

"Someone is coming this way," he muttered."I wonder what that means? Surely none of the circus people would come here.They would go around by the road."The lad concealed himself behind the knoll, peering over the top of it.He resolved not to show himself until he had discovered the identity of the newcomers.

They proved to be two men who halted a short distance beyond him, and began to converse in guarded tones.It was so dark that Phil could scarcely distinguish their figures and their voices were pitched so low that it was impossible for him to hear what they were saying.

"This looks queer," Phil muttered."I wish I could hear what they are talking about.Perhaps they are town fellows who have been chased off the lot because they were in the way.At any rate, I'm going to try to find out what they are up to.Hello, they are coming right over here."Phil crouched down behind the knoll and listened.The men turned slowly and came toward him.All at once one of them stumbled on the very knoll behind which he was secreted.

The man uttered a growl.

"Come, sit down," he said to his companion."We better go on," answered the other.

"No hurry.We've got all the time in the world.If we miss the boat we can swim.That was a narrow escape.In a minute more we'd had that wagon fixed so they would never have got off the lot with it.""Hello," muttered Phil under his breath."Something surely is going on here.One of the voices I have heard before, and the other I seem to recognize.I believe that first fellow belongs to the show.I am almost sure of it.""You think the fellow suspects?"

"The tall one does.But he doesn't know whom be suspects.""We have to take care." "Yes."

"But we will get both before the end of the season." "You bet we will.I have a plan that--""What is it?" "It is this."

Phil had buried his head in the grass and compressed his body into the smallest possible space that he might avoid discovery.He could hear the two men breathe, and he reasoned that they might hear him as well.

"You know the big net?"

"You mean the one over which the flying four perform?" "Yes.""What about it?" "It can be fixed." "How?""By weakening some of the strands on each side." "That is good, but suppose someone noticed.""Not if it is done right.I don't mean to do it all at once.I'll doctor one or two strands every day until the net is so weakened that it won't hold.""Yes, but how will you do this so no one will see?""I'll tell you.After the act is over they roll the net up and carry it out.It is dumped just outside the pad room, where it is picked up by one of the property wagons later in the evening.It's in the same place every night.""I think somebody may see us do it."

"No danger.Keep cool; that's all.We'll get even with those fellows.We have got to before we can carry out the other plans we have talked over.They are too sharp.Sooner or later they will get wise to us, and we've got to get them out of the way before we go any further.The work must be done in a natural sort of way, so that no suspicion is aroused.""Yes, that's so.But what about the others? You want to hurt them, too?""I don't care, so long as we get the right one, how many get their bumps.""That's right.But only one of them is on trapeze.What you do about other?""It is the tall one that I want most.He's got to be put out of the running.It won't kill him, but it will lay him up in a hospital for the rest of the season, and that's enough for us.""Yes."

"The other one will be taken care of after we get through with the first.The small fellow is sharp, but he can't see beyond his nose.It's easy to fool him.""The fiends!" muttered Phil."I believe they are plotting against Teddy and me.I have a good notion to sail into them right here and settle it.I believe I could whip the two of them.I--"At that instant a blade of grass tickled Phil's nose.He raised his head quickly.

"What's that?" exclaimed one of the plotters."I heard nothing.""You didn't? Well, I did.There's someone around here and close by us.""Perhaps it was a squirrel in the grass.There is no one here."The blade of grass had done its work, however.Phil tried hard to control himself, but he knew he was going to sneeze.

All at once the sneeze came, louder than he had ever sneezed before.The men leaped to their feet in sudden alarm.

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  • A Passion in the Desert

    A Passion in the Desert

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  • 给宝宝写诗


    Write a poem for the baby 我喜欢文字,在孤独的路上默默坚持了十年,我遇到了你,我才意识到我对文字的热爱,还不足我爱你的十分之一。这是我写给你妈妈的一首诗,不过,宝宝,我们两个对你的爱,只增不减。给宝宝读诗,并且做一个会写诗的爸爸。
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