
第59章 RECORD TEN(3)

I-330 tilted the little glass of green poison straight into her mouth. Then she stood up, and all rosy through the translucent saffron-yellow tissue, she made a few steps and stopped behind my chair...Suddenly her arms were about my neck...her lips grew into mine, no, even somewhere much deeper, much more terribly....I swear all this was very unexpected for me. That is why perhaps...for I could not—at this moment I see clearly— I could not myself have the desire to...

Unbearably sweet lips. (I suppose it was the taste of the liqueur.) It was as though burning poison were be— ing poured into me, and more, and more

I tore away from the earth and began revolving as an independent planet, down, down, following an incalculable curve

What happened next I am able to describe only in an approximate way, only by way of more or less suitable analogies.

It never occurred to me before but it is true: we who live on the earth, we are always walking over a seething red sea of fire which is hidden in the womb of the earth. We never think of it. But imagine the ground under our feet suddenly transformed into a thin glass shell; suddenly we should behold...!

I became glass-like and saw within myself. There were two selves in me. One, the former D-503, Number D-503; and the other...Before, that other used only to show his hairy paws from time to time, but now that whole other self left his shell. That shell was breaking, and in a moment...

Grasping the last straw (the arms of the chair) with all my strength, I asked loudly (so as to hear my first self), "Where, where did you get this poison?"

"Oh, this? A physician, one of my..."

""One of my7 one of my" what?" And my other self jumped up suddenly and yelled: "I won"t allow it! I want no one but me...I shall kill anyone who...Because I...You..."I saw my other self grasp her rudely with his hairy paws, tear the silk, and put his teeth in her flesh!...I remember exactly, his teeth!...

I do not remember how, but I-330 slipped away and I saw her straighten, her head raised high, her eyes overlaid by that cursed, impenetrable curtain. She stood leaning with her back against the closet door and listening to me.

I remember I was on the floor; I embraced her limbs, kissed her knees, and cried supplicatingly, "At once, fight away, fight away."

Sharp teeth...The sharp, mocking triangle of the brows...She bent over and in silence unbuttoned my badge.

"Yes, yes, dear——dear."

I began hastily to remove my unif. But I-330, silent as before, lifted my badge to my eyes, showing me the clock upon it. It was twenty-two—twenty-five.

I became cold. I knew what it meant to be out in the street after twenty-two-thirty. My insanity disappeared at once. I was again I. I saw clearly one thing: I hated her, hated her, hated... Without saying good-by, without looking back, I ran out of the room. Hurriedly trying to fasten the badge back in its place, I ran down the stairs (I was afraid lest someone notice me in the elevator), and tore out into a deserted street.

Everything was in its place; life so simple, ordinary, orderly. Glittering glass houses, pale glass sky, a greenish, motionless night. But under that cool glass something wild, something red and hairy, was silently seething. I was gasping for breath, but I continued to run so as not to be late.

Suddenly I felt that my badge which I had hurriedly pinned on was detaching itself; it came off and fell to the sidewalk. I bent over to pick it up and in the momentary silence I heard somebody"s steps. I turned. Someone small and hunched was disappearing around the corner. At least so it seemed, I started to run as fast as I could. The wind whistled in my ears. At the entrance to my house I stopped and looked at the clock; one minute to twenty-two-thirty! I listened; nobody behind. It was my foolish imagination, the effect of the poison.

The night was full of torture. My bed seemed to lift itself under me, then to fall again, then up again! I used autosuggestion: "At night all the Numbers must sleep; sleeping at night is a duty just like working during the day. To sleep at night is necessary for the next day"s work. Not to sleep at night is criminal." Yet I could not sleep—I could not. I was perishing! I was unable to fulfill my duties to the United State! I...

  • 绝对不要惹我


  • 乾隆皇帝:日落长河


    《日落长河》是系列长篇小说《乾隆皇帝》的第三卷。 乾隆一面撤将换相,倾其国力,企图在继续惩讨大小金川的战事中,以重惩莎罗奔的全胜结局,来挽回体面;一面派刘统勋、刘墉父子企图在珍灭女教主“一枝花”的斗争中,安定国内局面。他根据孔子的仁政思想,重用傅恒、刘统勋、阿桂、纪昀等人,继续推行以宽为政繁荣经济的政策,以此努力开创封建社会的鼎盛局面。可是由于他战略指导思想错误,加之讷相无能,金川战事一败再败,以高恒为代表的宫廷内外朝野上下的腐败势力,同土地兼并,贫富不均等封建社会的内部矛盾助澜推波,愈演愈烈。乾隆虽宵吁勤政,严厉惩腐,可无力挽救乾隆盛世落人江河日下的尴尬局面。
  • 沧海之约


  • 玫瑰花环(红玫瑰童谣之圣诞前夜)


  • 柔牙(上)


  • 野蛮原始人


  • 沁心媚情(全本)


  • 至尊神位


  • 我们的不幸谁来承担


  • 四方云动


  • 特种魔法师


  • 王妃倾城


  • 雨巷(中小学生必读丛书)


  • 重生之天命嫡女


  • 吾皇万岁

