
第1章 Also by Patrick K. O'Donnell

First SEALs: The Untold Story of the Forging of

America's Most Elite Unit

Dog Company: The Boys of Pointe du Hoc-The Rangers

Who Accomplished D-Day's Toughest Mission

and Led the Way across Europe

Give Me Tomorrow: The Korean War's Greatest Untold Story-

The Epic Stand of the Marines of George Company

They Dared Return: The True Story of Jewish Spies

Behind the Lines in Nazi Germany

The Brenner Assignment: The Untold Story of

the Most Daring Spy Mission of World War II

We Were One: Shoulder to Shoulder with

the Marines Who Took Fallujah

Operatives, Spies, and Saboteurs: The Unknown Story

of the Men and Women of World War II's OSS

Into the Rising Sun: In Their Own Words, World War II's

Pacific Veterans Reveal the Heart of Combat

Beyond Valor: World War II's Ranger and Airborne Veterans

Reveal the Heart of Combat

To the men and women of the Revolution who sacrificed everything

for an idea-the United States. You are the greatest generation.

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    Catch! A Fishmonger's Guide to Greatness

    The Pike Place fishmongers are almost as famous as the market they work at, lovingly profiled in the media and treasured by those who watch them go about their work each day with style and smiles.
  • Elvissey


    At once a biting satire and a taut, fast-paced thriller, Elvissey is the story of Isabel and John, a troubled couple who voyage from the year 2033 to a strangely altered 1954. They are on a desperate mission to kidnap the young Elvis Presley and bring him back to the present day to serve as a ready-made cult leader. He proves, however, to be a reluctant messiah, and things do not work out quite as planned.
  • Tales from the Hood (Sisters Grimm #6)

    Tales from the Hood (Sisters Grimm #6)

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  • Find Your Balance Point

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    Accomplish what matters most Because we all have too much to do, it feels like our lives are out of balance. They provide a process that enables you to sort out what is most important to you from among the many activities you could focus on.
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