

That heroine long taught by example, if not precept, that Love, or the passion or fancy she mistook for it, was the chief interest of a life, which is really concerned with a great many other things; that it was lasting in the way she knew it; that it was worthy of every sacrifice, and was altogether a finer thing than prudence, obedience, reason; that love alone was glorious and beautiful, and these were mean and ugly in comparison with it. More lately she has begun to idolize and illustrate Duty, and she is hardly less mischievous in this new role, opposing duty, as she did love, to prudence, obedience, and reason. The stock hero, whom, if we met him, we could not fail to see was a most deplorable person, has undoubtedly imposed himself upon the victims of the fiction habit as admirable. With him, too, love was and is the great affair, whether in its old romantic phase of chivalrous achievement or manifold suffering for love's sake, or its more recent development of the "virile," the bullying, and the brutal, or its still more recent agonies of self-sacrifice, as idle and useless as the moral experiences of the insane asylums. With his vain posturings and his ridiculous splendor he is really a painted barbarian, the prey of his passions and his delusions, full of obsolete ideals, and the motives and ethics of a savage, which the guilty author of his being does his best--or his worst --in spite of his own light and knowledge, to foist upon the reader as something generous and noble. I am not merely bringing this charge against that sort of fiction which is beneath literature and outside of it, "the shoreless lakes of ditch-water," whose miasms fill the air below the empyrean where the great ones sit; but I am accusing the work of some of the most famous, who have, in this instance or in that, sinned against the truth, which can alone exalt and purify men. I do not say that they have constantly done so, or even commonly done so; but that they have done so at all marks them as of the past, to be read with the due historical allowance for their epoch and their conditions. For I believe that, while inferior writers will and must continue to imitate them in their foibles and their errors, no one here after will be able to achieve greatness who is false to humanity, either in its facts or its duties.

The light of civilization has already broken even upon the novel, and no conscientious man can now set about painting an image of life without perpetual question of the verity of his work, and without feeling bound to distinguish so clearly that no reader of his may be misled, between what is right and what is wrong, what is noble and what is base, what is health and what is perdition, in the actions and the characters he portrays.

The fiction that aims merely to entertain--the fiction that is to serious fiction as the opera-bouffe, the ballet, and the pantomime are to the true drama--need not feel the burden of this obligation so deeply; but even such fiction will not be gay or trivial to any reader's hurt, and criticism should hold it to account if it passes from painting to teaching folly.

  • 医妃倾城,农女要翻天


  • 每一天都活得热气腾腾


  • 蛇蝎毒女复仇千金


  • 巫师神座


  • 苍天在上


  • 宛如约


  • 破玄之使


  • 戏剧人生


  • 卧庐词话


  • TFBOYS之等风亦等凯


    [喜留厌走]沐筱溪一脸花痴的样子:“男神,都说男生身高和小弟弟成正比!你这么高,小弟弟肯定……”王俊凯听的满脸黑线看着她! “沐筱溪,你可不可以不要这么花痴?” “男神,我只在你面前花痴!”“如果再次遇到你,我不敢喊你,我怕你一回眸,我又会心动!喜欢你没有理由,我去过你所有去过的地方,看过你所有看过的事物,听过你所有喜欢的歌,你的演唱会我每一场都不会缺席,你的歌我每一首都会唱。但天地之间的距离就好像我们之间的距离,当我发现时,却已无可救药地喜欢上你了,如流水般的邂逅,到头来,却抵不过你的从未动情!”