I prayed, I even hoped for a time--this is all gone Ibroke my word, I betrayed my trust even to the dead.All is lost!""Doctor," said Shock quietly, "I wish that you would look at me and tell me what's the matter with me.I cannot eat, I cannot sleep, and yet I am weary.I feel weak and useless--cannot you help me?"The doctor looked at him keenly."You're not playing with me, are you? No, by Jove! you are not.You do look bad--let me look at you."His professional interest was aroused.He turned up the lamp and examined Shock thoroughly.

"What have you been doing? What's the cause of this thing?" he enquired, at length, as if he feared to ask.

Shock gave him an account of his ten days' experience in the mountains, sparing nothing.The doctor listened in an agony of self-reproach.

"It was my fault," he groaned, "it was all my fault.""Not a word of that, doctor, please.It was not in your hands or in mine.The Lost River is lost, not by any man's fault, but by the will of God.Now, tell me, what do I need?""Nothing, nothing at all but rest and sleep.Rest; for a week," said the doctor.

"Well, then," said Shock, "I want you to come and look after me for a week.I need you; you need me; we'll help each other.""Oh, God! Oh, God!" groaned the doctor, "what is the use? You know there is no use.""Doctor, I told you before that you are saying what is both false and foolish.""I remember," said the doctor bitterly."You spoke of common sense and honesty.""Yes, and I say so again," replied Shock."Common sense and honesty is what you need.Listen--I am not going to preach, I am done with that for to-night--but you know as well as I do that when a man faces the right way God is ready to back him up.It is common sense to bank on that, isn't it? Common sense, and nothing else.But Iwant to say this, you've got to be honest with God.You've not been fair.You say you've prayed--""God knows I have," said the doctor.

"Yes," said Shock, with a touch of scorn in his voice, "you've prayed, and then you went into the same old places and with the same old companions, and so you find yourself where you are to-night.You cannot cure any man of disease if he breaks every regulation you make when your back is turned.Give God a chance, that's all I ask.

Be decently square with Him.There's lots of mystery in religion, but it is not there.Come along now, you are going home with me.""No, sir," said the doctor decidedly."I shall fight it out alone.""Will you walk, or shall I carry you?" said Shock quietly.

The doctor gazed at him."Oh, confound you!" he cried, "I'll"--He stopped short and putting his face down upon the table again he burst into a storm of sobs and cried, "Oh, I am weak, I am weak, let me go, let me go, I am not worth it!"Then Shock got down beside him, put his arm around his shoulder, and said: "I cannot let you go, doctor.I want you.And your Father in Heaven wants you.Come," he continued after a pause, "we'll win yet."For half an hour they walked the streets and then turned into Father Mike's quarters.

"Father Mike," said Shock, opening the door, "we want coffee, and I'm hungrier than I've been for three days.""Come in," said Father Mike, with a keen glance at the doctor, "come in, brother mine.You've earned your grub this day."

  • 佛说顶生王故事经


  • 除恐灾患经


  • 耕煙草堂詩鈔


  • 唐王屋山中岩台正一先生庙碣


  • 佛说菩萨逝经


  • 三万佛同根本神秘之印并法龙种上尊王佛法


  • 坐禅三昧法门经


  • 荣格谈心灵之路


  • 冰蔷薇王冠


    蒸汽朋克 &维多利亚奢靡风 在人一出生的时候,魔鬼就已经在心中睁眼。在无尽的黑暗中,冰冷的寒潮中听见谁的低语?冰蓝色的眼眸透过黑夜,看到它的人只能匍匐,那是魔鬼的苏醒! 炼金术,六翼甲胄,魔药剂学,银矿,那是神的馈赠! 转向轮轴,蒸汽装置,星动占卜,火铳武器,窥伺者,终将被最炽烈的矛定在地狱的最深处! 蒸汽与科技交错,传说和历史相融。 “总有一天,丹瑟的血会燃烧这个世界。” 「书友群:849678378」
  • 名人传(语文新课标课外必读第十二辑)


  • 七佛赞呗伽他


  • 别笑,我是高分创意作文(高中生越写越聪明的作文宝典)


  • 谎言的颓


  • 恶云楼


  • 魂兮归来

