

which is so much talked of in the new philosophy, and which is ascribed to matter. We find by experience, that a body at rest or in motion continues for ever in its present state, till put from it by some new cause; and that a body impelled takes as much motion from the impelling body as it acquires itself. These are facts. When we call this a , we only mark these facts, without pretending to have any idea of the inert power; in the same manner as, when we talk of gravity, we mean certain effects, without comprehending that active power. It was never the meaning of Sir I/SAACN/EWTON to rob second causes of all force or energy; though some of his followers have endeavoured to establish that theory upon his authority. On the contrary, that great philosopher had recourse to an etherial active fluid to explain his universal attraction; though he was so cautious and modest as to allow, that it was a mere hypothesis, no to be insisted on, without more experiments. I must confess, that there is something in the fate of opinions a little extraordinary. D/ES C/ARTES insinuated that doctrine of the universal and sole efficacy of the Deity, without insisting on it. M/ALEBRANCHE and other C/ARTESIANS made it the foundation of all their philosophy. It had, however, no authority in E/NGLAND. L/OCKE, C/LARKE, and C/UDWORTH, never so much as notice of it, but suppose all along, that matter has a real, though subordinate and derived power. By what means has it become so prevalent among our modern metaphysicians?

[21]A/CCORDING to these explications and definitions, the idea of power is relative as much as that of ;and both have a reference to an effect, or some other event constantly conjoined with the former. When we consider the circumstance of an object, by which the degree or quantity of its effect is fixed and determined, we call that its power: And accordingly, it is allowed by all philosophers, that the effect is the measure of the power.

But if they had any idea of power, as it is in itself, why could not they Measure it in itself? The dispute whether the force of a body in motion be as its velocity, or the square of its velocity; this dispute, I say, need not be decided by comparing its effects in equal or unequal times; but by a direct mensuration and comparison.

As to the frequent use of the words, Force, Power, Energy, &c., which every where occur in common conversation, as well as in philosophy; that is no proof, that we are acquainted, in any instance, with the connecting principle between cause and effect, or can account ultimately for the production of one thing to another. These words, as commonly used, have very loose meanings annexed to them; and their ideas are very uncertain and confused. No animal can put external bodies in motion without the sentiment of a

or endeavour; and every animal has a sentiment or feeling from the stroke or blow of an external object, that is in motion. These sensations, which are merely animal, and from which we can

draw no inference, we are apt to transfer to inanimate objects, and to suppose, that they have some such feelings, whenever they transfer or receive motion. With regard to energies, which are exerted, without our annexing to them any idea of communicated motion, we consider only the constant experienced conjunction of the events; and as we a customary connexion between the ideas, we transfer that feeling to the objects; as nothing is more usual than to apply to external bodies every internal sensation, which they occasion.

[22]T/HE prevalence of the doctrine of liberty may be accounted for, from another cause, . a false sensation of seeming experience which we have, or may have, of liberty or indifference, in many of our actions. The necessity of any action, whether of matter or of mind, is not, properly speaking, a quality in the agent, but in any thinking or intelligent being, who may consider the action; and it consists chiefly in the determination of his thoughts to infer the existence of that action from some preceding objects; as liberty, when opposed to necessity, is nothing but the want of that determination, and a certain looseness or indifference, which we feel, in passing, or not passing, from the idea of one object to that of any succeeding one.

Now we may observe, that, though, in on human actions, we seldom feel such a looseness, or indifference, but are commonly able to infer them with considerable certainty from their motives, and from the dispositions of the agent; yet it frequently happens, that, in

the actions themselves, we are sensible of something like it: And as all resembling objects are readily taken for each other, this has been employed as a demonstrative and even intuitive proof of human liberty. We feel, that our actions are subject to our will, on most occasions; and imagine we feel, that the will itself is subject to nothing, because, when by a denial of it we are provoked to try, we feel, that it moves easily every way, and produces an image of itself (or a , as it is called in the schools) even on that side, on which it did not settle. This image, or faint motion, we persuade ourselves, could, at that time, have been compleated into the thing itself; because, should that be denied, we find, upon a second trial, that, at present, it can. We consider not, that the fantastical desire of shewing liberty, is here the motive of our actions. And it seems certain, that, however we may imagine we feel a liberty within ourselves, a spectator can commonly infer our actions from our motives and character; and even where he cannot, he concludes in general, that he might, were he perfectly acquainted with every circumstance of our situation and temper, and the most secret springs of our complexion and disposition. Now this is the very essence of necessity, according to the foregoing doctrine.

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    班萌,当红90后小花,因出演大爆剧《公主破案记》而红遍全国。脸蛋在线,身材在线,演技在线,流量在线,资源在线,堪称偶像派里的实力派,实力派里的偶像派,流量花里的资源咖,资源咖里的顶级流量。然而,她出了个车祸……车祸还挺厉害,伤到了脑子,让她失去了过去五年的记忆……当然,这是医院的说法,就她自己来说,她更觉得自己是穿越了,20岁的她穿越到了25岁的自己身上……而且20岁时还只是个普通的在校大学生,25岁却成为了在遍地人精的娱乐圈里混的还不错的人气小花……这导演那演员,这影帝那歌王,这经济人那制片方,原来都是活在电视里的虚拟人物,现在却成了熟悉的陌生人,班萌脸上笑嘻嘻,心里早已经求神拜佛各种哭唧唧……而更过分的是,这个突然蹦出来的影帝大叔是怎么回事,竟然口口声声说是她的男朋友?! 邢周是一个单身十几年的大影帝,有一天他终于找到了最合心意的女朋友,可是女朋友却出车祸把他给忘了,这可如何是好? 于是他就给大家讲了一个他如何化身女朋友的粉丝柠檬,逐渐让自己变身成了女朋友身边最酸最酸的柠檬精并顺利将女朋友变成老婆的故事。
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