


Every once in a while a book comes along that strikes right at the core of a problem and brings a solution. We all have patterns of thinking and behavior that sabotage our effectiveness, success, and happiness. Noah Blumenthal believes that we can replace these negative patterns with a more positive approach —— what he calls the way of the everyday hero. He shows that everyone can be a hero —— when they choose the "right" path, even when it is difficult to do so. Around this concept, Blumenthal spins a tale that brings to life the lessons, techniques, and tools anyone can use to become an everyday hero.

This book is about changing one's perspective to become more successful. Such a change can be difficult because most of us tend to repeat behavior that is followed by positive reinforcement. If we are rewarded for being a victim, why would we ever want to change? B. F. Skinner showed that hungry pigeons would repeat meaningless twitches when the twitches, by pure chance, were followed by random small pellets of food. In much the same way, we repeat dysfunctional behavior when this behavior is followed by sympathy, money, job promotions, and so on, even if the behavior had no connection with the rewards!

So, why might we want to change? Because for most of us our deepest desire is to be happier, to be more effective, and to have peace of mind —— in other words, we want to be successful.

In this great book, Noah Blumenthal shares the three secrets that will take you to success and beyond. Read it, devour it, and practice it, and you'll learn how to increase your effectiveness, improve your relationships, and find success. The benefits to you and to the people around you will be tremendous!

Marshall Goldsmith

Marshall Goldsmith is The New York Times best-selling author of What Got You Here Won't Get You There, winner of the Harold Longman Award for best business book of 2007. His new book, Succession: Are You Ready? is from Harvard Business Press.

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