


"I guess I'll leave my bag in the station and go over to the lot," decided the lad.

"The stake and chain gang will just about be on the job by this time."It is a well known fact in the circus world that there is no better place to get information than from the stake and chain gang, the men who hurry to the lot the moment their train gets in and survey it, driving stakes to show where the tents are to be pitched, and it is a familiar answer, when one is unable to answer a question to say: "Ask the stake and chain gang."That was exactly what Phil Forrest had in mind to do.

He followed a show wagon to the circus lot, where he found the men already at work measuring off the ground with their surveyor's chains, in the faint morning light.

"Morning," smiled Phil, sauntering over to where he observed the foreman watching the work of his men.

"Morning," growled the showman.Phil knew he would growl because the fellow had not yet had his breakfast.

"Seems to me the circuses are coming this way pretty fast?" suggested the lad.

"What d'ye mean?"

"I hear that there are to be two over in Corinto within two days--yours and--and.What's the name of the other one?""Sparling's," grunted the foreman.

Phil grinned appreciatively.He had drawn his man out on the first round.

"That's it.That's the name.I shouldn't think he'd want to show in the same place the day after you had been there?""Why not?"

" 'Cause the folks will all spend their money going to your show." The foreman threw back his head and laughed.

"That's exactly what they will do, kid.That's what we want them to do.We'll make that Sparling outfit get off the earth before we getthrough with them.The boss has his axe out for that outfit." "Indeed?" cooed Phil.

"Yes.He's going, between you and me, to keep a day ahead of them all the way over this circuit.""Smart, very smart," laughed Phil, slapping his thigh as if he appreciated the joke fully."Have an orange.I always carry some about with me when I'm going to visit a circus.""Thanks, that will taste good at this time of the morning.It will keep me going until the cook tent is ready.The cook tent is where we get our meals, you understand.'Course you don't know about those things.""No indeed!"

"Outsiders never do," replied the man.

"I was wondering something a moment ago, when you told me about getting ahead of the other fellow.""Wondering?" "Yes."


"Wondering how you know where the other fellow is going?""That's a dark secret, kid," answered the stake and chain foreman, with a very knowing wink.

"But if you know where he is going he must know where you are billed for at the same time," urged Phil.

"He don't." "But why not?"

"In the first place we bill ourselves only a few days ahead.And, in the second, we have a way of finding out where Sparling is going for the next month or so ahead.Sometimes further than that.""Well, well, that's interesting--" The foreman hurried off to give some directions to his men, slowly returning a few minutes later.

"I should like to know how you do it?"

"Say kid, there's tricks in the show business just the same as in any other.Mebby there's somebody with the Sparling outfit who keeps us posted.Mind you, I ain't saying there is; but that there might be.""Oh, I see," muttered Phil, suddenly enlightened."Then someone inthe other show is giving away his employer's secrets.Fine for you, but pretty rough on the other fellow.""Let the other fellow take care of himself, the same way we do," growled the foreman, following it with a threatening command to one of his men.

"That hardly seems fair," objected Phil.

"All is fair in war and the circus business.You seem a good deal interested in this competition business?" snapped the man with sudden suspicion in voice and face.

"I am.But where is this--this Sparling show going to--do you know what towns they are going to play for the next month? Can you tell that, too?""I can come pretty close to it," grinned the showman, whereupon he named the towns on Phil's route list without so much as missing one of them.But the stake and chain foreman did not stop here; he went on and gave a further list that Phil only knew of as having heard mentioned by Mr.Sparling in his various conversations with the circus lad.

Phil was amazed.

"Then they must be going west.I see," nodded the boy."No, you don't see.You only think you do.""No?"

"No.If you was a showman and knew your business you'd know that the Sparling outfit was going to make a sudden turn after a little, and head for Dixie Land.""Down south," exclaimed Phil.

"Sure.Why not? You see you lubbers don't know any more about the show business than--""And you are going to follow them?"

  • Some Roundabout Papers

    Some Roundabout Papers

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  • 本朝茶法


  • 健商保证智慧(下)


  • 遗神策


  • 头条天后很撩人


  • 慕家养女初成人


  • 七里樱


  • 厨娘有点田


  • 龙门三少之系统


  • 少年天才样样俱全


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  • 超神学院之系统之证

