

Argyle,with his own levies and other troops,undertook to follow Montrose's march;so that,in case he should come to action either with Seaforth,or with Baillie and Urrie,he might be placed between two fires by this third army,which,at a secure distance,was to hang upon his rear.

For this purpose,Argyle once more moved towards Inverary,having an opportunity,at every step,to deplore the severities which the hostile clans had exercised on his dependants and country.

Whatever noble qualities the Highlanders possessed,and they had many,clemency in treating a hostile country was not of the number;but even the ravages of hostile troops combined to swell the number of Argyle's followers.It is still a Highland proverb,He whose house is burnt must become a soldier;and hundreds of the inhabitants of these unfortunate valleys had now no means of maintenance,save by exercising upon others the severities they had themselves sustained,and no future prospect of happiness,excepting in the gratification of revenge.His bands were,therefore,augmented by the very circumstances which had desolated his country,and Argyle soon found himself at the head of three thousand determined men,distinguished for activity and courage,and commanded by gentlemen of his own name,who yielded to none in those qualities.Under himself,he conferred the principal command upon Sir Duncan Campbell of Ardenvohr,and another Sir Duncan Campbell of Auchenbreck,[This last character is historical]an experienced and veteran soldier,whom he had recalled from the wars of Ireland for this purpose.The cold spirit of Argyle himself,however,clogged the military councils of his more intrepid assistants;and it was resolved,notwithstanding their increased force,to observe the same plan of operations,and to follow Montrose cautiously,in whatever direction he should march,avoiding an engagement until an opportunity should occur of falling upon his rear,while he should be engaged with another enemy in front.


Piobracht au Donuil-dhu,Piobrachet au Donuil,Piobrachet agus S'breittach Feacht an Innerlochy.

The war-tune of Donald the Black,The war-tune of Black Donald,The pipes and the banner Are up in the rendezvous of Inverlochy.

The military road connecting the chains of forts,as it is called,and running in the general line of the present Caledonian Canal,has now completely opened the great glen,or chasm,extending almost across the whole island,once doubtless filled by the sea,and still affording basins for that long line of lakes,by means of which modern art has united the German and Atlantic Oceans.The paths or tracks by which the natives traversed this extensive valley,were,in 1645-6,in the same situation as when they awaked the strain of an Irish engineer officer,who had been employed in converting them into practicable military roads,and whose eulogium begins,and,for aught I know,ends,as follows:

Had you seen but these roads before they were made,You would have held up your hands and bless'd General Wade.

But,bad as the ordinary paths were,Montrose avoided them,and led his army,like a herd of wild deer,from mountain to mountain,and from forest to forest,where his enemies could learn nothing of his motions,while he acquired the most perfect knowledge respecting theirs from the friendly clans of Cameron and M'Donnell,whose mountainous districts he now traversed.

Strict orders had been given that Argyle's advance should be watched,and that all intelligence respecting his motions should be communicated instantly to the General himself.

It was a moonlight night,and Montrose,worn out by the fatigues of the day,was laid down to sleep in a miserable shieling.He had only slumbered two hours,when some one touched his shoulder.

He looked up,and,by the stately form and deep voice,easily recognised the Chief of the Camerons.

"I have news for you,"said that leader,"which is worth while to arise and listen to."

"M'Ilduy [Mhich-Connel Dhu,the descendant of Black Donald.]can bring no other,"said Montrose,addressing the Chief by his patronymic title--"are they good or bad?"

"As you may take them,"said the Chieftain.

"Are they certain?"demanded Montrose.

"Yes,"answered M'Ilduy,"or another messenger should have brought them.Know that,tired with the task imposed upon me of accompanying that unhappy Dalgetty and his handful of horse,who detained me for hours on the march at the pace of a crippled badger,I made a stretch of four miles with six of my people in the direction of Inverlochy,and there met with Ian of Glenroy,who had been out for intelligence.Argyle is moving upon Inverlochy with three thousand chosen men,commanded by the flower of the sons of Diarmid.--These are my news--they are certain--it is for you to construe their purport."

"Their purport must be good,"answered Montrose,readily and cheerfully;"the voice of M'Ilduy is ever pleasant in the ears of Montrose,and most pleasant when it speaks of some brave enterprise at hand--What are our musters?"

He then called for light,and easily ascertained that a great part of his followers having,as usual,dispersed to secure their booty,he had not with him above twelve or fourteen hundred men.

"Not much above a third,"said Montrose,pausing,"of Argyle's force,and Highlanders opposed to Highlanders.--With the blessing of God upon the royal cause,I would not hesitate were the odds but one to two."

"Then do not hesitate,"said Cameron;"for when your trumpets shall sound to attack M'Callum More,not a man of these glens will remain deaf to the summons.Glengarry--Keppoch--I myself--would destroy,with fire and sword,the wretch who should remain behind under any pretence whatsoever.To-morrow,or the next day,shall be a day of battle to all who bear the name of M'Donnell or Cameron,whatever be the event."

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