

When Ryan answered the phone, Riley wasted no time getting to the point.

"Are you seeing someone else, Ryan?" she asked.


"A woman called here asking for you."

Ryan hesitated before asking, "Did you get her name?"

"No. I hung up."

"I wish you hadn't. She might have been a client."

"She was drunk, Ryan. And it was personal. I could hear it in her voice."

Ryan didn't seem to know what to say.

Riley repeated her question, "Are you seeing someone else?"

"I-I'm sorry," Ryan stammered. "I don't know how she got your number. It must have been some kind of mistake."

Oh, there's been a mistake, all right, Riley thought.

"You're not answering my question," she said.

Ryan was starting to sound angry now.

"What if I am seeing someone else? Riley, we never made any agreement to be exclusive."

Riley was stunned. No, she couldn't remember them making any such agreement. But even so…

"I just assumed-" she began.

"Maybe you assumed too much," Ryan interrupted.

Riley tried to fight down her temper.

"What's her name?" she asked.


"Is it serious?"

"I don't know."

The phone was shaking in Riley's hand.

She said, "Don't you think it's about time you made up your mind?"

A silence fell.

Finally, Ryan said, "Riley, I've been meaning to talk to you about this. I need some space. This whole family thing-I thought I was ready for it, but I wasn't. I want to enjoy my life. You should take some time to enjoy your life too."

Riley could hear an all-too-familiar tone in his voice.

He's back in playboy mode again, she thought.

He was relishing his new liaison, pulling away from Riley and his family. He'd seemed like a changed man recently-more committed and responsible. She should have realized all along that it wouldn't last. He hadn't changed at all.

"What are you going to do now?" she asked.

Ryan sounded relieved to be getting his feelings out at last.

"Look, this whole thing of going back and forth between your house and mine-it's not really working for me. It feels too temporary. I think I'd better leave."

"April's going to be upset," Riley said.

"I know. But we'll work something out. I'll keep spending time with her. And she'll be OK. She's been through worse."

Ryan's glibness was making Riley angrier by the second. She felt ready to explode.

"And what about Jilly?" Riley said. "She's become very fond of you. She's come to count on you. You help her with lots of things, like her homework. She needs you. She's going through so many changes, and it's hard for her."

There was another pause. Riley knew that Ryan was getting ready to say something she really wasn't going to like.

"Riley, Jilly was your decision. I admire you for it. But I never signed up for it. Somebody else's troubled teenager is too much for me. It's not fair."

For a moment, Riley was too furious to speak.

Ryan was back to thinking about no one's feelings but his own.

The whole thing was hopeless.

"Come over here and get your things," she said through clenched teeth. "Be sure to come when the girls are in school. I want everything of yours out of here as soon as possible."

She hung up the phone.

She got up from her desk and paced the room, seething with anger.

She wished she had some outlet for her rage, but there wasn't a thing she could do right now. She was in for a sleepless night of it.

But tomorrow, she could do something to let off steam.

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