
第32章 SETTLED.(2)

The cloud that Squire Green had brought with him had vanished, and all was sunshine and happiness.

It was agreed that no hint should be given to Squire Green that his note was to be paid. He did not even hear of Harry's arrival, and was quite unconscious of any change in the circumstances of the family, when he entered the cottage the next evening.

``Well, neighbor,'' he said, ``I've brought along that 'ere note. I hope you've raised the money to pay it.''

``Where do you think I could raise money, squire?'' asked Hiram Walton.


thought mebbe some of the neighbors would lend it to you.''

``Money isn't very plenty with any of them, squire, except with you.''


calc'late better than they. Hev you got the ten dollars that you agreed to pay ef you couldn't meet the note?''

``Don't you think, squire, it's rather hard on a poor man, to make him forfeit ten dollars because he can't meet his note?''


contrack's a contrack,'' said the squire. ``It's the only way to do business.''


think you are taking advantage of me, squire.''

``No, I

ain't. You needn't hev come to me ef you didn't want to. I didn't ask you to buy the cow. I'll trouble you for that ten dollars, neighbor, as I'm in a hurry.''

``On the whole, squire, I think I'll settle up the note. That'll be cheaper than paying the forfeit.''


pay forty-one dollars and twenty cents!'' ejaculated the squire, incredulously.


it's more than the cow's worth, but as I agreed to pay it, I suppose I must.''


thought you didn't hev the money,'' said the squire, his lower jaw falling; for he would have preferred the ten dollars forfeit and a renewal of the usurious contract.


didn't have it when you were in last night; but I've raised it since.''

``You said you couldn't borrow it.''


didn't borrow it.''

``Then where did it come from?''

``My son Harry has got home, squire. He has supplied me with the money.''

``You don't say! Where is he? Been a-doin' well, has he?''

Harry entered the room and nodded rather coldly to the squire, who was disposed to patronize him, now that he was well dressed, and appeared to be doing well.

``I'm glad to see ye, Harry. So you've made money, hev ye?''



``Hev you come home to stay?''

``No, sir; I shall only stay a few days.''

``What hev ye been doin'?''

``I am going to be a printer.''

``You don't say! Is it a good business?''


think it will be,'' said Harry. ``I can tell better by and by.''

``Well, I'm glad you're doin' so well. Neighbor Walton, when you want another cow I'll do as well by you as anybody. I'll give you credit for another on the same terms.''

``If I

conclude to buy any, squire, I may come round.''

``Well, good-night, all. Harry, you must come round and see me before you go back.''

Harry thanked him, but did not propose to accept the invitation. It was not in his nature to be hypocritical, and he expressed no pleasure at the squire's affability and politeness.

Thus has been detailed a few of Harry's early experiences. He has neither lived long nor learned much as yet, nor has he risen very high in the world. In fact, he is still at the bottom of the ladder.

We leave him with the hope that he may continue in the path he seems to have chosen, for it leads to Success, while we would impress on the reader that though the opposite course may appear for a time to be fruitful, it will ultimately lead to failure.


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