

By and by I returned to my foil-making, and gave them fencing lessons, and sometimes invited two or three of the biggest boys to attack me simultaneously, just to show how easily I could disarm and kill them. This practice excited some interest in Kua-ko, who had a little more of curiosity and geniality and less of the put-on dignity of the others, and with him I became most intimate. Fencing with Kua-ko was highly amusing: no sooner was he in position, foil in hand, than all my instructions were thrown to the winds, and he would charge and attack me in his own barbarous manner, with the result that I would send his foil spinning a dozen yards away, while he, struck motionless, would gaze after it in open-mouthed astonishment.

Three weeks had passed by not unpleasantly when, one morning, Itook it into my head to walk by myself across that somewhat sterile savannah west of the village and stream, which ended, as I have said, in a long, low, stony ridge. From the village there was nothing to attract the eye in that direction; but I wished to get a better view of that great solitary hill or mountain of Ytaioa, and of the cloud-like summits beyond it in the distance.

From the stream the ground rose in a gradual slope, and the highest part of the ridge for which I made was about two miles from the starting-point--a parched brown plain, with nothing growing on it but scattered tussocks of sere hair-like grass.

When I reached the top and could see the country beyond, I was agreeably disappointed at the discovery that the sterile ground extended only about a mile and a quarter on the further side, and was succeeded by a forest--a very inviting patch of woodland covering five or six square miles, occupying a kind of oblong basin, extending from the foot of Ytaioa on the north to a low range of rocky hills on the south. From the wooded basin long narrow strips of forest ran out in various directions like the arms of an octopus, one pair embracing the slopes of Ytaioa, another much broader belt extending along a valley which cut through the ridge of hills on the south side at right angles and was lost to sight beyond; far away in the west and south and north distant mountains appeared, not in regular ranges, but in groups or singly, or looking like blue banked-up clouds on the horizon.

Glad at having discovered the existence of this forest so near home, and wondering why my Indian friends had never taken me to it nor ever went out on that side, I set forth with a light heart to explore it for myself, regretting only that I was without a proper weapon for procuring game. The walk from the ridge over the savannah was easy, as the barren, stony ground sloped downwards the whole way. The outer part of the wood on my side was very open, composed in most part of dwarf trees that grow on stony soil, and scattered thorny bushes bearing a yellow pea-shaped blossom. Presently I came to thicker wood, where the trees were much taller and in greater variety; and after this came another sterile strip, like that on the edge of the wood where stone cropped out from the ground and nothing grew except the yellow-flowered thorn bushes. Passing this sterile ribbon, which seemed to extend to a considerable distance north and south, and was fifty to a hundred yards wide, the forest again became dense and the trees large, with much undergrowth in places obstructing the view and making progress difficult.

  • 起信论疏笔削记


  • 君臣下


  • 是应篇


  • 西云集


  • 大乘本生心地观经


  • 吾家囧徒初长成


  • 海蓝物语


  • 机甲时代的魔法复兴


    在地面大多数的国家完成了工业化之后,悬浮于地面之上的天空大陆却渐渐忘却了那些强大、危险的古魔法。在十年之前,一直将天空大陆视作神明的地面国家入侵天空大陆,天空大陆惨败。十年之后,地面国家正在妄图对天空大陆的新一轮侵略,天空大陆东侧的东云间王国正面临亡国的危机。PS.在下想尽可能将本书写成类似史书的感觉,望诸位多提建议。群:947533949 弃疗中
  • 陆先生你命里缺我


  • 十日谈(套装上下册)(译文名著精选)


  • 和最好的自己在一起


    最孤独的时候不会有谁来陪伴你,最伤心的时候也没有人来呵护你。只有你自己,经历着一些必经的经历只有靠自己,才能回答一些生命中的难题。这个世界,爱最了不起。我的世界不用华丽的包装,也更真实渴望 ,快乐的时候不需要去多想。偶尔爱情也会悄悄错过了对方,我却不慌张,在未来路上,幸福一定会到达。一本书,一段路,逆着大太阳,也晴朗。想要一个人去流浪,用双眼就能将美好拍下。一旦我决定了前往,微笑像向阳花,一天一天学着更爱自己吧,一点一点接受自己的倔强。
  • 四库辑本别集拾遗


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