

"His tone shows he's ennuied; he has so many of these yere blazers to run; that's why he's careless, mebby.When the party throws up his hands, he is careful an knocks the marshal's gun one side with his left hand, bein' he's too close as I says, at the same time pullin' his own wherewith he then sends that marshal to the happy huntin' grounds in one motion.Before ever that Gunnison offishul gets it outen his head that that sport's holdin' up his hands, he's receivin' notice on high to hustle 'round an' find his harp an'

stand in on the eternal chorus for all he's worth.

"'Which the public,' says Jack Moore, the time he relates about this yere Gunnison marshal bein over-played that time, 'takes an' hangs the killer in a minute.An' he's shorely a bad man.

"'Does you-all want to pray?" says one of the gents who's stringin'

of him.

"'No, Ed," he says that a-way, "prayin's a blind trail to my eyes an' I can't run it a inch.""'"What for a racket," says this yere Ed, "would it be to pick out a sport to pray for you a whole lot; sorter play your hand?""'"That's all right," says this culprit."Nominate your sharp an'

tell him to wade in an' roll his game.I reckons it's a good hedge, an' a little prayin' mebby does me good.""'Tharupon the committee puts for'ard a gent who's a good talker;but not takin' an interest much, he makes a mighty weak orison, that a-way.Thar's nohody likes it, from the culprit, who's standin' thar with the lariat 'round his neck, to the last gent who's come up.

This party blunders along, mebby it's a minute, when the culprit, who's plumb disgusted, breaks in.

"'"That's a hell of a pra'r," he says, "an' I don't want no more of it in mine.Gimme a drink of whiskey, gents, an' swing me off.""'The committee, whose sympathies is all with this yere party who's to hang, calls down the gent a heap who's prayin', gives the other his forty drops, an' cinches him up some free of the ground; which the same bein' ample for strang'lation.

"'But,' concloods Jack, 'while they hangs him all right an' proper, that don't put off the funeral of the marshal none, who gets careless an' goes too close.' An' you bet Jack's right.

"But goin' back: As I remarks, Jack stands round loose an'

indifferent with his eye on the pony of Pinon Bill's, which it looks now like this yere Bill is aware of Jack's little game.He comes out shore-'nough, but he's organized.He's got his gun in his hand; an'

also he's packin' the Deef Woman's yearlin' in front of his breast an' face.

"Jack gives him the word, but Pinon Bill only laughs.Then Jack makes a bluff with his gun like he's goin' to shoot Pinon Bill, the infant, an' all involved tharin.This yere last move rattles Pinon Bill, an' he ups an' slams loose at Jack.But the baby's in his way as much mebby as it is in Jack's, an' he only grazes Jack's frame a whole lot, which amounts to some blood an' no deep harm.

"'Down his pony, Jack!' shouts Dave Tutt, jumpin' outen the Red Light like he aims to get in on the deal.

"But this yere Pinon Bill shifts the cut on 'em.

"'If one of you-alls so much as cracks a cap,' he says, 'I blows the head offen this yere blessed child.'

"An' tharupon he shoves his gun up agin that baby's left y'ear that a-way, so it shore curdles your blood.He does it as readily as if it's grown-up folks.It shore sends a chill through me; an' Dan Boggs is that 'fected he turns plumb sick.Boggs ain't eatin' a thing, leastwise nothin' but whiskey, for two days after he sees Pinon Bill do it.

"'That's on the level,' says this Pinon Bill ag'in.--The first vestich of a gun-play I witnesses, or if any gent starts to follow me ontil I'm a mile away, I'll send this yearlin' scoutin' after Burke.An' you-alls hears me say it.'



  • Bramble-bees and Others

    Bramble-bees and Others

  • 唐嵩高山启母庙碑铭


  • 韬晦术


  • 陆氏家制


  • 七里樱


  • 位面无限轮盘


  • 活学活用三十六计


  • God the Known and God the Unknown

    God the Known and God the Unknown

  • 至尊女配:嚣张皇贵妃


  • 从清零开始再爱你


  • 光年男神不好追


    【腹黑大灰狼VS呆萌卷毛兔子,医学院学神+法学院学霸,不甜不要钱】 C大流传这么一个传说:没有人能撼动医学院的学神江亦寒的心,因为他的心和常人隔了94600亿公里。安菲在自己的小本子算了一番:94600亿公里=1光年=118250亿步=走两亿年所以安菲非常生气地对江亦寒说:“我才不要追你,你的心太远了,即使是光的速度都追不上!”江亦寒:“为什么不试一下超光速呢?”安菲:“不可能的,爱因斯坦的经典理论都说了,除非粒子不携带信息,否则任何物质在真空中的速度都无法超过光速,所以根本就没有超光速的东西的存在。”他迅速把她抱住,“有的,例如——我对你动心的速度。”
  • 遇见她在枫林


  • 至尊邪魅


  • 荒芜境

