

He could hear steps coming down the stairway and fingers fumbling at the key of the door.His attackers were gathering for a rush, and he wondered whether the rescue was to be too late.They came together, the opening door and the forward pour of huddled figures.He stepped back into the hall.

There was a raucous curse, a shot, and Yesler had slammed the door shut.He was alone in the darkness with his rescuer.

"We must get out of here.They're firing through the door," he said, and "Yes" came faintly back to him from across the hall.

"Do you know where the switch is?" he asked, wondering whether she was going to be such an idiot as to faint at this inopportune moment.

His answer came in a flood of light, and showed him a young woman crouched on the hall-rack a dozen feet from the switch.She was very white, and there was a little stain of crimson on the white lace of her sleeve.

A voice from the landing above demanded quickly, "Who are you, sir?" and after he had looked up', cried in surprise, "Mr.Yesler." "Miss Balfour," he replied."I'll explain later.I'm afraid the lady has been hit by a bullet."He was already beside his rescuer.She looked at him with a trace of a tired smile and said:

"In my arm."

After which she fainted.He picked up the young woman, carried her to the stairs, and mounted them.

"This way," said Virginia, leading him into a bedroom, the door of which was open.

He observed with surprise that she, too, was dressed in evening clothes, and rightly surmised that they had just come back from some social function.

"Is it serious?" asked Virginia, when he had laid his burden on the bed.

She was already clipping with a pair of scissors the sleeve from round the wound.

"It ought not to be," he said after he had examined it."The bullet has scorched along the fleshy part of the forearm.We must telephone for a doctor at once."She did so, then found water and cotton for bandages, and helped him make a temporary dressing.The patient recovered consciousness under the touch of the cold water, and asked: what was the matter.

"You have been hurt a little, but not badly I think.Don't you remember?

You came down and opened the door to let me in.""They were shooting at you.What for?" she wanted to know.

He smiled."Don't worry about that.It's all over with.I'm sorry you were hurt in saving me," said Yesler gently.

"Did I save you?" The gray eyes showed a gleam of pleasure."You certainly did.""This is Mr.Yesler, Laska.Mr.Yesler--Miss Lowe.I think you have never met.""Never before to-night," he said, pinning the bandage in place round the plump arm."There.That's all just now, ma'am.Did I hurt you very much?"The young woman felt oddly exhilarated."Not much.I'll forgive you if you'll tell me all about the affair.Why did they want to hurt you?"His big heart felt very tender toward this girl who had been wounded for him, but he showed it only by a smiling deference.

"You're right persistent, ma'am.You hadn't ought to be bothering your head about any such thing, but if you feel that way I'll be glad to tell you."He did.While they sat there and waited for the coming of the doctor, he told her the whole story of his attempt to stop the corruption that was eating like a canker at the life of the State.He was a plain man, not in the least eloquent, and he told his story without any sense that he had played any unusual part.In fact, he was ashamed that he had been forced to assume a role which necessitated a kind of treachery to those who thought they had bought him.

Laska Lowe's eyes shone with the delight his tale inspired in her.She lived largely in the land of ideals, and this fight against wrong moved her mightily.She could feel for him none of the shame which he felt for himself at being mixed up in so bad a business.He was playing a man's part, had chosen it at risk of his life.That was enough.In every fiber of her, she was glad that good fortune had given her the chance to bear a part of the battle.In her inmost heart she was even glad that to the day of her death she must bear the scar that would remind her she had suffered in so good a cause.

Virginia, for once obliterating herself, perceived how greatly takenthey were with each other.At bottom, nearly every woman is a match- maker.This one was no exception.She liked both this man and this woman, and her fancy had already begun to follow her hopes.Never before had Laska appeared to show much interest in any of the opposite sex with whom her friend had seen her.Now she was all enthusiasm, had forgotten completely the pain of her wound in the spirit's glow.

"She loved me for the danger I had pass'd, And I loved her that she did pity them.This only is the witchcraft I have us'd.'"Virginia quoted softly to herself, her eyes on the young woman so finely unconscious of the emotion that thrilled her.

  • 快穿遇上怂系统,男神别过来!


    “十,你该醒来了(温柔语)…要开始穿越了(超凶语)!!”“讨厌,人家又刚死了一次,就不给人家多睡会儿!”睁眼,又来黑暗席卷…“我说怎么我的穿越就必须得睁着眼睛呢?睁眼看黑暗真心无聊!”“别抱怨了宿主,你不睁眼我因为看不到,走错路了怎么办?”…“系统你出来!你能说说为什么十次有起码七次都是是为了救同一人,或者爱上同一个人吗?”“不是吧?我怎么不觉得?这…哪里像?”“别以为我认不出!这家伙虽然每个地方都变了,但是给人朦朦胧胧的感觉明明没变吧?!而且不是同一人的话,你干嘛用这么心虚的语气?!”“错…觉…“妈呀,完了,这次真的走错路了… - 本书确实1v1
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