

"I tell you, Jack, a man has to be bed-rocked in honesty or he's gone.Think of it.A country lawyer comes here who has never seen five thousand dollars in a lump sum, and they shove fifteen thousand at him for his vote.He is poor, ambitious, struggling along from hand to mouth.Ireckon we ain't in a position to judge that poor devil of a harassed fellow.Mebbe he's always been on the square, came here to do what was right, we'll say, but he sees corruption all round him.How can he help getting a warped notion of things? He sees his friends and his neighbors falling by the wayside.By God, it's got to the point in this legislature that an honest man's an object of obloquy.""That's right," agreed Roper."Easy enough for us to be square.We got good ranches back of us and can spend the winter playing poker at the Mesa Club if we feel like it.But if we stood where Billy George and Garner and Roberts and Munz do, I ain't so damn sure my virtue would stand the strain.Can you reach that salt, Sam?""Billy George has got a sick wife, and he's been wanting to send her back to her folks in the East, but he couldn't afford it.The doctors figured she ought to stay a year, and Billy would have to hire a woman to take care of his kids.I said to him: 'Hell, Billy, what's a friend for?' And I shoves a check at him.He wouldn't look at it; said he didn't know whether he could ever pay it, and he had not come down to charity yet.""Billy's a white man.That's what makes me sick.Right on top of all his bad luck he comes here and sees that everybody is getting a big roll.He thinks of that white-faced wife of his dragging herself round among the kids and dying by inches for lack of what money can buy her.I tell you I don't blame him.It's the fellows putting the temptation up to him that ought to be strung up.""I see that hound Pelton's mighty active in it.He's got it in for Ridgway since Waring threw him down, and he's plugging night and day for Warner.Stays pretty well tanked up.Hopper tells me he's been making threats to kill Waring on sight.""I heard that and told Waring.He laughed and said he hoped he would live till Pelton killed him.I like Waring.He's got the guts, as his miners say.But he's away off on this fight.He's using money right and left just as Harley is."Yesler nodded."The whole town's corrupted.It takes bribery for granted.Men meet on the street and ask what the price of votes is this morning.Everybody feels prosperous.""I heard that a chambermaid at the Quartzite Hotel found seven thousand dollars in big bills pinned to the bottom of a mattress in Garner's room yesterday.He didn't dare bank it, of course.""Poor devil! He's another man that would like to be honest, but with the whole place impregnated with bribery he couldn't stand the pressure.But after this is all over he'll go home to his wife and his neighbors with the canker of this thing at his heart until he dies.I tell you, Jack, I'm for stopping it if we can.""How?"

"There's one way.I've been approached indirectly by Pelton, to deliver our vote to the Consolidated.Suppose we arrange to do it, get evidence, and make a public exposure."They were alone in a private dining-room of a restaurant, but Yesler's voice had fallen almost to a whisper.With his steady gray eyes he looked across at the man who had ridden the range with him fifteen years ago when he had not had a sou to bless himself with.

Roper tugged at his long drooping mustache and gazed at his friend."It's a large order, Sam, a devilish large order.Do you reckon we could deliver?""I think so.There are six of us that will stand pat at any cost.If we play our cards right and keep mum the surprise of it is bound to shake votes loose when we spring the bomb.The whole point is whether we can take advantage of that surprise to elect a decent man.I don't say it can be done, but there's a chance of it."The old stage-driver laughed softly."We'll be damned good and plenty by both sides.""Of course.It won't be a pleasant thing to do, but then it isn't exactly pleasant to sit quiet and let these factions use the State as a pawn in their game of grab.""I'm with you, Sam.Go to it, my boy, and I'll back you to the limit." "We had better not talk it over here.Come to my room after dinner andbring Landor and James with you.I'll have Reedy and Keller there.I'll mention casually that it's a big game of poker, and I'll have cards and drinks sent up.You want to remember we can't be too careful.If it leaksout we lose."

"I'm a clam, Sam.Do you want I should speak of it to Landor and James?""Better wait till we get together."

"What about Ward? He's always been with us.""He talks too much.We can take him in at the last minute if we like." "That would be better.I ain't so sure about Reedy, either.He's straightas a string, of course; not a crooked hair in his head.But when he gets to drinking he's likely to let things out.""You're right.We'll leave him out, too, until the last minute.There's another thing I've thought of.Ridgway can't win.At least I don't see how he can control more than twenty five votes.Suppose at the very last moment we make a deal with him and with the Democrats to pool our votes on some square man.With Waring it's anything to beat the Consolidated.He'll jump at the chance if he's sure he is out of the running himself.Those of the Democrats that Harley can't buy will be glad to beat his man.I don't say it can be done, Jack.All I say is that it is worth a trial.""You bet."

They met that night in Yesler's rooms round a card-table.The hands were dealt for form's sake, since there were spies everywhere, and it was necessary to ring for cigars and refreshments occasionally to avoid suspicion.They were all cattlemen, large or small, big outdoors sunburned men, who rode the range in the spring and fall with their punchers and asked no odds of any man.

Until long past midnight they talked the details over, and when they separated in the small hours it was with a well-defined plan to save the State from its impending disgrace if the thing could be done.

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    携手共命运 同心促发展——在2018年中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式上的主旨讲话

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