

"The dandelion," he replied. "No one ever places it in a nosegay; it is often trodden under foot, there are so many of them; and when they run to seed, they have flowers like wool, which fly away in little pieces over the roads, and cling to the dresses of the people. They are only weeds; but of course there must be weeds. O, I am really very thankful that I was not made like one of these flowers."

There came presently across the fields a whole group of children, the youngest of whom was so small that it had to be carried by the others; and when he was seated on the grass, among the yellow flowers, he laughed aloud with joy, kicked out his little legs, rolled about, plucked the yellow flowers, and kissed them in childlike innocence. The elder children broke off the flowers with long stems, bent the stalks one round the other, to form links, and made first a chain for the neck, then one to go across the shoulders, and hang down to the waist, and at last a wreath to wear round the head, so that they looked quite splendid in their garlands of green stems and golden flowers. But the eldest among them gathered carefully the faded flowers, on the stem of which was grouped together the seed, in the form of a white feathery coronal. These loose, airy wool-flowers are very beautiful, and look like fine snowy feathers or down. The children held them to their mouths, and tried to blow away the whole coronal with one puff of the breath. They had been told by their grandmothers that who ever did so would be sure to have new clothes before the end of the year. The despised flower was by this raised to the position of a prophet or foreteller of events.

"Do you see," said the sunbeam, "do you see the beauty of these flowers? do you see their powers of giving pleasure?"

"Yes, to children," said the apple-bough.

By-and-by an old woman came into the field, and, with a blunt knife without a handle, began to dig round the roots of some of the dandelion-plants, and pull them up. With some of these she intended to make tea for herself; but the rest she was going to sell to the chemist, and obtain some money.

"But beauty is of higher value than all this," said the apple-tree branch; "only the chosen ones can be admitted into the realms of the beautiful. There is a difference between plants, just as there is a difference between men."

Then the sunbeam spoke of the boundless love of God, as seen in creation, and over all that lives, and of the equal distribution of

His gifts, both in time and in eternity.

"That is your opinion," said the apple-bough.

Then some people came into the room, and, among them, the young countess,- the lady who had placed the apple-bough in the transparent vase, so pleasantly beneath the rays of the sunlight.

She carried in her hand something that seemed like a flower. The object was hidden by two or three great leaves, which covered it like a shield, so that no draught or gust of wind could injure it, and it was carried more carefully than the apple-branch had ever been.

Very cautiously the large leaves were removed, and there appeared the feathery seed-crown of the despised dandelion. This was what the lady had so carefully plucked, and carried home so safely covered, so that not one of the delicate feathery arrows of which its mist-like shape was so lightly formed, should flutter away. She now drew it forth quite uninjured, and wondered at its beautiful form, and airy lightness, and singular construction, so soon to be blown away by the wind.

"See," she exclaimed, "how wonderfully God has made this little flower. I will paint it with the apple-branch together. Every one admires the beauty of the apple-bough; but this humble flower has been endowed by Heaven with another kind of loveliness; and although they differ in appearance, both are the children of the realms of beauty."

Then the sunbeam kissed the lowly flower, and he kissed the blooming apple-branch, upon whose leaves appeared a rosy blush.

  • 船山思问录


  • 真元妙道要略


  • 二十四画品


  • 大乘法界无差别论之二


  • The Survivors of the Chancellor

    The Survivors of the Chancellor

  • 与国共武


  • 虹猫蓝兔相伴天涯


  • 超时空大红包


  • 带着包子闯末世


  • 任剑江湖逍遥游


  • 萌妃撩人:摄政王爷欺上门


  • 听课


  • 王妃她恃美而骄


    堂堂的妖医大人,现代著名武器师,竟然被一只小鸡仔带到了一个“人妖魔”共存的时代?“黑户”同志夜兮在古色古香的大街上站着,满脸生无可恋地望着怀里的“小鸡仔”,恶狠狠地说:“等姐回到现代,姐就把你炖了补血吃!!!”……北冥墨殇:“你是何人?”夜兮挠挠头:“我不是何人,我是你的人(?˙▽˙?)。”一医一妖一男孩,踏上了漫漫医妖获赏银之路……“墨水,这只妖想娶我肿么办?”夜兮贼兮兮地看向眼前人。“那便杀了,你是我的王妃,是我的妻。”北冥墨殇温柔地说道。 本书原名~妖医倾国:带着妖物闯天下
  • 集古今佛道论


  • 总裁的杀手甜心

