
第2章 Preface The Growth Mindset

To Babs and Hilda

This is a very short book about a very big subject. The reason it can be so short and still be effective is that it works at the level of mindset, where change can happen in an instant, at the speed of thought. If you've ever had an "aha" moment that changed your thinking from that point forward, you know what we're talking about. What we've discovered in our work is that growth is a function of mindset. Change your thinking, and in moments you can go from not growing to growing, which we define as making your future bigger than your past.

The other reason it can be short is that you've done this before. We all have lots of experience to draw on when it comes to growth. Because we can remember what it feels like, we can do it again, we can do it in new areas, and we can learn to do it consciously and at will, as long as we can get into the right frame of mind.

Today, even more than in 2006 when this book first came out, having a growth mindset is not just an extraordinary advantage; it's often the difference between struggling and thriving. The world is changing faster than ever, which offers an abundance of challenges and opportunities. Some people choose to shut down in the face of uncertainty and change, while others blossom. The difference is mindset. If you're looking for an abundance of opportunities to grow that lead to great rewards, this is a tremendous time to be alive, but you need to be thinking about things in a way that lets you see and maximize the opportunities around you. The Laws of Lifetime Growth will help you do this. They can help you find your own growth path in what might otherwise seem like an overwhelming sea of opportunity by simply keeping your focus on growing day by day, week by week, continuing to make progress towards a bigger future that is all your own and endlessly fascinating and motivating.

You might wonder where these laws come from and how we're able to define a growth mindset in just ten short statements. The answer lies in the unique perspective gained from our work in the world of highly successful, achievement-oriented entrepreneurs. Though they come from many different backgrounds and parts of the world and their goals are equally diverse, these entrepreneurs all share one thing that they had long before we met them: a desire to grow that has propelled them to unusual levels of achievement. However, many entrepreneurs become trapped by their own success, especially by the complexity it creates in their lives. On top of this, they, like all of us, are living in a world characterized by increasingly rapid change and unpredictability. So, while they've already "made it" according to most people's definitions of success, they still want to keep growing, not just in business but also in life, and they want to increase their freedom while they do it. This is why they come to us.

Every tool and concept created at Strategic Coach comes from first principles. Dan has a special talent for being able to observe people and the obstacles to their growth (including his own) and to zero in on the root cause in their mindset. He then asks questions, provides new context, and develops simple and powerful tools and structures to help them see and transform their thinking. The laws and many of the coaching tips in this book are the product of that process, and they apply to everyone, not just entrepreneurs. Anyone can use the wisdom in this book at any stage in life. Look in any place, in any culture, in any situation, at people of any age, and you'll see that where there is growth, these laws are in action.

As an example, we also live this every day in our company culture with our team of about 120, spread over two continents. "Always be growing" is our own short form of our larger purpose statement (which you can find at the end of Law Nine), and through her leadership Babs Smith, Dan's wife and business partner, supports the whole Strategic Coach team in doing this.

Though shifts in thinking can happen very quickly, the ability to maintain a growth mindset through even the most challenging of circumstances comes with practice and awareness. The simple structure of the laws can bring you back to that mindset every time. Once you read the chapters, a glance at just the table of contents, where the ten laws are listed out, can be enough to keep you on track or help you find your way back if you feel stuck or in need of a boost. In this edition, we've added more coaching at the ends of the chapters and a new thinking tool, The Growth Focuser, at the end of the book to help you cultivate your growth mindset even more proactively.



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