
第1章 Acknowledgments

This book is dedicated to every woman who has ever sat on a public toilet with a breast pump balanced on her knees.

I call this book my love letter to working mothers. But the process of writing this book has in many ways been a love letter to me, from friends and strangers who have made this project possible.

Thank you to the working mothers and HR professionals who made the time to share your wisdom and war stories.

Thank you to my beloved TOMS coworkers for letting me disappear into storage closets, leave meetings early, pump on conference calls, and store milk in the office freezer. I never doubted that you supported me in providing for my kids. Thanks also for asking just enough, and not too many, weird questions about breastfeeding.

Thank you to Candice Kislack, my lifeline on an epic journey to Nepal. Everyone should have a boss and friend like you.

Thank you to Karen Borchert and Kate Canales for believing in this book way before it was a book, and for being, along with my sister, Ianthé, the people I text whenever something astonishing related to motherhood happens.

Thank you to every connector, cheerleader, blogger, funder, volunteer reader, and promoter who has championed this book. You are too numerous to name, but I appreciate the hell out of each of you.

Thank you to my editors: Holly Dolce and the team at Abrams; Tiffany Gallagher, CLC (a.k.a. The Boob Geek), who was both copyeditor and technical advisor, and whose input made this book so much better; and Sue Toth, who let me keep my Oxford comma. And God bless my volunteer readers, who worked wonders: Taylor Skinner, Karen Borchert, Jenny Magic, Erin Olson, and Tiffany Galligan.

Thank you to my agent, Amy Hughes at DCL Agency, who pumped in a storage closet for her own baby, and who just kept right on believing in this book, and in me, and in finding the right home for this message and these stories.

Thank you to the experts who cast discerning eyes on the manuscript: Courtney W. Pickering, MD; Robyn Roche-Paull, BSN, RN, IBCLC; Cindy Leclerc RN, IBCLC; and Jana Stockham RN, IBCLC.

Thank you to my family (wonderful in-laws very much included). It will never stop amazing me that all of you so unflinchingly support every eclectic dream I pursue. Special thanks to my husband, Clay, who has believed in this book and every other endeavor I've undertaken, and my children, Otis and Etta, who are simply magical.

Finally, thank you to every airport TSA agent who has waved me through security without dismantling my pump or opening my milk to test it. You are the real heroes.

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