

It might have occurred to a person more critical than Cleggett that it was he himself who had furnished nearly all the real evidence upon which Wilton Barnstable was constructing this Case of Logan Black.But Cleggett looked for the gold in men, not the dross; the great qualities of Wilton Barnstable appealed to his imagination; the best in Cleggett responded to the best in Wilton Barnstable; if the detective possessed a certain amount of vanity, Cleggett preferred to overlook it.

"Decidedly," said Wilton Barnstable, laying down the magazine, and looking at Cleggett kindly and serenely, "I shall see to it that your name is mentioned in connection with the Case of Logan Black." And Barton Ward and Watson Bard also bent upon him their bland and friendly regard.

Cleggett was about to thank them, but at that moment there was a commotion of some sort on deck.

Two female voices, one of which they all recognized as that of Miss Genevieve Pringle, were mingling in a babble of greeting, expostulation, interjection, and explanation, and presently Miss Pringle entered the cabin, followed by a younger lady who, except for her youth, looked much like her.

"My niece, Miss Henrietta Pringle, of Flatbush," said Miss Pringle, primly presenting her prim relation."She has just arrived--""With the plum preserves!" cried Lady Agatha.

"With the plum preserves," confirmed Miss Genevieve Pringle.

And Captain Abernethy and George the Greek bore into the cabin a third oblong box, exactly similar in appearance to the box of Reginald Maltravers and the box which contained the evidence against Logan Black, and set it on the floor.

The three detectives stood and looked at the three boxes with an air of great satisfaction.

"With this addition to our oblong boxes," said Wilton Barnstable, "their number is now complete.Miss Henrietta Pringle, we will listen to your story."There was little to tell, and Miss Henrietta Pringle told it in a breath.Having received no acknowledgment of the receipt of the plum preserves from her aunt, an unusual oversight on her aunt's part, she had journeyed to Newark with a vague fear that there might be something wrong.

"Arrived in Newark," she said, "I learned that my aunt, with her two white horses and her family carriage driven by Jefferson, the negro coachmen, had suddenly left Newark, without giving any explanation to anyone, or making her destination known.

"The proceeding was very strange; it was very unlike my aunt, and I was frightened.Everyone who had seen her start testified that she was laboring under a great nervous strain of some sort.

"I called at the freight depot and got the box of plum preserves which I had shipped to her.To tell the truth, I feared for her reason.I thought that if I could find her, and could show her the familiar plum preserves, which she loved so well, they would be of material assistance in influencing her to return to her home.So, setting out to search for her in my Ford auto, I took the box of plum preserves with me.

"I soon got upon her trail.The negro coachman, the family carriage and the white horses had excited remark everywhere.Briefly, I traced her here, and am happy to discover that my worst fears with regard to her have proved false.""Henrietta," said her aunt, reproachfully, "your fears do you very little credit, or me either.""Aunt Genevieve," said the niece, "pray, do not rebuke me.""I was certain," said Wilton Barnstable, complacently, "that it would develop that Miss Genevieve Pringle was herself being pursued.I was confident of it, Cleggett.And now that I have cleared up for you the mystery of Logan Black, the mystery of the box of Reginald Maltravers, and the mystery of the box of plum preserves, there only remains the capture of Logan Black to hold me in this part of the country and to keep you from your voyage to the China Seas.""We must get together," said Cleggett, "on a plan of campaign.Logan Black will certainly attack again.He has only been beaten off temporarily.In the meanwhile, it is almost breakfast time."And, indeed, the lights in the cabin were suddenly growing pale.The sun was rising.Its beams, shining through the cabin skylight, fell upon the three great detectives, each one of whom, with an air of ineffable satisfaction, was gloating--but gloating urbanely and with dignity--over an oblong box.

  • 佛说清净心经


  • 玉皇心印妙经注


  • 陈刚中诗集


  • 金锁玉关


  • 勇毅


  • 爱情终究会来到


  • 生意场上必懂的读心术


  • 流离的萤火爱情


  • 蛇塔上的火鸡


  • 爱你是寂静凋零


  • 暗影浮沉


  • 巫临洪荒


  • 燕市货声


  • 訄书


  • 再战天王

