

Joseph Greets his Son

Joseph was very old by this time, and when he saw Christ coming into the house he mistook him for his firstborn, and struggled to his feet to embrace him.

'Jesus!' he said. 'My dear boy! Where have you been? I've missed you so much! It was bad of you to go away like that without telling me.'

Christ said 'It's not Jesus, Father, it's me, your son Christ.'

Joseph stood back and said 'But where is Jesus? I miss him. I think it's a shame that he's not here. Why did he go away?'

'He is in the wilderness, doing what he wants to do,' said Christ.

Joseph was saddened, because he thought he might never see Jesus again. The wilderness was full of dangers; anything could happen there.

But a little later Joseph heard a rumour in the town that Jesus had been seen on his way home, and he ordered a great feast to be prepared to celebrate his homecoming. Christ was in the synagogue when he heard about this, and he hurried out and reproached his father.

'Father, why are you preparing a feast for Jesus? I have been at home all the time, I've never disobeyed your commands, and yet you've never prepared a feast for me. Jesus walked away with no warning, he left you with work to do, he has no thought for his family or anyone else.'

'Well, you're at home all the time,' said Joseph. 'All that I have is yours. But when someone comes home after being away, it's right and proper to prepare a feast in celebration.'

And when Jesus was still some way off, Joseph hurried out to greet him. He embraced him and kissed him warmly. Jesus was moved by the old man's gesture, and said 'Father, I've sinned against you; it was wrong of me to go away without telling you. I don't deserve to be called your son.'

'My dear son! I thought you were dead, and here you are, alive!'

And Joseph kissed him again, and put a clean robe around his shoulders and led him in to the feast. Christ greeted his brother warmly, but Jesus looked at him as if he knew just what Christ had said to his father. No one else had heard it, and no one saw the look that passed between them.

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