


There was a wedding next day on the deck of the Jasper B.The Rev.Simeon Calthrop performed the ceremony, and Wilton Barnstable insisted upon lending his vessel for a bridal cruise.Washington Artillery Lamb, engineer, janitor, cook and butler of the Annabel Lee, went with the vessel.

As for the Jasper B., although his wife urged him to keep the ship for the sake of old associations, Cleggett had the hole in its side built in and gave it to the Rev.Simeon Calthrop for a gospel ship.George the Greek, who married Miss Medley, shipped with the preacher in his cruise around the world, and he and his wife eventually reached Greece, as he had originally intended.Elmer went with the Rev.Mr.Calthrop to assist him in his missionary work.

But it was some time before the Jasper B.sailed.Besides the hole which was the entrance to the tunnel it was discovered that the vessel rested on a brick foundation.The man who had used her for a saloon and dancing platform in years past had dug away part of the bank of the canal to fit the curve of her starboard side and had then jammed her tight into the land.Even then she would move a trifle at times, so he had built a dam around her, pumped the water out of the inclosed space, jacked the hulk up, built the brick foundation, and let her down solidly on it again.

With the dam removed the water covered this masonry work, and she looked quite like a real ship.Mr.Goldberg had known about this foundation, but he had forgotten it, he explained to Cleggett.

The Rev.Mr.Calthrop fitted her out as a floating chapel and filled herwith Bibles printed in all languages, which he distributes in many lands.When his fatal attractiveness for women threatens to involve him in trouble he hastily puts to sea.He has never become a really accomplished sailor, and the Jasper B.is something of a menace to navigation in the ports and harbors of the world.The suggestion has frequently been made that she should be set ashore permanently and put on wheels.But she has her features.She is, possibly, the only ship extant with a memorial skylight to her cabin.Cleggett wished her to carry some sort of memorial to the faithful Teddy, the Pomeranian dog, who perished of a stray shot in the fight at Morris's.And as a memorial window did not seem feasible a compromise was made on the memorial skylight.The glass is by Tiffany.

Dopey Eddie and Izzy the Cat, still followed by Reginald Maltravers, made their way to Brooklyn, where all three were arrested and lodged in the observation ward of the Kings County Hospital on the suspicion that they were insane.The two gunmen were able to get free through political influence, but Maltravers was sent to England.He was maintained for some time in a private institution through the generosity of the Cleggetts, but finally went on a hunger strike and died.

Wilton Barnstable smiles and prospers.He gained great additional fame for his clever work in the Case of Logan Black.

Cleggett, in 1925, was the father of four boys named D'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis Cleggett; and the owner of the Claiborne estates.

He is now immensely wealthy.It never would have occurred to him, perhaps, to attempt to increase his modest fortune of $500,000 by speculating on the Stock Exchange, had it not been for a fortunate meeting with a barber in Nassau Street.

This barber, whose Christian name was Walter, was, indeed, a mine of suggestion and information of all sorts.And being a good-natured fellow, who wished the world well, Walter delighted to impart his original ideas and the fruits of his observation to his patrons while shaving them.Someof these received his remarks coldly, it is true, but Walter was so charged with a sense of friendliness towards all mankind that he was never daunted for long by a rebuff.

His interests were wide and varied; Walter found no difficulty in talking pleasantly upon any subject; he could touch it lightly, or deal with it in a more serious vein, as the mood of his customer seemed to require; and he had the art of making deft and rapid transitions from topic to topic.But there were two things in particular concerning which Walter had thought deeply: racehorses and the stock market.

It was the settled grief of Walter's life that he had never been able to persuade any person with money to take his advice concerning the races, or follow any of the dazzling stock market campaigns which he was forever outlining.

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