
第75章 The Artificial Paradise(1)

It was, I recall, at that period of the late unpleasantness in the little Central American republic of Vespuccia, when things looked darkest for American investors, that I hurried home one evening to Kennedy, bursting with news.

By way of explanation, I may add that during the rubber boom Kennedy had invested in stock of a rubber company in Vespuccia, and that its value bad been shrinking for some time with that elasticity which a rubber band shows when one party suddenly lets go his end.Kennedy had been in danger of being snapped rather hard by the recoil, and I knew he had put in an order with his broker to sell and take his loss when a certain figure was reached.My news was a first ray of light in an otherwise dark situation, and I wanted to advise him to cancel the selling order and stick for a rise.

Accordingly I hurried unceremoniously into our apartment with the words on my lips before I had fairly closed the door."What do you think, Craig" I shouted."It is rumoured that the revolutionists have captured half a million dollars from the government and are sending it to--" I stopped short.I had no idea that Kennedy had a client, and a girl, too.

With a hastily mumbled apology I checked myself and backed out toward my own room.I may as well confess that I did not retreat very fast, however.Kennedy's client was not only a girl, but a very pretty one, I found, as she turned her head quickly at my sudden entrance and betray a lively interest at the mention of the revolution.She was a Latin-American, and the Latin-American type of feminine beauty is fascinating at least to me.I did not retreat very fast.

As I hoped, Kennedy rose to the occasion."Miss Guerrero," he said, "let me introduce Mr.Jameson, who has helped me very much in solving some of my most difficult cases.Miss Guerrero's father, Walter, is the owner of a plantation which sells its product to the company I am interested in."She bowed graciously, but there was a moment of embarrassment until Kennedy came to the rescue.

"I shall need Mr.Jameson in handling your case, Miss Guerrero,"he explained."Would it be presuming to ask you to repeat to him briefly what you have already told me about the mysterious disappearance of your father? Perhaps some additional details will occur to you, things that you may consider trivial, but which, I assure you, may be of the utmost importance."She assented, and in a low, tremulous, musical voice bravely went through her story.

"We come," she began, "my father and I--for my mother died when Iwas a little girl--we come from the northern part of Vespuccia, where foreign capitalists are much interested in the introduction of a new rubber plant.I am an only child and have been the constant companion of my father for years, ever since I could ride a pony, going with him about our hacienda and on business trips to Europe and the States.

"I may as well say at the start, Mr.Jameson, that although my father is a large land-owner, he has very liberal political views and is deeply in sympathy with the revolution that is now going on in Vespuccia.In fact, we were forced to flee very early in the trouble, and as there seemed to be more need of his services here in New York than in any of the neighbouring countries, we came here.So you see that if the revolution is not successful his estate will probably be confiscated and we shall be penniless.He is the agent --the head of the junta, I suppose you would call it--here in New York.""Engaged in purchasing arms and ammunition," put in Kennedy, as she paused, "and seeing that they are shipped safely to New Orleans as agricultural machinery, where another agent receives them and attends to their safe transit across the Gulf."She nodded and after a moment resumed"There is quite a little colony of Vespuccians here in New York, both revolutionists and government supporters.I suppose that neither of you has any idea of the intriguing that is going on under the peaceful surface right here in your own city.But there is much of it, more than even I know or can tell you.Well, my father lately has been acting very queerly.There is a group who meet frequently at the home of a Senora Mendez--an insurrecto group, of course.I do not go, for they are all much older people than I.I know the senora well, but I prefer a different kind of person.My friends are younger and perhaps more radical, more in earnest about the future of Vespuccia.

"For some weeks it has seemed to me that this Senora Mendez has had too much influence over my father.He does not seem like the same man he used to be.Indeed, some of the junta who do not frequent the house of the senora have remarked it.He seems moody, works by starts, then will neglect his work entirely.

Often I see him with his eyes closed, apparently sitting quietly, oblivious to the progress of the cause--the only cause now which can restore us our estate.

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    【木叶之秀到大结局内容提要:】我是主角,作为一个火影迷我居然穿越到火影世界,这对我这个爱看火影的人来说,是兴奋……个锤子的。 ……叮,最强之‘谁都看不到我’系统开始绑定..绑定成功。主角..系统,在吗?我想回家。系统:对不起,本系统已下线。主角..算了,女浴室有人找我搓澡。......打死这个偷窥狂!主角……猝。大结局,终。PS:求收藏、求推荐票、求月票、求打赏、等……时间线有改动。
  • 智能时代


    本书的创作来源于作者杰夫·霍金斯的两大热爱,作为一名成功的计算机工程师和企业家,杰夫·霍金斯因创办了Palm Computing和Handspring两家公司而声名在外,而他个人更重要的兴趣在于大脑。在《智能时代》这本书中,作者将计算机与大脑两个领域的研究结合在一起,从大脑的细节处探究与解析人类智能的本质。这是一本简单、直观解释大脑的书,作者在书中提出“记忆-预测框架”理论,将大脑预测未来的能力作为智能的关键,并探讨了人类如何能建造智能机器,以及智能机器的未来将是什么样子。是有关智能原理的必读书,具有跨时代的意义。