

"But what he told me! Please realize that it was equivalent to ...it was as if someone should remove the floor from under you this minute, and you and everything here on the desk, the papers, the ink...the ink would splash out and cover everything with blots..."

"What else? What further? Hurry up, others are waiting!"

Then, stumbling, muttering, I told him everything that is recorded in these pages... About my real self, and about my hairy self, and about my hands... yes... exactly, that was the beginning... And how I lied to myself, and how she obtained false certificates for me, and how I grew worse and worse, every day, and about the long corridors underground, and there beyond the Wall...

All this I threw out in formless pieces and lumps. I would stutter and fail to find words. The lips double-curved in a smile would prompt me with the word I needed, and I would nod gratefully: "Yes, yes!"...Suddenly, what was it? He was talking for me, and I only listened and nodded: "Yes, yes," and then, "Yes, exactly so... yes, yes ... "

I felt cold around my mouth as though it were wet with ether, and I asked with difficulty:

"But how is it...You could not learn anywhere..."

He smiled a smile growing more and more curved; then:

"But I see that you do want to conceal something from me. For example, you enumerated everything you saw beyond the Wall, but you failed to mention one thing. You deny it? But don"t you remember that once, just in passing, just for a second, you saw me there? Yes, yes, me!"


Suddenly, like a flash of lightning, it became shame-lessly clear to me: he—he, too— And everything about myself, my torment, all that I had brought here, crushed by the burden,plucking up my last strength as if performing a great feat, all appeared to me only funny—like the ancient anecdote about Abraham and Isaac: Abraham all in a cold sweat, with the knife already raised over his son, over himself, and suddenly a voice from above: Never mind...I was only joking."

Without taking my eyes from the smile that grew more and more curved, I put my hands on the edge of the desk and slowly, very slowly pushed myself with my chair away from him. Then instantly gathering myself into my own hands, I dashed madly out, past loud voices, past steps and mouths...

I do not remember how I got into one of the public rest rooms, in a station of the Underground Railway. Above, everything was perishing; the greatest civilization, the most rational in human history was crumbling, but here, by some irony, everything remained as before, beautiful. The walls shone; water murmured cozily; and like the water, the unseen, transparent music... Only think of it! All this is doomed; all this will be covered with grass someday; only myths will remain..

I moaned aloud. At the same instant I felt someone gently patting my knee. It was from the left; it was my neighbor who occupied a seat on my left—an enormous forehead, a bald parabola, yellow, unintelligible lines of wrinkles on his forehead, those lines about me.

"I understand you. I understand completely," he said. "Yet you must calm yourself. You must. It will return. It will inevitably return. It is only important that everybody should learn of my discovery. You are the first to whom I talk about it. I have calculated that there is no infinity! No!"

I looked at him wildly.

"Yes, yes, I tell you so. There is no infinity. If the universe is infinite, then the average density of matter must equal zero; but since we know it is not zero, therefore the universe is finite; it is spherical in form, and the square of its radius—R2—is equal to the average density multiplied by...The only thing left is to calculate the numerical coefficient and then...Do you realize what it means? It means that everything is final, everything is simple... But you, my honored sir, you disturb me, you prevent my finishing my calculations by your yelling!"

I do not know which shattered me more, his discovery, or his positiveness at that apocalyptic hour. Only then did I notice that he had a notebook in his hands, and a logarithmic dial. I understood then that even if everything was perishing it was my duty (before you, my unknown and beloved) to leave these records in a finished form.

I asked him to give me some paper, and here in the rest room, to the accompaniment of the quiet music, transparent like water, I wrote down these last lines.

I was about to put down a period as the ancients would put a cross over the caves into which they used to throw their dead, when all of a sudden my pencil trembled and fell from between my fingers...

"Listen" I pulled my neighbor. "Yes, listen, I say. There, where your finite universe ends, what is there? What?"

He had no time to answer. From above, down the steps stamping...

  • 穿白西装的男人


  • 赶考时代(一)


  • 出路


  • 和氏璧:生死追踪中国第一古董


  • 约翰·克利斯朵夫(全集)


  • 美人几生笑


  • The Golden Bowl

    The Golden Bowl

  • 冰霜之主的复辟


    在遥远的极寒之处,冰霜魔神向他跪拜,翼可遮天的冰霜巨龙是他的坐骑,不计其数的雪族战士共同呼喊一个名字——冰霜之主!.................在这个危机四起的世界,有巨龙,大炮,魔法,巫术,军队...以及厮杀!当兵临城下之际,生死存亡之时。他蓦然回首,身后是无畏的雪族战士!他挥舞战旗大吼着:“雪族永不为奴!!!” 当我重临之时,誓要把这不洁的世界搅得天翻地覆!
  • 流离的萤火爱情


  • 历代赋评注(宋金元卷)


  • 我有一片山林


  • 悦苒的约定


  • 顾先生,宠妻成瘾


  • 那时暮色微凉


    初见时,有漂亮学姐给他送果汁,他冷冰冰回应:“不好意思,我芒果过敏。”然后某一天,她见他买了芒果汁喝得欢快,于是不解:“你不是芒果过敏?”他莫名地看着她:“我什么时候……哦,你说那个,”他说着想起来,不由笑了下,往她耳畔凑了凑,“我不光芒果过敏,还蛋糕过敏、巧克力过敏、玩偶过敏……但是,如果你送的话,什么都不过敏。”——谁说良药苦口来着? ——你明明是甜的。 她赠他一个偶然,让两条平行线相交;他回她一场“巧合”,让交点无限延长成线。浮世三千,此生慕凉。 书友群:750845995,欢迎交流灌水。
  • 妃要自由:王妃很抢手

