

Young members of Parliament did not become hotly enthusiastic in support of her and her husband as she had hoped that they would do.She had not become an institution of granite, as her dreams had fondly told her might be possible,--for there had been moments in which she had almost thought that she could rule England by giving dinner and supper parties, by ices and champagne.But in a dull, phlegmatic way, they who ate the ices and drank the champagne were true to her.There was a feeling abroad that 'Glencora' was a 'good sort of fellow' and ought to be supported.And when the ridicule became too strong, or the abuse too sharp, men would take up the cudgels for her, and fight her battles;--a little too openly, perhaps, as they would do it under her eyes, and in her hearing, and would tell her what they had done, mistaking on such occasions her good humour for sympathy.There was just enough success to prevent that abandonment of her project which she so often threatened, but not enough to make her triumphant.She was too clever not to see that she was ridiculed.She knew that men called her Glencora among themselves.She was herself quite alive to the fact that she herself was wanting in dignity, and that with all the means at her disposal, with all her courage and all her talents, she did not quite play the part of the really great lady.But she did not fail to tell herself that labour continued would at last be successful, and she was strong to bear the buffets of the ill-natured.She did not think that she brought first-class materials to her work, but she believed,--a belief so erroneous as, alas, it is common,--that first-rate results might be achieved by second-rate means.

'We had such a battle about your Grace last night,' Captain Gunner said to her.

'And were you my knight?'

'Indeed I was.I never heard such nonsense.'

'What were they saying?'

'Oh, the old story;--that you were like Martha, busying yourself about many things.'

'Why shouldn't I busy myself about many things? It is a pity, Captain Gunner, that some of you men have not something to busy yourselves about.' All this was unpleasant.She could on such an occasion make up her mind to drop any Captain Gunner who had ventured to take too much upon himself: but she felt that in the efforts she had made after popularity, she had submitted herself to unpleasant familiarities;--and though persistent in her course, she was still angry about herself.

When she had begun her campaign as the Prime Minister's wife, one of her difficulties had been with regard to money.An abnormal expenditure became necessary, for which her husband's express sanction must be obtained, and steps taken in which his personal assistance would be necessary;--but this had been done, and there was now no further impediment in that direction.It seemed to be understood that she was to spend what money she pleased.

There had been various contests between them, but in every contest she had gained something.He had been majestically indignant with her in reference to the candidature at Silverbridge,--but, as is usual with many of us, had been unable to maintain his anger about two things at the same time.Or, rather, in the majesty of his anger about her interference, he had disdained to descend to the smaller faults of her extravagance.He had seemed to concede everything else to her, on condition that he should be allowed to be imperious in reference to the borough.In that matter she had given way, never having opened her mouth about it after that one unfortunate word to Mr Sprugeon.But, having done so, she was entitled to squander her thousands without remorse,--and she squandered them.'It is your five-and-twenty thousand pounds, my dear,' she once said to Mrs Finn, who often took upon herself to question the prudence of all this expenditure.This referred to a certain sum of money which had been left by the old Duke to Madame Goesler, as she was then called,--a legacy which that lady had repudiated.The money had, in truth, been given away to a relation of the Duke's by the joint consent of the lady and the Duke himself, but the Duchess was pleased to refer to it occasionally as a still existing property.

'My five-and-twenty thousand pounds, as you call it, would not go very far.'

'What's the use of money if you don't spend it? The Duke would go on collecting it and buying more property,--which always means more trouble,--not because he is avaricious, but because for the time that comes easier than spending.Supposing he had married a woman without a shilling, he would still have been a rich man.As it is, my property was more even than his own.If we can do any good by spending the money, why shouldn't it be spent?'

'If you can do any good!'

'It all comes round to that.It isn't because I like always to live in a windmill! I have come to hate it.At this moment Iwould give worlds to be down at Matching with no one but the children, and to go about in a straw hat and muslin gown.I have a fancy that I could sit under a tree and read a sermon, and think it the sweetest recreation.But I've made the attempt to do all this, and it so mean to fail!'

'But where is to be the end of it?'

'There shall be no end as long as he is Prime Minister.He is the first man in England.Some people would say the first in Europe--or in the world.A Prince should entertain like a Prince.'

'He need not be always entertaining.'

'Hospitality should run from a man with his wealth, and his position, like water from a fountain.As his hand is known to be full, so it should be known to be open.When the delight of his friends is in question, he should know nothing of cost.Pearls should drop from him as from a fairy.But I don't think you understand me.'

'Not when the pearls are to be picked up by Captain Gunners, Lady Glen.'



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  • 刘铭传抚台前后档案


  • 明伦汇编家范典中表部


  • 西汉会要


  • 白鹿奇谈


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  • 非常迷惑(郭小东文集)


  • Camp Pleasant

    Camp Pleasant

    This short novel that is told with almost fable-like simplicity: Matt Harper is a first-time counselor at a boy's summer camp when he witnesses a casual brutality that leads to murder. The bullying, gluttonous headman Ed Nolan (who has "reduced Camp Pleasant to a microcosm of the Third Reich") is portrayed as one stereotype that the reader is not sorry to see killed off. Instead, all of our sympathy is reserved for the possible suspects: Merv Loomis, the homosexual counselor Nolan humiliates into quitting; the troubled ten-year-old Tony Rocca; Nolan's meek wife, Ellen; and several others. The setting and tone have the distinct feel of the early 1950s, but a casual reference to actress Catherine Deneuve places the action in the mid-60s or later.
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