
第4章 Introduction

In this new book, the coauthor of the bestselling The Serving Leader provides a road map that all leaders can use to create top performance by aligning the entire organization, at all levels, with the higher purposes of the organization.

Ken Jennings teams with his longtime collaborator Heather Hyde to provide an inspiring and practical guide to succeeding at today's top leadership priorities:

? Articulating the higher purposes of organizations

? Creating shared goals among all stakeholders

? Aligning all functions around the shared goals and higher purposes

? Driving higher organizational performance

Like The Serving Leader, this new book is a short, easy-to-read narrative that offers powerful ideas and practical strategies through an engaging fictional story. It is the story of Alex Beckley, the new president of a medical products company, who receives a wake-up call that inspires him to live and lead differently. Alex learns the Star Model of high purpose and high performance and uses this model to change his strategies and behavior and thereby dramatically raise his leadership effectiveness and the performance of his organization.

Please join us for a look inside the Star Model and experience how alignment to your Greater Goals will unleash one of the most powerful forces on earth.

A Greater Goal has three specific dimensions. First, the goal is great in the sense that it aims for a greater good—hugely positive outcomes for many. Second, it is great because it requires the combined and aligned best efforts of everyone in the whole company. And third, it calls each of us individually to greatness, to give our very best and to become part of something greater than ourselves.

An organization aligned, individual-by-individual and team-by-team, to a shared Greater Goal is one of the most powerful forces for good on earth.

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