

"Not in the least.You have a great team, and you are handling them perfectly.""Hear that now, will you?" cries little Brown "We're It!""Do you think we had better open up a little?" But Black is a gentleman and knows better than to offer advice.

"I really cannot offer an opinion.You know your men better than I.

Besides, it is better to find out your enemy's tactics than to be too stuck on your own.Remember, those fellows are doing some thinking at this blessed minute.Of course," he went on hesitatingly, "if they keep playing the same close game--well--you might try--that is--you have got a great defence, you know, and The Don can run away from any of them.""All right," said the captain."We'll feel 'em first, boys.Keep at the old game.Close and steady till we get inside their heads.Watch their quarters.They're lightning in a pass."It turns out that old Black is right.The McGills have been doing some thinking.From the kick-off they abandon the close scrimmage for a time, playing an open, dribbling, punting game, and they are playing it superbly.While they are sure in their catching and fierce in their tackle, their specialty is punting and following up.

In this they are exceedingly dangerous.For the first ten minutes the 'Varsity men are forced within their own twenty-five yard line and are put upon their defence.The quarters and forwards begin to "back," a sure sign of coming doom.

"What in thunder are you doing back here!" roars Martin to little Brown."Do you see anything wrong with this line?"Nothing so maddens a half back as to see the forward line fall back into defence.Little Brown, accepting his rebuke with extraordinary meekness, abandons the defence and with the other quarters and forwards, who had been falling back, goes up where Campbell and Shock are doing their best to break the punting game and are waiting their chance for a run.

Every moment is dangerous; for the McGills have the spirit of victory strong upon them, and from their supporters on the side lines the triumphant and exasperating refrain is rising:

"Got'em going, going, going, Got'em going home."And indeed for a few minutes it looks like it.Again and again the McGill forward line, fed carefully and judiciously by their defence, rush to the attack, and it is all Campbell can do to hold his men in place.Seizing the opportunity of a throw-in for 'Varsity, he passes the word to his halves and quarters, "Don't give away the ball.Hold and run.Don't pass," and soon he has the team steady again and ready for aggressive work.Before long, by resolutely refusing to kick or pass and by close, hard tackling, 'Varsity forces McGill to abandon open play, and once more the game settles down into the old, terrible, grinding scrimmage.

"Oh, why don't they let The Don have it?" exclaims Betty."I am sure he could get through."The crowd seem to hold the same opinion, for they begin to call out, "Let it out, Alec.Let The Don have it."But Campbell still plays cautiously a close game.His men are staying well, and he is conscious of a reserve in his back line that he can call upon at the fitting moment.For that moment, however, he waits anxiously, for while his scrim is playing with bulldog grit it is losing snap.True, Shock comes out of every tussle bloody, serene, and smiling as usual, but the other men are showing the punishment of the last hour's terrible scrimmage.The extra weight of the McGill line is beginning surely to tell.It is an anxious moment for the 'Varsity captain, for any serious weakening of the scrimmage line is disastrous to the morals of a team.

"You are holding them all right, old chap," says old Black, taking advantage of a pause in the play while little Brown's leg is being rubbed into suppleness.

"I'd like to open out, but I'm afraid to do it," replies Campbell.

"Well, I think your back line is safe enough.Their scrimmage is gaining on you.I almost think you might venture to try a pass game."It is upon the passing of his back line that Campbell has in previous matches depended for winning, and with ordinary opponents he would have adopted long ago this style of play, but these McGill men are so hard upon the ball, so deadly in tackling, and so sure in their catch that he hesitates to give them the opportunities that open play affords.But he has every confidence in The Don, his great half back; he has never played him in any match where he has not proved himself superior to everything in the field, and he resolves to give him a chance.

At this moment something happens, no one knows how.A high punt from behind sends the ball far up into the 'Varsity territory, and far before all others Bunch, who seems to have a kind of uncanny instinct for what is going to happen, catches the ball on the bound and makes for the 'Varsity line with a comparatively open field before him.Fifteen yards from the line he is tackled by Martin, but ere he falls passes to Huntingdon, his captain, who, catching neatly and dodging between Campbell and another 'Varsity man, hurls his huge weight upon Pepper, who is waiting for him, crouched low after his usual style.

The full back catches him fairly and throws him over his shoulder.

As both come heavily to the ground there is a sickening crack heard over the field.The McGill captain, with Pepper hanging desperately to his hips, drags himself over the line and secures a touchdown for McGill.

At once there rises a wild tumult of triumph from the McGill contingent, but after a minute or two the noise is followed by an anxious hush, and when the crowd about the prostrate players is dispersed Pepper is seen lying on his face tearing up the grass.Two or three doctors rush in from the crowd, and before long Pepper is carried off the field.His leg is broken.

A number of people begin to leave the field.

"Oh, isn't it horrible," groans Betty, turning very pale."Shall we go home, Mrs.Macgregor? "Helen looks at the old lady anxiously.

"Here is Hamish," she replies quickly."We will wait."Shock runs up, much disturbed.

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