

Somewhere in the background figures with their heads drawn in were hastily rushing by and into the houses. In the middle of the pavements was a mass of those who had already been operated upon; they moved toward the west...

...Hairy bunches of rays around the lips and eyes... I grasped his hands:

"Tell me. Where is she? Where is I-3307 There? Beyond the Wall, or ...? I must... Do you hear me? At once... I cannot..."

"Here!" he shouted in a happy, drunken voice, showing strong yellow teeth, "here in town, and she is acting! Oh, we are doing great work!"

Who are those "we"? Who am I?

There were about fifty around him. Like him, they seemed to have crawled out from under their foreheads. They were loud, cheerful, strong-toothed, swallowing the stormy wind. With their simple not at all terrible-looking electrocutors (where did they get them?), they started to the west, toward the operated ones, encircling them, keeping parallel to avenue Forty-eight...

Stumbling against the tightly drawn ropes woven by the wind, I was running to her. What for? I did not know. I was stumbling... Empty streets... The city seemed foreign, wild, filled with the ceaseless, triumphant hubbub of the birds. It seemed like the end of the world, Doomsday.

Through the glass of the walls in quite a few houses (this cut into my mind), I saw male and female Numbers in shameless embraces—without curtains lowered, without pink checks, in the middle of the day!...

The house—her house; the door ajar. The lobby, the control desk, all were empty. The elevator had stopped in the middle of its shaft. I ran panting up the endless stairs. The corridor. Like the spokes of a wheel figures on the doors dashed past my eyes: 320, 326, 330—I-330! Through the glass wall I could see everything in her room upside down, confused, creased: the table overturned, its legs in the air like a beast; the bed absurdly placed away from the wall, obliquely; strewn over the floor—fallen, trodden petals of pink checks.

I bent over and picked up one, two, three of them; all bore the name D-503. I was on all of them, drops of myself, of my molten, poured-out self. And that was all— that was left...

Somehow I felt they should not lie there on the floor and be trodden upon. I gathered a handful of them, put them on the table, and carefully smoothed them out, glanced at them, and... laughed aloud! I never knew it before but now I know—and you, too, know—that laughter may be of different colors. Laughter is but a distant echo of an explosion within us; it may be the echo of a holiday—red, blue, and golden fireworks—or at times it may represent pieces of human flesh exploded into the air....

I noticed an unfamiliar name on some of the pink checks. I do not remember the figures but I do remember the letter—F. I brushed the stubs from the table to the floor, stepped on them, on myself, stamped on them with my heels—and went out ...

In the corridor I sat on the window sill in front of her door and waited long and stupidly. An old man appeared. His face was like a pierced, empty bladder with folds; from beneath the puncture something transparent was still slowly dripping. Slowly, vaguely, I realized—tears. And only when the old man was quite far off I came to and exclaimed:

"Please... listen .... Do you know... Number I-330?"

The old man turned around, waved his hand in despair, and stumbled farther away....

I returned home at dusk. On the west side the sky was twitching every second in a pale blue, electric convulsion; a subdued, heavy roar could be heard from that direction. The roofs were covered with black, charred sticks— birds.

I lay down; and instantly, like a heavy beast, sleep came and stifled me....

  • 玉兰花醉


  • 鬼案


  • 紫荆花


    故事以日占时期的香港为背景,当时的香港社会价值观正发生剧变。从收容所的冒险到香港香料港的美景,西沃恩·玳珂的小说将为读者带来既浪漫又刺激的冒险之旅,讲述主人公心灵的成长与救赎。“这是一次令人沉醉其中的阅读”——Renita D'Silva(畅销书Monsoon Memories作者)内容简介:凯特·沃尔斯利生活在外籍社区,过着富有而享有特权的单纯生活。但自从1941年12月日本人占领了香港后,她就被转移到了脏乱的帐篷居住。在40英里外的澳门,索菲亚·罗德古斯的父亲邀请一个日本人家庭到家里共进晚餐,这令索菲亚心中疑窦丛生,也使得她与自己控制欲极强的异母哥哥里奥之间生出嫌隙。
  • 海底


  • 莫泊桑中短篇小说精选(下)


  • 陶然斋选集(第二卷)


  • 枉梦生


  • 戴尔·卡耐基经典全集


    本书收录了20世纪最伟大的成功学导师戴尔·卡耐基先生最具影响力的六部作品: 《人性的弱点》、《人性的优点》、《快乐的人生》、《语言的突破》、《伟大的人物》和《林肯传》。这些作品出版后,立即风靡全球。先后被译成几十种文字,被誉为“人类出版史上的奇迹”。这些书与卡耐基的成人教育实践相辅相成,将卡耐基的人生智慧传播到世界各地,影响了千千万万人的思想和心态,激发了他们对生命的无限热忱与信心,使他们勇敢地面对与搏击现实中的困难,追求自己理想的人生。
  • 重生:强宠娇妻带球跑


  • 世界最具英雄性的军事将帅(4)


  • 紫气成道


  • 我闻八千里路云和月


  • 首席医官:偏执帝少缠上瘾


  • 邪王追妻傲娇霸妻


  • 时光悠柔

