

By and by I was smitten with the silver fever."Prospecting parties"were leaving for the mountains every day, and discovering and taking possession of rich silver-bearing lodes and ledges of quartz.Plainly this was the road to fortune.The great "Gould and Curry" mine was held at three or four hundred dollars a foot when we arrived; but in two months it had sprung up to eight hundred.The "Ophir" had been worth only a mere trifle, a year gone by, and now it was selling at nearly four thousand dollars a foot! Not a mine could be named that had not experienced an astonishing advance in value within a short time.

Everybody was talking about these marvels.Go where you would, you heard nothing else, from morning till far into the night.Tom So-and-So had sold out of the 'Amanda Smith" for $40,000--hadn't a cent when he "took up" the ledge six months ago.John Jones had sold half his interest in the "Bald Eagle and Mary Ann" for $65,000, gold coin, and gone to the States for his family.The widow Brewster had "struck it rich" in the "Golden Fleece" and sold ten feet for $18,000--hadn't money enough to buy a crape bonnet when Sing-Sing Tommy killed her husband at Baldy Johnson's wake last spring.The "Last Chance" had found a "clay casing" and knew they were "right on the ledge"--consequence, "feet" that went begging yesterday were worth a brick house apiece to-day, and seedy owners who could not get trusted for a drink at any bar in the country yesterday were roaring drunk on champagne to-day and had hosts of warm personal friends in a town where they had forgotten how to bow or shake hands from long-continued want of practice.Johnny Morgan, a common loafer, had gone to sleep in the gutter and waked up worth a hundred thousand dollars, in consequence of the decision in the "Lady Franklin and Rough and Ready" lawsuit.And so on--day in and day out the talk pelted our ears and the excitement waxed hotter and hotter around us.

I would have been more or less than human if I had not gone mad like the rest.Cart-loads of solid silver bricks, as large as pigs of lead, were arriving from the mills every day, and such sights as that gave substance to the wild talk about me.I succumbed and grew as frenzied as the craziest.

Every few days news would come of the discovery of a bran-new mining region; immediately the papers would teem with accounts of its richness, and away the surplus population would scamper to take possession.By the time I was fairly inoculated with the disease, "Esmeralda" had just had a run and "Humboldt" was beginning to shriek for attention."Humboldt!

Humboldt!" was the new cry, and straightway Humboldt, the newest of the new, the richest of the rich, the most marvellous of the marvellous discoveries in silver-land was occupying two columns of the public prints to "Esmeralda's" one.I was just on the point of starting to Esmeralda, but turned with the tide and got ready for Humboldt.That the reader may see what moved me, and what would as surely have moved him had he been there, I insert here one of the newspaper letters of the day.It and several other letters from the same calm hand were the main means of converting me.I shall not garble the extract, but put it in just as it appeared in the Daily Territorial Enterprise:

But what about our mines? I shall be candid with you.I shall express an honest opinion, based upon a thorough examination.

Humboldt county is the richest mineral region upon God's footstool.

Each mountain range is gorged with the precious ores.Humboldt is the true Golconda.

The other day an assay of mere croppings yielded exceeding four thousand dollars to the ton.A week or two ago an assay of just such surface developments made returns of seven thousand dollars to the ton.Our mountains are full of rambling prospectors.Each day and almost every hour reveals new and more startling evidences of the profuse and intensified wealth of our favored county.The metal is not silver alone.There are distinct ledges of auriferous ore.

  • The Belgian Twins

    The Belgian Twins

  • 续命经


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  • 伤感的散文精选(散文书系)


  • 老婆立正稍息


  • 红楼的门槛


    “蜗居,裸婚时代”就像是一面镜子,将现实中奔跑的人们的千姿百态,无一例外的展现在人前。而本书《红楼的门槛》也更像是一面娃娃镜,让人们在看见自己的同时,能够真实的感觉到可笑,还有一丝恐惧。 父母都希望自己的女儿嫁个好人家,儿子娶个好媳妇。可是现实却又是矛盾的。本书叙述了一对夫妇对儿子女儿婚姻的态度。儿子奋斗了很久,和城市还是不融洽,还是贫穷的,进入了“三无”行列,“没钱,没房,没车”,父母却希望儿子赶紧找到个好老婆。另一边,希望女儿能够嫁个“有房,有钱,有车,有学历”的男性。可想而知,大多数家长都是这样想的,又怎么能让儿子找到一个不嫌弃自己的善良的女子。这就加深了文章的戏剧性与矛盾冲突。故事的结局,女儿不如父母的愿结了婚,却收获了幸福;儿子如愿的结了婚,却落得悲凉。 道尽人世悲哀。
  • 我生活之目的:英美名家论人生


  • 今生晚晚情


  • Rupert of Hentzau

    Rupert of Hentzau
