
第40章 BOOK IV(3)

Now,which are the four young knights?said Arthur.Sir,said Pellinore,the first is Sir Gawaine,your nephew,that is as good a knight of his time as any is in this land;and the second as meseemeth best is Sir Griflet le Fise de Dieu,that is a good knight and full desirous in arms,and who may see him live he shall prove a good knight;and the third as meseemeth is well to be one of the knights of the Round Table,Sir Kay the Seneschal,for many times he hath done full worshipfully,and now at your last battle he did full honourably for to undertake to slay two kings.By my head,said Arthur,he is best worth to be a knight of the Round Table of any that ye have rehearsed,an he had done no more prowess in his life days.


How Sir Tor was made knight of the Round Table,and how Bagdemagus was displeased.

NOW,said King Pellinore,I shall put to you two knights,and ye shall choose which is most worthy,that is Sir Bagdemagus,and Sir Tor,my son.But because Sir Tor is my son I may not praise him,but else,an he were not my son,I durst say that of his age there is not in this land a better knight than he is,nor of better conditions and loath to do any wrong,and loath to take any wrong.By my head,said Arthur,he is a passing good knight as any ye spake of this day,that wot I well,said the king;for I have seen him proved,but he saith little and he doth much more,for I know none in all this court an he were as well born on his mother's side as he is on your side,that is like him of prowess and of might:and therefore I will have him at this time,and leave Sir Bagdemagus till another time.So when they were so chosen by the assent of all the barons,so were there found in their sieges every knights'names that here are rehearsed,and so were they set in their sieges;whereof Sir Bagdemagus was wonderly wroth,that Sir Tor was advanced afore him,and therefore suddenly he departed from the court,and took his squire with him,and rode long in a forest till they came to a cross,and there alighted and said his prayers devoutly.The meanwhile his squire found written upon the cross,that Bagdemagus should never return unto the court again,till he had won a knight's body of the Round Table,body for body.So,sir,said the squire,here I find writing of you,therefore I rede you return again to the court.That shall I never,said Bagdemagus,till men speak of me great worship,and that I be worthy to be a knight of the Round Table.And so he rode forth,and there by the way he found a branch of an holy herb that was the sign of the Sangreal,and no knight found such tokens but he were a good liver.

So,as Sir Bagdemagus rode to see many adventures,it happed him to come to the rock whereas the Lady of the Lake had put Merlin under the stone,and there he heard him make great dole;whereof Sir Bagdemagus would have holpen him,and went unto the great stone,and it was so heavy that an hundred men might not lift it up.When Merlin wist he was there,he bade leave his labour,for all was in vain,for he might never be holpen but by her that put him there.And so Bagdemagus departed and did many adventures,and proved after a full good knight,and came again to the court and was made knight of the Round Table.So on the morn there fell new tidings and other adventures.


How King Arthur,King Uriens,and Sir Accolon of Gaul,chased an hart,and of their marvellous adventures.

THEN it befell that Arthur and many of his knights rode a-hunting into a great forest,and it happed King Arthur,King Uriens,and Sir Accolon of Gaul,followed a great hart,for they three were well horsed,and so they chased so fast that within a while they three were then ten mile from their fellowship.And at the last they chased so sore that they slew their horses underneath them.

Then were they all three on foot,and ever they saw the hart afore them passing weary and enbushed.What will we do?said King Arthur,we are hard bestead.Let us go on foot,said King Uriens,till we may meet with some lodging.Then were they ware of the hart that lay on a great water bank,and a brachet biting on his throat,and more other hounds came after.Then King Arthur blew the prise and dight the hart.

Then the king looked about the world,and saw afore him in a great water a little ship,all apparelled with silk down to the water,and the ship came right unto them and landed on the sands.

Then Arthur went to the bank and looked in,and saw none earthly creature therein.Sirs,said the king,come thence,and let us see what is in this ship.So they went in all three,and found it richly behanged with cloth of silk.By then it was dark night,and there suddenly were about them an hundred torches set upon all the sides of the ship boards,and it gave great light;and therewithal there came out twelve fair damosels and saluted King Arthur on their knees,and called him by his name,and said he was right welcome,and such cheer as they had he should have of the best.The king thanked them fair.Therewithal they led the king and his two fellows into a fair chamber,and there was a cloth laid,richly beseen of all that longed unto a table,and there were they served of all wines and meats that they could think;of that the king had great marvel,for he fared never better in his life as for one supper.And so when they had supped at their leisure,King Arthur was led into a chamber,a richer beseen chamber saw he never none,and so was King Uriens served,and led into such another chamber,and Sir Accolon was led into the third chamber passing richly and well beseen;and so they were laid in their beds easily.And anon they fell asleep,and slept marvellously sore all the night.And on the morrow King Uriens was in Camelot abed in his wife's arms,Morgan le Fay.And when he awoke he had great marvel,how he came there,for on the even afore he was two days'journey from Camelot.And when King Arthur awoke he found himself in a dark prison,hearing about him many complaints of woful knights.


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