
第215章 BOOK XI(7)

And for the death of my noble son,Sir Lamorak,shall my heart never be glad.And then she kneeled down upon her knees to-fore Aglovale and Sir Percivale,and besought them to abide at home with her.Ah,sweet mother,said Sir Percivale,we may not,for we be come of king's blood of both parties,and therefore,mother,it is our kind to haunt arms and noble deeds.Alas,my sweet sons,then she said,for your sakes I shall lose my liking and lust,and then wind and weather I may not endure,what for the death of your father,King Pellinore,that was shamefully slain by the hands of Sir Gawaine,and his brother,Sir Gaheris:and they slew him not manly but by treason.

Ah,my dear sons,this is a piteous complaint for me of your father's death,considering also the death of Sir Lamorak,that of knighthood had but few fellows.Now,my dear sons,have this in your mind.Then there was but weeping and sobbing in the court when they should depart,and she fell a-swooning in midst of the court.


How a servant of Sir Aglovale's was slain,and what vengeance Sir Aglovale and Sir Percivale did therefore.

AND when she was awaked she sent a squire after them with spending enough.And so when the squire had overtaken them,they would not suffer him to ride with them,but sent him home again to comfort their mother,praying her meekly of her blessing.And so this squire was benighted,and by misfortune he happened to come to a castle where dwelled a baron.And so when the squire was come into the castle,the lord asked him from whence he came,and whom he served.My lord,said the squire,I serve a good knight that is called Sir Aglovale:the squire said it to good intent,weening unto him to have been more forborne for Sir Aglovale's sake,than he had said he had served the queen,Aglovale's mother.Well,my fellow,said the lord of that castle,for Sir Aglovale's sake thou shalt have evil lodging,for Sir Aglovale slew my brother,and therefore thou shalt die on part of payment.

And then that lord commanded his men to have him away and slay him;and so they did,and so pulled him out of the castle,and there they slew him without mercy.

Right so on the morn came Sir Aglovale and Sir Percivale riding by a churchyard,where men and women were busy,and beheld the dead squire,and they thought to bury him.What is there,said Sir Aglovale,that ye behold so fast?A good man stert forth and said:Fair knight,here lieth a squire slain shamefully this night.How was he slain,fair fellow?said Sir Aglovale.My fair sir,said the man,the lord of this castle lodged this squire this night;and because he said he was servant unto a good knight that is with King Arthur,his name is Sir Aglovale,therefore the lord commanded to slay him,and for this cause is he slain.Gramercy,said Sir Aglovale,and ye shall see his death revenged lightly;for I am that same knight for whom this squire was slain.

Then Sir Aglovale called unto him Sir Percivale,and bade him alight lightly;and so they alighted both,and betook their horses to their men,and so they yede on foot into the castle.And all so soon as they were within the castle gate Sir Aglovale bade the porter:Go thou unto thy lord and tell him that I am Sir Aglovale for whom this squire was slain this night.Anon the porter told this to his lord,whose name was Goodewin.Anon he armed him,and then he came into the court and said:Which of you is Sir Aglovale?Here I am,said Aglovale:for what cause slewest thou this night my mother's squire?I slew him,said Sir Goodewin,because of thee,for thou slewest my brother,Sir Gawdelin.As for thy brother,said Sir Aglovale,I avow it I slew him,for he was a false knight and a betrayer of ladies and of good knights;and for the death of my squire thou shalt die.I defy thee,said Sir Goodewin.Then they lashed together as eagerly as it had been two lions,and Sir Percivale he fought with all the remnant that would fight.And within a while Sir Percivale had slain all that would withstand him;for Sir Percivale dealt so his strokes that were so rude that there durst no man abide him.And within a while Sir Aglovale had Sir Goodewin at the earth,and there he unlaced his helm,and struck off his head.And then they departed and took their horses;and then they let carry the dead squire unto a priory,and there they interred him.


How Sir Pervivale departed secretly from his brother,and how he loosed a knight bound with a chain,and of other doings.

AND when this was done they rode into many countries,ever inquiring after Sir Launcelot,but never they could hear of him;and at the last they came to a castle that hight Cardican,and there Sir Percivale and Sir Aglovale were lodged together.And privily about midnight Sir Percivale came to Aglovale's squire and said:Arise and make thee ready,for ye and I will ride away secretly.

Sir,said the squire,I would full fain ride with you where ye would have me,but an my lord,your brother,take me he will slay me.As for that care thou not,for I shall be thy warrant.

And so Sir Percivale rode till it was after noon,and then he came upon a bridge of stone,and there he found a knight that was bound with a chain fast about the waist unto a pillar of stone.O fair knight,said that bound knight,I require thee loose me of my bonds.What knight are ye,said Sir Percivale,and for what cause are ye so bound?Sir,I shall tell you,said that knight:

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