
第4章 It takes courage

to teach

to lead

to serve

to heal

to speak up

to stand out

to look inward

to right wrongs.

It takes courage

to walk your talk

to stand your ground

to make waves

to ride waves

to find wholehearted ways

to be known as vulnerable

to love after loss

to love, period.

It takes courage

to say "I was wrong"

to say "I don't know"

to say "Let's find out"

to take enough time

to seek better answers instead of quick fixes

to give yourself fully

to try making a difference

when the outcome is not guaranteed.

It takes courage

to choose wisely and well

to go against the grain

to go into the wind

to point your boat

toward your true north

to lead others forward

to have faith in the future

and be fully present today.

It takes courage

to trust in the process

to be part of the process

to process your parts that are shadows

to embrace your shadows as part of your self

to also embrace your beauty and light.

It takes courage

to know yourself well enough

to choose where your energy comes from and goes

to trust it's possible

to trust what courage can do

and give yourself time to find out.

It takes courage

to give yourself time to renew

to give yourself over to grief

to give silence a chair at the table

to give doubt a chance to show other options

to give the world your best self and ideas

without giving up on your soul.

It takes courage

to be your whole self

so you can

do your best work

so you can

be the change you want to see

so you can

do what your worthy cause most needs you to do.

It takes courage

to ask "How shall I be"

so that I can do [what?]

so the world can be


for all.

Leadership takes courage and gives courage, too.

And courage takes trust.


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    The Tell-Tale Heart 告密的心/泄密的心(英文版)

    The Tell-Tale Heart is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, A pioneer of the short story genre, whose stories typically captured themes of the macabre and included elements of the mysterious. The story was first published in James Russell Lowell's The Pioneer in January 1843. It follows an unnamed narrator who murders an old man with a "vulture eye". Murder is carefully designed, and the murderer hides the body by cutting it into pieces and hiding it under the floorboards. The narrator denies having any feelings of hatred or resentment for the victim. He also denies that he killed for greed. The specific motivation for murder, the relationship between narrator and old man, and other details are left unclear. It has been speculated that the old man is a father figure, the narrator's landlord, or that the narrator works for the old man as a servant, and that perhaps his "vulture-eye" represents some sort of veiled secret, or power.
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