

The blood came back to Thankful's cheek, and with it her old audacity.In another instant she was out from the tree, and tracking with a light feline tread the apparition that now loomed up the hill before her.Slipping from tree to tree, she followed until it passed before the door of a low hut or farm-shed that stood midway up the hill.Here it entered, and the door closed behind it.With every sense feverishly alert, Thankful, from the secure advantage of a large maple, watched the door of the hut.In a few moments it re-opened to the same figure free of its gray enwrappings.Forgetful of every thing now, but detecting the face of the impostor, the fearless girl left the tree, and placed herself directly in the path of the figure.At the same moment it turned toward her inquiringly, and the moonlight fell full upon the calm, composed features of Gen.Washington.

In her consternation Thankful could only drop an embarrassed courtesy, and hang out two lovely signals of distress in her cheeks.The face of the pseudo ghost alone remained unmoved.

"You are wandering late, Mistress Thankful," he said at last, with a paternal gravity; "and I fear that the formal restraint of a military household has already given you some embarrassment.

Yonder sentry, for instance, might have stopped you.""Oh, he did!" said Thankful quickly; "but it's all right, please your Excellency."He asked me 'Who went there,' and I told him;and he was vastly polite, I assure you."

The grave features of the commander-in-chief relaxed in a smile.

"You are more happy than most of your sex in turning a verbal compliment to practical account.For know then, dear young lady, that in honor of your visit to the headquarters, the password to-night through this encampment was none other than your own pretty patronymic,--'Thankful Blossom.'"The tears glittered in the girl's eyes, and her lip trembled; but, with all her readiness of speech, she could only say, "Oh, your Excellency.""Then you DID pass the sentry?" continued Washington, looking at her intently with a certain grave watchfulness in his gray eyes.

"And doubtless you wandered at the river-bank.Although I myself, tempted by the night, sometimes extend my walk as far as yonder shed, it were a hazardous act for a young lady to pass beyond the protection of the line.""Oh! I met no one, your Excellency," said the usually truthful Thankful hastily, rushing to her first lie with grateful impetuosity.

"And saw no one?" asked Washington quietly.

"No one," said Thankful, raising her brown eyes to the general's.

They both looked at each other,--the naturally most veracious young woman in the colonies, and the subsequent allegorical impersonation of truth in America,--and knew each other lied, and, I imagine, respected each other for it.

"I am glad to hear you say so, Mistress Thankful," said Washington quietly; "for 'twould have been natural for you to have sought an interview with your recreant lover in yonder camp, though the attempt would have been unwise and impossible.""I had no such thought, your Excellency," said Thankful, who had really quite forgotten her late intention; "yet, if with your permission I could hold a few moments' converse with Capt.

Brewster, it would greatly ease my mind.""'Twould not be well for the present," said Washington thoughtfully."But in a day or two Capt.Brewster will be tried by court-martial at Morristown.It shall be so ordered that when he is conveyed thither his guard shall halt at the Blossom Farm.Iwill see that the officer in command gives you an opportunity to see him.And I think I can promise also, Mistress Thankful, that your father shall be also present under his own roof, a free man."They had reached the entrance to the mansion, and entered the hall.

Thankful turned impulsively, and kissed the extended hand of the commander."You are so good! I have been so foolish--so very, very wrong," she said, with a slight trembling of her lip."And your Excellency believes my story; and those gentlemen were NOTspies, but even as they gave themselves to be.""I said not that much," replied Washington with a kindly smile, "but no matter.Tell me rather, Mistress Thankful, how far your acquaintance with these gentlemen has gone; or did it end with the box on the ear that you gave the baron?""He had asked me to ride with him to the Baskingridge, and I--had said--yes," faltered Mistress Thankful.

"Unless I misjudge you, Mistress Thankful, you can without great sacrifice promise me that you will not see him until I give you my permission," said Washington, with grave playfulness.

The swinging light shone full in Thankful's truthful eyes as she lifted them to his.

"I do," she said quietly.

"Good-night," said the commander, with a formal bow.

"Good-night, your Excellency."

  • Dead Souls

    Dead Souls

  • 实知篇


  • 乐府杂录


  • Beyond


  • 骊宫高-美天子重惜


  • 妾心如故


  • 首席大人,求闪婚!


  • 妃从天降:王爷的异世王妃


    (作者准备弃坑中……)她,是个人造人,生在三千世界之外,不受天地管束,从来不懂什么是爱,不知道什么是痛。他,七玄大陆玄紫帝国的并肩王,战功无数,生来便是天之骄子。初次见面,她因太过强大而被人类忌惮,想要对她进行强制性抹杀,在反抗的时候,‘不慎’掉入时空乱流,坠入了正在山林间正在和刺客对敌的他的怀中。(滴!作者已下线,简介无能……)【女主:零幻,男主:帝渊晨1v1双处】已建读者群,群聊号码:921109141 [如果不喜欢这本书别喷,因为本作者只是个初中生文采并不好,写小说只是我的一个兴趣爱好而已。]
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  • 农女来袭:相公,你要乖


  • 超天大帝

