

"The amounts are correct,signore,"she said."I thankyou for making my task so easy.And now I will go."The lawyer brought a newspaper and wrapped the money in it once again.

"It is always dangerous to carry so much money,"saidhe;"but now no one will be likely to suspect the contents of your package."Tato smiled.

"No one would care to molest me,"she said;"for they fear those that protect me.Good afternoon,signore.Your friends will be with you in time to dine in your company.Good afternoon,signorini,"turning to Patsy and Louise.

"I'll walk a little way with you;may I ?"asked Patsy,smiling into Tato's splendid eyes.

"To be sure,signorina,"was the quick response.

Patricia caught up a sunshade and followed the child out at the side entrance,which was little used.Tato took the way along the old road,and Patsy walked beside her,chatting brightly of the catacombs,the Norman villa that showed its checkereda tower above the trees and the ancient wall that still hemmed in the little village.

"I love Taormina,"she said,earnestly,"and shall be sorry to leave it.You must be very happy,Tato,to be able to live here always.""It is my birthplace,"she said;"but I long to get awayfrom it and see other countries.The view is ?ne,they say;but it tires me.The air is sweet and pure;but it oppresses me.The climate is glorious;but I have had enough of it.In other places there is novelty,and many things that Sicily knows nothing of.""That is true,"replied Patsy,tucking the little one's arm underneath her own,with a sympathetic gesture."I know just how you feel,Tato.You must come to America some day,and visit me.I will make you very welcome,dear,and you shall be my friend."The child looked into her face earnestly.

"You do not hate me,signorina,because—because—""Because why?""Because my errand to you has been so lawless and—and—unfriendly?""Ah,Tato,you do not choose this life,do you?""No,signorina.""It is forced on you by circumstances,is it not?""Truly,signorina.""I know.You would not long so wistfullya to change your condition if you enjoyed being a little brigand.But nothing that has passed must interfere with our friendship,dear.If I werein your place,you see,I would do just as you have done.It isnot a very honest life,Tato,nor one to be proud of;but I'm not going to blame you one bit."They had passed the Catania Gate and reached the foot ofone of the mountain paths.Tato paused,hesitatingly.

"Oh,I'll go a little farther,"said Patsy,promptly."No one will notice two girls,you know.Shall I carry your parcel for a time?""No,"replied the child,hugging it close with her disengageda arm.But she offered no objection when Patsy continued to walk by her side.

"Have you any brothers or sisters,Tato?"

"No,signorina.""Have you a mother?"

"No,signorina.My father and I are alone."

"I know him well,Tato.We were on the ship together,crossing the ocean.He was gruff and disagreeable,but I made him talk to me and smile.""I know;he has told me of the Signorina Patsy.He is fondof you.""Yet he robbed my uncle."The child ?ushed,and drew away her arm.

"That is it.That is why you should hate me,"she replied,bitterly."I know it is robbery,and brigandage,although my father masks it by saying he sells antiques.Until now I have seen nothing wrong in this life,signorina;but you have made me ashamed.""Why,dear ?""Because you are so good and gentle,and so forgiving."Patsy laughed.

"In reality,Tato,I am resentful and unforgiving.You will find out,soon,that I am a very human girl,and then I will not make you ashamed.But your father's business is shameful,nevertheless."Tato was plainly puzzled,and knew not what to reply.But just then they reached the end of the crevasse,and the child said:

"You must return now,Signorina Patsy."

"But why cannot I go on with you,and come back with my uncle?"Tato hesitated.Accustomed as she was to duplicitya and acting,in her capacity as lure for her thieving father,the child was just now softened by Patsy's kindly manner and the successful accomplishment of her mission.She had no thought of any treacheryb or deception on the part of the American girl,and the request seemed to her natural enough.

"If you like,"she decided,"you may come as far as thebarrier,and there wait for your uncle.It will not be long.""Very well,dear."Tato clambered over the dividing rock and dropped into the path beyond.Patsy sprang lightly after her.A short distance farther and they reached the barrier.

"This is the place,signorina.You will sit upon thatstone,and wait until your uncle appears."She hesitated,andthen added,softly:"I may not see you again.But you will not forget me?""Never,Tato.And if you come to America you must not forget to visit me.Remember,whatever happens,that we are friends,and must always remain so."The child nodded,gratefully.Then,leaning against the face of the cliff,she raised her voice and warbleda clearly the bit of song that served as the signal to her father.

  • 那些光影飞华的魅惑(每天读一点英文)


  • 英语口语900句袋着走


    全书分为五大主题,120个话题,涉及校园、生活、工作、娱乐、旅行等老外从早到晚都在说的各方面内容。每一部分所包含的版块如下:经典句子 收集了跟生活场景相关的最经典实用的英语单句,掌握这些句子,为说出流畅的口语做好准备,夯实基础。实用对话 把每一个话题以现场交流对话的方式直观表达出来,让你觉得学英语不再枯燥、无聊!地道的表达,鲜活的语言,再现老外真实的生活场景。文化加油站  该部分包含英美文化、心灵鸡汤、名人演讲、名人访谈录等。浓缩经典,汇聚百态,在学习英语的同时增长见识,开阔眼界,提升自我。
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  • 我家宿主又开挂


    【1v1,本书原名《快穿:人渣攻略计划》】野鸡系统:我们的口号是!唐晚:杀人!放火!走上人生巅峰!野鸡系统:什么???唐晚:给我分配对象! 系统:……系统心里难受,但它不说。小姐姐总爱给自己加戏,“日行一善”那么简单的任务她非要做的那么艰巨,临走还要收割一波仇恨值,偏偏宿主是隐藏大佬,它只能被迫接受。系统:感觉被生活蹂躏,还不能反抗#系统跟宿主总要先疯一个,很明显系统先疯了#
  • 武魔录


  • 木叶之最强肉遁


  • 专属甜宠:校草大人求放过


    【全文免费】军训迟到,程可可成了焦点,从此莫名其妙的被万人迷校草缠上。变成女同学羡慕嫉妒恨的对象就算了,还经常被好闺蜜坑?这让性格内向的她无语凝噎。 一天,任性不羁的校草大人自作主张的宣布:“程可可,以后咱们就是朋友了。”又有一天,冷酷迷人的校草大人扫视众人,霸气十足道:“可可,以后有我罩着你,谁敢欺负你试试?”然而,校草大人也有撒娇卖萌的一面:“可可,我知道你最好了,一定不会见死不救的,对不对?”她勾唇一笑,反握住他的手,“宸宸,这次换我带你装逼带你飞!”甜宠文,还有外星萌宠来助阵哦!
  • 中国经典文学书系(套装共66册)

