

`Oh, not at all,' said Mr. Blair, trying to smile. . .you know he is always very polite. . .'I'm a little busy. . .getting ready to bake a cake as it were. My wife got a telegram today that her sister from Montreal is coming tonight and she's gone to the train to meet her and left orders for me to make a cake for tea.

She writ out the recipe and told me what to do but I've clean forgot half the directions already. And it says, "flavor according to taste."What does that mean? How can you tell? And what if my taste doesn't happen to be other people's taste? Would a tablespoon of vanilla be enough for a small layer cake?""I felt sorrier than ever for the poor man. He didn't seem to be in his proper sphere at all. I had heard of henpecked husbands and now I felt that I saw one. It was on my lips to say, `Mr. Blair, if you'll give us a subscription for the hall I'll mix up your cake for you.' But I suddenly thought it wouldn't be neighborly to drive too sharp a bargain with a fellow creature in distress. So Ioffered to mix the cake for him without any conditions at all.

He just jumped at my offer. He said he'd been used to making his own bread before he was married but he feared cake was beyond him, and yet he hated to disappoint his wife. He got me another apron, and Diana beat the eggs and I mixed the cake. Mr. Blair ran about and got us the materials. He had forgotten all about his apron and when he ran it streamed out behind him and Diana said she thought she would die to see it. He said he could bake the cake all right.

. .he was used to that. . .and then he asked for our list and he put down four dollars. So you see we were rewarded. But even if he hadn't given a cent I'd always feel that we had done a truly Christian act in helping him."Theodore White's was the next stopping place. Neither Anne nor Diana had ever been there before, and they had only a very slight acquaintance with Mrs. Theodore, who was not given to hospitality.

Should they go to the back or front door? While they held a whispered consultation Mrs. Theodore appeared at the front door with an armful of newspapers. Deliberately she laid them down one by one on the porch floor and the porch steps, and then down the path to the very feet of her mystified callers.

"Will you please wipe your feet carefully on the grass and then walk on these papers?" she said anxiously. "I've just swept the house all over and I can't have any more dust tracked in.

The path's been real muddy since the rain yesterday.""Don't you dare laugh," warned Anne in a whisper, as they marched along the newspapers. "And I implore you, Diana, not to look at me, no matter what she says, or I shall not be able to keep a sober face."The papers extended across the hall and into a prim, fleckless parlor.

Anne and Diana sat down gingerly on the nearest chairs and explained their errand. Mrs. White heard them politely, interrupting only twice, once to chase out an adventurous fly, and once to pick up a tiny wisp of grass that had fallen on the carpet from Anne's dress. Anne felt wretchedly guilty; but Mrs. White subscribed two dollars and paid the money down. . ."to prevent us from having to go back for it,"Diana said when they got away. Mrs. White had the newspapers gathered up before they had their horse untied and as they drove out of the yard they saw her busily wielding a broom in the hall.

"I've always heard that Mrs. Theodore White was the neatest woman alive and I'll believe it after this," said Diana, giving way to her suppressed laughter as soon as it was safe.

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  • 肇论略注


  • Off on a Comet

    Off on a Comet

  • 亚特兰蒂斯(全3册)


    刘慈欣力荐!完美融合历史与科幻,大胆揭示人种进化终极秘密,CBS films即将推出改编电影。亚特兰蒂斯人类起源三部曲,包含《亚特兰蒂斯1:基因战争》《亚特兰蒂斯2:末日病毒》《亚特兰蒂斯3:美丽新世界》。两千年来,一个古老的组织誓言保守人类起源的秘密,竭尽全力寻找一个自远古时代便已存在的宿敌,这个庞大的威胁具有消灭人类族群的邪恶力量,而所有一切物种本质谜团的线索,都指向失落的神话之城亚特兰蒂斯……从事自闭症研究的遗传学家凯特,无意中发现智人突变转化的关键要素“亚特兰蒂斯”,竟也是1918年杀死全球五千万人超级传染病西班牙流感的始作俑者,却因此莫名遭到神秘组织伊麻里的追缉。在地下反恐探员大卫的协助下,两人发现伊麻里掌握人类自古至今的历史进化秘密,与其背后的恐怖动机。
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