

Since such were her feelings,it only remained,he thought,to secure and expedite a marriage,which,in his very first conversation with Wickham,he easily learnt had never been his design.He confessed himself obliged to leave the regiment,on account of some debts of honour,which were very pressing;and scrupled not to lay all the ill consequences of Lydia's flight on her own folly alone.He meant to resign his commission immediately;and as to his future situation,he could conjecture very little about it.He must go somewhere,but he did not know where,and he knew he should have nothing to live on.Mr Darcy asked him why he had not married your sister at once.Though Mr Bennet was not imagined to be very rich,he would have been able to do something for him,and his situation must have been benefited by marriage.But he found,in reply to this question,that Wickham still cherished the hope of more effectually making his fortune by marriage in some other country.Under such circumstances,however,he was not likely to be proof against the temptation of immediate relief.They met several times,for there was much to be discussed.Wickham of course wanted more than he could get;but at length was reduced to be reasonable.

Every thing being settled between them,Mr Darcy's next step was to make your uncle acquainted with it,and he first called in Gracechurch street the evening before I came home.But Mr Gardiner could not be seen,and Mr Darcy found,on further inquiry,that your father was still with him,but would quit town the next morning.

He did not judge your father to be a person whom he could so properly consult as your uncle,and therefore readily postponed seeing him till after the departure of the former.He did not leave his name,and till the next day it was only known that a gentleman had called on business.On Saturday he came again.Your father was gone,your uncle at home,and,as I said before,they had a great deal of talk together.They met again on Sunday,and then I saw him too.It was not all settled before Monday:as soon as it was,the express was sent off to Longbourn.But our visitor was very obstinate.I fancy,Lizzy,that obstinacy is the real defect of his character,after all.He has been accused of many faults at different times,but this is the true one.Nothing was to be done that he did not do himself;though I am sure (and I do not speak it to be thanked,therefore say nothing about it)your uncle would most readily have settled the whole.

They battled it together for a long time,which was more than either the gentleman or lady concerned in it deserved.But at last your uncle was forced to yield,and instead of being allowed to be of use to his niece,was forced to put up with only having the probable credit of it,which went sorely against the grain;and I really believe your letter this morning gave him great pleasure,because it required an explanation that would rob him of his borrowed feathers,and give the praise where it was due.But,Lizzy,this must go no farther than yourself,or Jane at most.You know pretty well,I suppose,what has been done for the young people.His debts are to be paid,amounting,I believe,to considerably more than a thousand pounds,another thousand in addition to her own settled upon her,and his commission purchased.

The reason why all this was to be done by him alone,was such as I have given above.It was owing to him,to his reserve and want of proper consideration,that Wickham's character had been so misunderstood,and consequently that he had been received and noticed as he was.Perhaps there was some truth in this;though I doubt whether his reserve,or anybody's reserve,can be answerable for the event.But in spite of all this fine talking,my dear Lizzy,you may rest perfectly assured that your uncle would never have yielded,if we had not given him credit for another interest in the affair.When all this was resolved on,he returned again to his friends,who were still staying at Pemberley;but it was agreed that he should be in London once more when the wedding took place,and all money matters were then to receive the last finish.I believe I have now told you every thing.It is a relation which you tell me is to give you great surprize;I hope at least it will not afford you any displeasure.Lydia came to us;and Wickham had constant admission to the house.He was exactly what he had been when I knew him in Hertfordshire;but I would not tell you how little I was satisfied with her behaviour while she staid with us,if I had not perceived,by Jane's letter last Wednesday,that her conduct on coming home was exactly of a piece with it,and therefore what I now tell you can give you no fresh pain.I talked to her repeatedly in the most serious manner,representing to her all the wickedness of what she had done,and all the unhappiness she had brought on her family.If she heard me,it was by good luck,for I am sure she did not listen.I was sometimes quite provoked,but then I recollected my dear Elizabeth and Jane,and for their sakes had patience with her.Mr Darcy was punctual in his return,and as Lydia informed you,attended the wedding.He dined with us the next day,and was to leave town again on Wednesday or Thursday.Will you be very angry with me,my dear Lizzy,if I take this opportunity of saying (what I was never bold enough to say before)how much I like him.His behaviour to us has,in every respect,been as pleasing as when we were in Derbyshire.His understanding and opinions all please me;he wants nothing but a little more liveliness,and that,if he marry prudently,his wife may teach him.I thought him very sly;-he hardly ever mentioned your name.But slyness seems the fashion.Pray forgive me if I have been very presuming,or at least do not punish me so far as to exclude me from P.I shall never be quite happy till I have been all round the park.A low phaeton,with a nice little pair of ponies,would be the very thing.But I must write no more.The children have been wanting me this half hour.

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