


THE most patient people grow weary at last with being continually wetted with rain; except of course in the Scottish Highlands, where there are not enough fine intervals to point the difference. That was like to be our case, the day we left Noyon. I remember nothing of the voyage; it was nothing but clay banks and willows, and rain;incessant, pitiless, beating rain; until we stopped to lunch at a little inn at Pimprez, where the canal ran very near the river. We were so sadly drenched that the landlady lit a few sticks in the chimney for our comfort; there we sat in a steam of vapour, lamenting our concerns. The husband donned a game-bag and strode out to shoot; the wife sat in a far corner watching us. I think we were worth looking at. We grumbled over the misfortune of La Fere;we forecast other La Feres in the future; - although things went better with the CIGARETTE for spokesman; he had more aplomb altogether than I; and a dull, positive way of approaching a landlady that carried off the india-rubber bags. Talking of La Fere put us talking of the reservists.

'Reservery,' said he, 'seems a pretty mean way to spend ones autumn holiday.'

'About as mean,' returned I dejectedly, 'as canoeing.'

'These gentlemen travel for their pleasure?' asked the landlady, with unconscious irony.

It was too much. The scales fell from our eyes. Another wet day, it was determined, and we put the boats into the train.

The weather took the hint. That was our last wetting. The afternoon faired up: grand clouds still voyaged in the sky, but now singly, and with a depth of blue around their path; and a sunset in the daintiest rose and gold inaugurated a thick night of stars and a month of unbroken weather. At the same time, the river began to give us a better outlook into the country. The banks were not so high, the willows disappeared from along the margin, and pleasant hills stood all along its course and marked their profile on the sky.

In a little while the canal, coming to its last lock, began to discharge its water-houses on the Oise; so that we had no lack of company to fear. Here were all our old friends; the DEO GRATIAS of Conde and the FOUR SONS OF AYMON journeyed cheerily down stream along with us; we exchanged waterside pleasantries with the steersman perched among the lumber, or the driver hoarse with bawling to his horses; and the children came and looked over the side as we paddled by. We had never known all this while how much we missed them; but it gave us a fillip to see the smoke from their chimneys.

A little below this junction we made another meeting of yet more account. For there we were joined by the Aisne, already a far-travelled river and fresh out of Champagne. Here ended the adolescence of the Oise; this was his marriage day; thenceforward he had a stately, brimming march, conscious of his own dignity and sundry dams. He became a tranquil feature in the scene. The trees and towns saw themselves in him, as in a mirror. He carried the canoes lightly on his broad breast; there was no need to work hard against an eddy: but idleness became the order of the day, and mere straightforward dipping of the paddle, now on this side, now on that, without intelligence or effort. Truly we were coming into halcyon weather upon all accounts, and were floated towards the sea like gentlemen.

We made Compiegne as the sun was going down: a fine profile of a town above the river. Over the bridge, a regiment was parading to the drum. People loitered on the quay, some fishing, some looking idly at the stream. And as the two boats shot in along the water, we could see them pointing them out and speaking one to another.

We landed at a floating lavatory, where the washer-women were still beating the clothes.

  • 侣山堂类辩


  • 胎藏梵字真言


  • 春秋公羊传


  • 记义


  • 客座偶谈


  • 美漫之自助系统


  • 夫人你家boss超偏执


    (会员免费,甜宠爽文。男帅女有马甲)传闻江城心狠手辣,冷血无情的傅七爷有个心头宝,她一哭他就心疼,她一笑,把他的魂都给勾走了。 “宝宝,乖,待会就不疼了。”重生前,慕声晚双眼蒙蔽,被渣男利用,被心机婊耍的团团转,落了个家破人亡,惨死的下场。她恨他怨他千方百计想逃离,临死前才知道,她一直惧怕想要逃离的男人,却在背后默默保护着她,为了救她连命也不在乎。重生回来的慕声晚擦亮眼睛智商在线,抱紧俊美多金的老公不撒手,一边宠着男人,--边打脸虐渣脚踢牛鬼蛇神。“我老婆单纯,你们别带坏她。“我柔弱不能自理的娇妻,你们为什么要欺负她?”众人:柔弱不能自理能把一八几的汉子打趴在墙上?能一个人打趴一群人? 当女主马甲被扒,所有人都震惊了。
  • 环界4:新生


  • 你好千玺


  • 有关一只狐狸


  • 哎呀,我被手机吃掉了


  • 我老婆是状元郎


  • 鱼生足矣


  • Notes From The Underground(III) 地下室手记(英文版)

    Notes From The Underground(III) 地下室手记(英文版)

    Notes from Underground (also translated in English as Notes from the Underground or Letters from the Underworld while Notes from Underground is the most literal translation) is an 1864 novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, who is a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist, journalist and philosopher. It is considered by many to be one of the world's first existentialist novels. It presents itself as an excerpt from the rambling memoirs of a bitter, isolated, unnamed narrator (generally referred to by critics as the Underground Man) who is a retired civil servant living in St. Petersburg. The first part of the story is told in monologue form, or the underground man's diary, and attacks emerging Western pgsk.com second part of the book is called "Apropos of the Wet Snow" and describes certain events that appear to be destroying and sometimes renewing the underground man, who acts as a first person, unreliable narrator and anti-hero.
  • 孤烟凉

