

t was a baby grand, much out of tune, but Howard, bulging over the stool, made it sound like an orchestra,--a cabaret orchestra, and ran from Grieg to Jerome Kern and back to Gounod, syncopating everything with the gusto and the sense of time that is almost peculiar to a colored professional.Then he suddenly burst into song and sang about a baby in the soft round high baritone of all men who run to fat and with the same quite charming sympathy.A useful, excellent fellow, amazingly unself-conscious and gifted.

Martin was infinitely content to listen and lie back in a deep straw chair with a pipe between his teeth, the memories of good evenings at Yale curling up in his smoke.And Tootles, thinking and thinking, sat, Puck-like, at his feet, with her warm shoulders against his knees.Not in her memory could she delve for pleasant things, not yet.Eh, but some day she might be among the lucky ones, if--if her plan went through--Howard lit another cigarette at the end of the song, but before he could get his hands on the notes again Irene bounded to her feet and went over to the piano."Say, can you play 'Love's Epitome'?" she pronounced it "Eppy-tomy.""Can a duck swim?" asked Howard, resisting a temptation to emit a howl of mirth.She was too good a sort to chaff about her frequent maltreatment of the language.

"Go ahead, then, and I'll give you all a treat." He played the sentimental prelude of this characteristic product of the vaudeville stage, every note of which was plagiarized from a thousand plagiarisms and which imagined that eternity rhymed with serenity and mother with weather.With gestures that could belong to no other school than that of the twice-dailies and the shrill nasal voice that inevitably goes with them, Irene, with the utmost solemnity, went solidly through the whole appalling thing, making the frequent yous "yee-ooo" in the true "vawdville" manner.

To Tootles it was very moving, and she was proud of her friend.

Martin almost died of it, and Howard was weak from suppressed laughter.It was the first time that Irene had shown the boys what she could do, and she was delighted at their enthusiastic applause.

She would have rendered another of the same sort gladly enough,--she knew dozens of them, if Tootles had not given her a quick look and risen to her feet.

"Us for the downey," she said, and put the palm of her hand on Martin's lips.He kissed it.

"Not yet," said Howard."It's early."

"Late enough for those who get up at dawn, old dear.Come on, Irene."And Irene, remembering what her friend had said that morning, played the game loyally, although most reluctant to leave that pleasant atmosphere, and said "Good night." And she was in such good voice and Howard played her accompaniment like a streak.Well, well.

Tootles took her hand away gently, gave Martin a little disturbing smile, put her arm round the robust shoulders of her chum, opened the screen door and was gone.

Howard immediately left the piano.He had only played to keep things merry and bright."Me for a drink," he said."And I think I've earned it."Martin's teeth gleamed as he gave one of his silent laughs.

"How well you know me, old son," he said.

"Of course.But--why?"

"I like Tootles awfully.She's one in a million.But somehow it's--oh, I dunno,--mighty difficult to talk to her.""Poor little devil," said Howard involuntarily.

"But she's having a real good time--isn't she?""Is she?" He helped himself to a mild highball in reluctant deference to his weight.

"I've never seen her look so well," said Martin.

Wondering whether to tell the truth about her state of mind, which his quick sophisticated eyes had very quickly mastered, Howard drank, and decided that he wouldn't.It would only make things uncomfortable for Martin and be of no service to Tootles.If she loved him, poor little soul, and he was not made of the stuff to take advantage of it, well, there it was.He, himself, was different, but then he had no Joan as a silent third.No, he would let things alone.Poor old Tootles.

"Great weather," he said, wrenching the conversation into a harmless generality."Are you sleeping on the yawl to-night?""Yes," replied Martin."It's wonderful on the water.So still.I can hear the stars whisper.""Most of the stars I know get precious noisy at night," said Howard, characteristically unable to let such a chance go by.Then he grew suddenly grave and sat down."Martin, I'm getting frightfully fed up with messing about in town.I'm going to turn a mental and physical somersault and get a bit of self-respect.""Oh? How's that, old man."

"It's this damn war, I think.I've been reading a book in bed by a man called Philip Gibbs.Martin, I'm going to Plattsburg this August to see if they can make something of me."Martin got up."I'm with you," he said."If ever we get into this business I'm going to be among the first bunch to go.So we may as well know something.Well, how about turning in now? There'll be a wind to-morrow.Hear the trees?" He filled his pocket with cigarettes and slung a white sweater over his shoulder.

"All right," said Howard."I shall read down here a bit.I won't forget to turn out and lock up." He had forgotten one night and Judson had reported him.

"Good night, old son."

"Good night, old man."

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