
第26章 The Deadly Tube(4)

Within the room that the unfortunate woman had occupied Kennedy took the coverings off the packages.It was nothing but a portable electric vacuum cleaner, which he quickly attached and set running.Up and down the floor, around and under the bed he pushed the cleaner.He used the various attachments to clean the curtains, the walls, and even the furniture.Particularly did he pay attention to the base board on the wall back of the bed.Then he carefully removed the dust from the cleaner and sealed it up in a leaden box.

He was about to detach and pack up the cleaner when another idea seemed to occur to him."Might as well make a thorough job of it, Walter," he said, adjusting the apparatus again."I've cleaned everything but the mattress and the brass bars behind the mattress on the bed.Now I'll tackle them.I think we ought to go into the suction-cleaning business--more money in it than in being a detective, I'll bet."The cleaner was run over and under the mattress and along every crack and cranny of the brass bed.This done and this dust also carefully stowed away, we departed, very much to the mystification of Marie and, I could not help feeling, of other eyes that peered in through keyholes or cracks in doors.

"At any rate," said Kennedy exultingly, "I think we have stolen a march on them.I don't believe they were prepared for this, not at least at this stage in the game.Don't ask me any questions, Walter.Then you will have no secrets to keep if anyone should try to pry them loose.Only remember that this man Lawrence is a shrewd character."The next day Marie came, looking even more careworn than before.

"What's the matter, mademoiselle?" asked Craig."Didn't you pass a better night?""Oh, mon Dieu, I rest well, yes.But this morning, while I am at breakfast, Mr.Close send for me.He say that I am discharged.

Some servant tell of your visit and he Verry angr-ry.And now what is to become of me--will madame his wife give a recommendation now?""Walter, we have been discovered," exclaimed Craig with considerable vexation.Then he remembered the poor girl who had been an involuntary sacrifice to our investigation.Turning to her he said: "Marie, I know several very good families, and I am sure you will not suffer for what you have done by being faithful to your mistress.Only be patient a few days.Go live with some of your folks.I will see that you are placed again."The girl was profuse in her thanks as she dried her tears and departed.

"I hadn't anticipated having my hand forced so soon," said Craig after she had gone, leaving her address."However, we are on the right track.What was it that you were going to tell me when Marie came in?""Something that may be very important, Craig," I said, "though Idon't understand it myself.Pressure is being brought to bear on the Star to keep this thing out of the papers, or at least to minimise it.""I'm not surprised," commented Craig."What do you mean by pressure being brought?""Why, Close's lawyer, Lawrence, called up the editor this morning --I don't suppose that you know, but he has some connection with the interests which control the Star--and said that the activity of one of the reporters from the Star, Jameson by name, was very distasteful to Mr.Close and that this reporter was employing a man named Kennedy to assist him.

"I don't understand it, Craig;" I confessed, "but here one day they give the news to the papers, and two days later they almost threaten us with suit if we don't stop publishing it.""It is perplexing," said Craig, with the air of one who was not a bit perplexed, but rather enlightened.

He pulled down the district telegraph messenger lever three times, and we sat in silence for a while.

"However," he resumed, "I shall be ready for them tonight."I said nothing.Several minutes elapsed.Then the messenger rapped on the door.

"I want these two notes delivered right away," said Craig to the boy; "here's a quarter for you.Now mind you don't get interested in a detective story and forget the notes.If you are back here quickly with the receipts I'll give you another quarter.Now scurry along."Then, after the boy had gone, he said casually to me: "Two notes to Close and Gregory, asking them to be present with their attorneys to-night.Close will bring Lawrence, and Gregory will bring a young lawyer named Asche, a very clever fellow.The notes are so worded that they can hardly refuse the invitation."Meanwhile I carried out an assignment for the Star, and telephoned my story in so as to be sure of being with Craig at the crucial moment.For I was thoroughly curious about his next move in the game.I found him still in his laboratory attaching two coils of thin wire to the connections on the outside of a queer-looking little black box.

"What's that" I asked, eyeing the sinister looking little box suspiciously."An infernal machine? You're not going to blow the culprit into eternity, I hope.""Never mind what it is, Walter.You'll find that out in due time.

It may or it may not be an infernal machine of a different sort than any you have probably ever heard of.The less you know now the less likely you are to give anything away by a look or an act.Come now, make yourself useful as well as ornamental.Take these wires and lay them in the cracks of the floor, and be careful not to let them show.A little dust over them will conceal them beautifully."Craig now placed the black box back of one of the chairs well down toward the floor, where it could hardly have been perceived unless one were suspecting something of the sort.While he was doing so I ran the wires across the floor, and around the edge of the room to the door.

  • 天魔舞


    《天魔舞》是一部描写抗日战争后期大后方成都社会风貌及世态人情的 长篇小说。故事以1938年国民党迁都重庆后的时代为背景,描写了“国战” 期间跑到成都的国民党政府大小官员、普通下江百姓和生活在成都本土的平 民百姓的生活画卷,反映了那个特殊时代下行行色色人等的真实生活。李劼 人先生以他如椽的大笔,刻画了如陈登云、陈莉华等一批发国难财的政府官 员下的小爪牙和红男绿女,如白之时、唐淑贞等平民百姓,同时生动地再现 了抗战时期大后方成都的风土人情,特别是成都的都市生活,成都的乡郊风 景,青年学生从军的爱国热情,美国盟军的加入,普通人们飘摇的生活。
  • 穿越致富撩汉攻略


  • 重生之青春年代


  • 婚后再爱


  • 绝仙武帝


  • 归来之俗套任务


  • 邱县耕地资源评价与利用


  • 颜控公主的鱼塘


  • 清庭欢


  • 简单地改变生活

