

"He's gone over in some of these yards," breathed Phil."Let's take the place that's lighted up, first.He'd be more likely to go where there is life.He--"Phil's words were cut short by a shriek of terror from the lighted house followed by another and another.

"He's there!Come on!"

Both boys vaulted the fence and ran to the front door.By this time shriek upon shriek rent the air.The lads burst into the house without an instant's hesitation.

"Upstairs!" cried Phil, bounding up three steps at a time.

A woman, pale and wide-eyed, had pointed that way when she saw the two boys in their circus tights and realized what they had come there for.

In a large room a dozen people, pale and frightened were standing, one man with hand on the door ready to slam it shut at first sign of the intruder.

"Where--where is he?" demanded Phil breathlessly.

"We were playing cards, and when somebody looked up he saw that beast standing in the door here looking in.He--he went down in the back yard.Maybe you will be able to see him if you go in the room across the hall there.There's a yard fenced off there for the dogs to run in."Phil bounded across the hall followed by two of the men.

"Does that stairway lead down into the back yard?" questioned Phil."Yes, yes.""Was the door open?" "Yes, yes."

"Is it open now?"

"Yes.We can feel the draft."

"Show me into the room and I'll take a look."One of the men, who evidently lived in the house, stepped gingerly across the hall, turned the knob and pushed the door in ever so little.Phil and Teddy, with torches still in hand, crowded in.As they did so their guide uttering a frightened yell, slammed the door shut, and Phil heard a bolt shoot in place.

The boys found themselves in a large room running the full depth of the house.It had been rigged up, as a gymnasium, with the familiar flying rings, parallel bars and other useful equipment.

All this they saw instinctively.But what they saw beyond all this caused the Circus Boys to pause almost spellbound.

"He's in there! He's in there!" shouted half a dozen voices at the same moment.Then the lads heard the people rush down the stairs and out into the street shouting and screaming for help.

Crouching in the far corner of the room, lashing its tail, its evil eyes fixed upon them, was the lion Wallace.

"Wow!" breathed Teddy.

Phil with eyes fixed upon the lion reached back one hand and tried the door behind him.It was locked.

"Teddy, don't make any sudden moves," cautioned Phil in a low voice."We're locked in.Give me your torch.Now edge over to that open window and drop out.We can't both try it, or Wallace will be upon us in a flash.When you get out, run for the lot.Run as you never ran before.Get the men here.Have them rush Wallace's cage here.Be careful until you get out.Those people have locked us in.I shouldn't dare open the door anyway, now, for he'd catch us before we could get out.I know the ways of these tricky cats.""Phil, he'll kill you!"

"He won't.I've got the torches.They're the best weapons a man could have--they and the whip."Teddy edged toward the window while Phil with a stern command to the lion to "charge!" at the same time cracking the whip and thrusting the torches toward the beast, checked the rush that Wallace seemed about tomake.

Teddy dropped from the window a moment later.Then began an experience for Phil Forrest that few boys would have had the courage to face.

Not for an instant did the Circus Boy lose his presence of mind.He took good care not to crowd Wallace, giving him plenty of room, constantly talking to him as he had frequently heard the animal's keeper do, and keeping the beast's mind occupied as much as he could.

Now and then Wallace would attempt to creep up on Phil, whereupon the lad would start forward thrusting the torches before him and crack the whip again.Wallace was afraid of fire, and under the menacing thrusts of the torches would back cowering into his corner.

For a full half hour did Phil Forrest face this deadly peril, cool, collected, his mind ever on the alert, standing there in his pink tights, almost a heroic figure as he poised in the light of the flaring torches, the smoke of which got into his lungs and made him cough.He did all he could to suppress this, for it disturbed and irritated Wallace, who showed his disapproval by swishing his tail and uttering low, deep growls of resentment.

Phil backed away a little so as to get nearer the window that he might find more fresh air.Wallace followed.Phil sprang at him.

"Charge!" he commanded making several violent thrusts with the torches, at which Wallace backed away again and crouched lower.Phil saw that the lion was preparing to jump over his head; and, discovering this, the lad held one torch high above his head and kept it swaying there from side to side.

Suddenly he made another discovery.

The light seemed to be growing dim.A quick glance at the flames of the torches told him what the trouble was.

He dared not let his eyes dwell on the flame for more than a brief instant for the glare would so blind him that he would not be able to clearly make out the lion.To lose sight of Wallace for a few seconds might mean a sudden and quick end to Phil Forrest, and he knew it full well.

The lad backed a bit closer to the window, keeping his torches moving rapidly to hide his movements.

Wallace, watching the torches did not observe the action.

"The torches are going out," breathed Phil."If the folks don't come soon I've got to jump through window glass and all or Wallace will spring."Phil was in a desperate situation.



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    她是仙界唯一大乘期的女仙,渡劫时不幸陨落;她,现代天才少女家境贫寒;当大能女仙遇到天才少女,会有怎样的事发生呢...诸位读者,在看文前希望能够看完小妖这些话。 大家在看文时都能看出小妖是个写文小白,可以说对于写文毫无经验,但小妖也在努力成为更好的人,希望读者能够善待还没有成长起来的我。 这个世界不缺乏恶意,甚至有的人连自己写出的词汇含义概括都没弄懂就写在评论里,这是一种很不负责任的行为,对作者也会造成伤害,更甚至会因为某些人的言语不当而滋生出舆论,导致作者放弃写文放弃自己的喜爱,而这样的事情也确实发生了很多,所以希望诸位书友拿出你们的善意来看文,谨言来评论。 最后:小妖在没有写文前也很喜欢看文,也看了很多的文,之所以决定自己写文不是因为有多大的理想,或者当做正业来赚钱,小妖的作品有几部,但是一直以来也没有固定的作品风格,更没有随着时下热门题材写文,而原因只有一个,那就是因为小妖只想写自己喜欢看的文,看自己想看的结局。小妖喜欢沉浸在写文的过程中,发表也只是想让大家分享我的喜悦。 至此感谢耐心读完这段话的书友们,小妖无法令所有人满意,所以希望大家拿出善意对待,谨言评论,不喜请绕开。
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