

We remembered those fleeting girls of our first bright adventure, and concluded that it was.

They leaped like deer, too, with a quick folding motion of the legs, drawn up and turned to one side with a sidelong twist of the body. I remembered the sprawling spread-eagle way in which some of the fellows used to come over the line--and tried to learn the trick. We did not easily catch up with these experts, however.

"Never thought I'd live to be bossed by a lot of elderly lady acrobats," Terry protested.

They had games, too, a good many of them, but we found them rather uninteresting at first. It was like two people playing solitaire to see who would get it first; more like a race or a--a competitive examination, than a real game with some fight in it.

I philosophized a bit over this and told Terry it argued against their having any men about. "There isn't a man-size game in the lot,"I said.

"But they are interesting--I like them," Jeff objected, "and I'm sure they are educational.""I'm sick and tired of being educated," Terry protested.

"Fancy going to a dame school--at our age. I want to Get Out!"But we could not get out, and we were being educated swiftly. Our special tutors rose rapidly in our esteem. They seemed of rather finer quality than the guards, though all were on terms of easy friendliness. Mine was named Somel, Jeff's Zava, and Terry's Moadine. We tried to generalize from the names, those of the guards, and of our three girls, but got nowhere.

"They sound well enough, and they're mostly short, but there's no similarity of termination--and no two alike.

However, our acquaintance is limited as yet."There were many things we meant to ask--as soon as we could talk well enough. Better teaching I never saw. From morning to night there was Somel, always on call except between two and four;always pleasant with a steady friendly kindness that I grew to enjoy very much. Jeff said Miss Zava--he would put on a title, though they apparently had none--was a darling, that she reminded him of his Aunt Esther at home; but Terry refused to be won, and rather jeered at his own companion, when we were alone.

"I'm sick of it!" he protested. "Sick of the whole thing. Here we are cooped up as helpless as a bunch of three-year-old orphans, and being taught what they think is necessary--whether we like it or not. Confound their old-maid impudence!"Nevertheless we were taught. They brought in a raised map of their country, beautifully made, and increased our knowledge of geographical terms; but when we inquired for information as to the country outside, they smilingly shook their heads.

They brought pictures, not only the engravings in the books but colored studies of plants and trees and flowers and birds.

They brought tools and various small objects--we had plenty of "material" in our school.

If it had not been for Terry we would have been much more contented, but as the weeks ran into months he grew more and more irritable.

"Don't act like a bear with a sore head," I begged him.

"We're getting on finely. Every day we can understand them better, and pretty soon we can make a reasonable plea to be let out--""LET out!" he stormed. "LET out--like children kept after school. I want to Get Out, and I'm going to. I want to find the men of this place and fight!--or the girls--""Guess it's the girls you're most interested in," Jeff commented.

"What are you going to fight WITH--your fists?""Yes--or sticks and stones--I'd just like to!" And Terry squared off and tapped Jeff softly on the jaw. "Just for instance," he said.

"Anyhow," he went on, "we could get back to our machine and clear out.""If it's there," I cautiously suggested.

"Oh, don't croak, Van! If it isn't there, we'll find our way down somehow--the boat's there, I guess."It was hard on Terry, so hard that he finally persuaded us to consider a plan of escape. It was difficult, it was highly dangerous, but he declared that he'd go alone if we wouldn't go with him, and of course we couldn't think of that.

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