

Now, after Chaka had come to the Duguza kraal, for a while he sat quiet, then the old thirst of blood came on him, and he sent his impis against the people of the Pondos, and they destroyed that people, and brought back their cattle. But the warriors might not rest; again they were doctored for war, and sent out by tens of thousands to conquer Sotyangana, chief of the people who live north of the Limpopo. They went singing, after the king had looked upon them and bidden them return victorious or not at all. Their number was so great that from the hour of dawn till the sun was high in the heavens they passed the gates of the kraal like countless herds of cattle--they the unconquered. Little did they know that victory smiled on them no more;that they must die by thousands of hunger and fever in the marshes of the Limpopo, and that those of them who returned should come with their shields in their bellies, having devoured their shields because of their ravenous hunger! But what of them? They were nothing. "Dust"was the name of one of the great regiments that went out against Sotyangana, and dust they were--dust to be driven to death by the breath of Chaka, Lion of the Zulu.

Now few men remained in the kraal Duguza, for nearly all had gone with the impi, and only women and aged people were left. Dingaan and Umhlangana, brothers of the king, were there, for Chaka would not suffer them to depart, fearing lest they should plot against him, and he looked on them always with an angry eye, so that they trembled for their lives, though they dared not show their fear lest fate should follow fear. But I guessed it, and like a snake I wound myself into their secrets, and we talked together darkly and in hints. But of that presently, my father, for I must tell of the coming of Masilo, he who would have wed Zinita, and whom Umslopogaas the Slaughterer had driven out from the kraals of the People of the Axe.

It was on the day after the impi had left that Masilo came to the kraal Duguza, craving leave to speak with the king. Chaka sat before his hut, and with him were Dingaan and Umhlangana, his royal brothers.

I was there also, and certain of the indunas, councillors of the king.

Chaka was weary that morning, for he had slept badly, as now he always did. Therefore, when one told him that a certain wanderer named Masilo would speak with him, he did not command that the man should be killed, but bade them bring him before him. Presently there was a sound of praising, and I saw a fat man, much worn with travel, who crawled through the dust towards us giving the sibonga, that is, naming the king by his royal names. Chaka bade him cease from praising and tell his business. Then the man sat up and told all that tale which you have heard, my father, of how a young man, great and strong, came to the place of the People of the Axe and conquered Jikiza, the holder of the axe, and become chief of that people, and of how he had taken the cattle of Masilo and driven him away. Now Chaka knew nothing of this People of the Axe, for the land was great in those days, my father, and there were many little tribes in it, living far away, of whom the king had not even heard; so he questioned Masilo about them, and of the number of their fighting-men, of their wealth in cattle, of the name of the young man who ruled them, and especially as to the tribute which they paid to the king.

Masilo answered, saying that the number of their fighting-men was perhaps the half of a full regiment, that their cattle were many, for they were rich, that they paid no tribute, and that the name of the young man was Bulalio the Slaughterer--at the least, he was known by that name, and he had heard no other.

Then the king grew wroth. "Arise, Masilo," he said, "and run to this people, and speak in the ear of the people, and of him who is named the Slaughterer, saying: 'There is another Slaughterer, who sits in a kraal that is named Duguza, and this is his word to you, O People of the Axe, and to thee, thou who holdest the axe. Rise up with all the people, and with all the cattle of your people, and come before him who sits in the kraal Duguza, and lay in his hands the great axe Groan-Maker. Rise up swiftly and do this bidding, lest ye sit down shortly and for the last time of all.'"[1]

[1] The Zulu are buried sitting.

Masilo heard, and said that it should be so, though the way was far, and he feared greatly to appear before him who was called the Slaughterer, and who sat twenty days' journey to the north, beneath the shadow of the Witch Mountain.

"Begone," said the king, "and stand before me on the thirtieth day from now with the answer of this boy with an axe! If thou standest not before me, then some shall come to seek thee and the boy with an axe also."So Masilo turned and fled swiftly to do the bidding of the king, and Chaka spoke no more of that matter. But I wondered in my heart who this young man with an axe might be; for I thought that he had dealt with Jikiza and with the sons of Jikiza as Umslopogaas would have dealt with them had he come to the years of his manhood. But I also said nothing of the matter.

Now on this day also there came to me news that my wife Macropha and my daughter Nada were dead among their people in Swaziland. It was said that the men of the chief of the Halakazi tribe had fallen on their kraal and put all in it to the assegai, and among them Macropha and Nada. I heard the news, but I wept no tear, for, my father, I was so lost in sorrows that nothing could move me any more.

  • 入众须知


  • The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria

    The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria

  • 菊谱


  • 靖康缃素杂记


  • 明伦汇编人事典寿夭部


  • 迢迢无尽时


  • 我在异世界搞科研


  • 七支簪


  • 我家女帝又重生了


    (甜宠搞笑爽文1v1)千霓裳是神殿中唯一一位女神帝,却被雷劈死了,落得一个尸骨无存的下场。四海之内,六合之中,无不有人拍案叫好,谁让她生前恶名昭彰。就在世人以为她死了的时候,天下太平没几年,又出了一位女魔头,其手段像极了那位女神帝。从此世间在无太平之日,仙门之人夜不能寐,魔道之人俯首称臣。 让人更没想到的是那个跟在她身边的跟屁虫,居然摇身一变成了高高在上的帝君大人。 真是世间危矣!
  • 农民维权一本通


    从历史来看,农民长期处于弱势地位,亟须维权。在我国历史上,农民长期处于社会底层,经济上受剥削,政治上受压迫,自身权益长期得不 到有效的保障。新中国成立以后,农民们翻身做了主人,改变了以往社会底层的弱势处境。但是,由于我国采取优先发展重工业的战略以及以 城市为中心的城乡二元制的户籍管理制度,农民为此做出了巨大的牺牲。这一时期,他们一方面勒紧裤腰带支持我国工业化建设,几乎把土地 产出的一半拿出来上交国家;另一方面,他们还在国家的动员之下,纷纷离乡,到祖国最需要的地方去做产业工人。
  • 骑士春天


  • 嫡朝


  • 人间痴绝


    她是孤独万年的天山神女,因在神界之时一念起救了魔尊,引发浮玉山失衡,最后散尽修为将浮玉山封入了人界天山……这一世,她是人间的妙手神医,医人万千却不能自救。身负红莲业火异术的折磨。 这一世,他是煜王凌轻尘,亦是江湖客沈煜风,他步步小心,初见之时便一眼倾心,一次次舍身相救。 当江湖中被一只魅搅的风云变色之际,寻了她百年的魔界至尊终于找到了她,可她却倾心与自己分离出去的三魂…… 他说:若有来世,我定会护你无恙。 他说:若你欢喜,无妨对我淡薄。 只是,这一场人间的救赎,没有谁分了输赢。
  • 三界第一整容脸


    什么奶油小生,什么红颜祸水,我三界第一整容机构通通满足你。 ——————本书始于一个人说的话———— “你可知三界的区别在哪里。”“人向上走一步是神,向下走一步是鬼。” “不,你记住,人向上走是人,向下走还是人。”
  • 嫡女难嫁之夫君不好看

