
第67章 Some Cautions,and Concluding Observations(2)

Never admit the possibility of failure,or speak in a way that infers failure as a possibility.

Never speak of the times as being hard,or of business conditions as being doubtful. Times may be hard and business doubtful for those who are on the competitive plane,but they can never be so for you;you can create what you want,and you are above fear.

When others are having hard times and poor business,you will find your greatest opportunities.

Train yourself to think of and to look upon the world as a something which is Becoming,which is growing;and to regard seeming evil as being only that which is undeveloped. Always speak in terms of advancement;to do otherwise is to deny your faith,and to deny your faith is to lose it.

Never allow yourself to feel disappointed. You may expect to have a certain thing at a certain time,and not get it at that time;and this will appear to you like failure.

But if you hold to your faith you will find that the failure is only apparent.

Go on in the certain way,and if you do not receive that thing,you will receive something so much better that you will see that the seeming failure was really a great success.

A student of this science had set his mind on making a certain business combination which seemed to him at the time to be very desirable,and he worked for some,weeks to bring it about. When the crucial time came,the thing failed in a perfectly inexplicable way;it was as if some unseen influence had been working secretly against him. He was not disappointed;on the contrary,he thanked God that his desire had been overruled,and went steadily on with a grateful mind. In a few weeks an opportunity so much better came his way that he would not have made the first deal on any account;and he saw that a Mind which knew more than he knew had prevented him from losing the greater good by entangling himself with the lesser.

That is the way every seeming failure will work out for you,if you keep your faith,hold to your purpose,have gratitude,and do,every day,all that can be done that day,doing each separate act in a successful manner.

When you make a failure,it is because you have not asked for enough;keep on,and a larger thing then you were seeking will certainly come to you. Remember this.

You will not fail because you lack the necessary talent to do what you wish to do. If you go on as I have directed,you will develop all the talent that is necessary to the doing of your work.

It is not within the scope of this book to deal with the science of cultivating talent;but it is as certain and simple as the process of getting rich.

However,do not hesitate or waver for fear that when you come to any certain place you will fail for lack of ability;keep right on,and when you come to that place,the ability will be furnished to you. The same source of Ability which enabled the untaught Lincoln to do the greatest work in government ever accomplished by a single man is open to you;you may draw upon all the mind there is for wisdom to use in meeting the responsibilities which are laid upon you. Go on in full faith.

Study this book. Make it your constant companion until you have mastered all the ideas contained in it. While you are getting firmly established in this faith,you will do well to give up most recreations and pleasure;and to stay away from places where ideas conflicting with these are advanced in lectures or sermons. Do not read pessimistic or conflicting literature,or get into arguments upon the matter. Do very little reading,outside of the writers mentioned in the Preface. Spend most of your leisure time in contemplating your vision,and in cultivating gratitude,and in reading this book. It contains all you need to know of the science of getting rich;and you will find all the essentials summed up in the following chapter.

  • 人性的优点


  • 做人不要太张扬


    低调做人,不张扬是一种修养、一种风度、一种文化、一个现代人必需的品格。没有这样一种品格,过于张狂,就如一把锋利的宝剑,好用而易折断,终将在放纵、放荡中悲剧而亡,无法在社会中生存。不张扬就要自我束缚,将个性引到正确的方向上来,而不是固步自封。要真正做到“风临疏竹,风过而竹不留声;雁度寒潭,雁去而潭不留影 ”的境界,才能在激烈竞争的社会走向通往成功的阳光大道,示人以弱乃生存竞争的大谋略,低姿态是收服人心的资本,藏锋是一种自我保护,藏而不露也是一种魅力。过于张扬,烈日会使草木枯萎;过于张扬,滔滔江水将会决堤;过于张扬,好人也会变得疯狂。
  • 花开女人


    品墨编著的《花开女人》从梦想、心态、修养、 气质、爱情、婚姻、家庭、工作、生活等各个方面,内容有巾帼红颜,女人要有事业心、保持热情,积极投入工作、同舟共济,把公司利益放在第一位、提升自我,让自己的职业永葆青春、女人心语:职场冲浪的女人、提升修养:女人要引领社会新风尚等。芬芳女人花,如光、如水更如风,轻轻地来了,又轻轻地去了,不带走一片云彩,只留下和煦、花香和希望,还有那赤子之心……详细介绍了作为新时代的女性,如何建立自尊、自强 、自重、自爱的人生态度,如何营造和睦、美满、温 馨、幸福的婚姻家庭氛围,如何引领积极、文明、健 康、和谐的社会风尚,如何展示优雅、睿智、温婉的人格魅力。
  • 思想力:与自我和解的心灵旅程


  • 人为什么活着


  • 纪总夫人要逆天


  • 占星咒


  • 至尊圣道


  • 凤皇鸣:帝后乘鸾传


  • 四只等着喂食的狗


    《四只等着喂食的狗》主人公詹姆斯和戴安娜是兄妹俩,性格完全不同,都够机灵淘气。他们的父母在职场上都很棒,在家里却常常被两个小家伙加一个同样“淘气”的保姆折磨得顾此失彼,狼狈不堪。这一家人看上去没大没小、乱七八糟,但是很健康、很开心,很幸福。 张洁这本《四只等着喂食的狗》不仅写给孩子们,也写给他们的爸爸妈妈;愿所有孩子、所有父母、所有家庭,都能享受到应有的快乐。
  • 膳夫录


  • 老挝:在革新中腾飞(居安思危·世界社会主义小丛书)


  • 荒唐成宠


  • 申请晚婚


  • 凰御九都

