"Followin' of his bluff, 'Doby goes over an' consoles with the Mexican's daughter, which her name's Manuela, an' she don't look so bad neither.Doc Peets, whose jedgement of females is a cinch, allows she's as pretty as a diamond flush, an' you can gamble Doc Peets ain't makin no blind leads when it's a question of squaws.
"So 'Doby consoles this yere Manuela a whole lot, while Billy, who's makin' coffee an' bakin'.powder biscuit inside, don't really notice he's doin' it.Fact is, Billy's plumb busy.The New York Store havin' changed bakin'-powder onto us the week before--the same redoocin' biscuits to a conundrum for a month after--an' that bakin'-powder change sorter engagin' Billy's faculties wholly, he forgets about deceased an' his daughter complete; that is, complete temporary.Later, when the biscuits is done an' offen his mind, Billy recalls all about it ag'in.
"'But 'Doby, who's a good talker an' a mighty tender gent that a-way, jumps in an' comforts Manuela, an' shows her how this mule her paw is stealin' is by way an' far the best mule in camp, an' at last she dries her tears an' allows in her language that she's growin'
resigned.'Doby winds up by he'pin' Manuela home with what's left of her paw.
"'Which it's jest like that 'Doby,' says Billy, when he hears of his partner packin' home his prey that a-way, an' his tones shows he admires 'Doby no limit, `which it's shorely like him.Take folks in distress, an' you-alls can bet your last chip 'Doby can't do too much for 'em.' "Billy's disgust sets in like the rainy season, however, when about two months later 'Doby ups an' weds this Mexican girl Manuela.When Billy learns of said ceremony, he declines a seat in the game, an' won't go near them nuptials nohow.
"'An' I declar's myse'f right yere,' says Billy.'From now for'ard it's a case of lone hand with me.I don't want no more partners.
When a gent with whom for ten years I've camped, trailed, an'
prospected with, all the way from the Dalls to the Gila, quits me cold an' clammy for a squaw he don't know ten weeks, you can gamble that lets me plumb out.I've done got my med'cine.an' I'm ready to quit.'
"But 'Doby an' Billy don't actooally make no assignment, nor go into what you-all Eastern sharps calls liquidation.The two goes on an'
works their claims together, an' the firm name still waves as 'Doby Dawson an' Copper Queen Billy Rudd,' only Billy won't go into 'Doby's new wickeyup where he's got Manuela,--not a foot.
"'Which I might have conquered my native reluctance,' says Billy, 'so to do, an' I even makes up my mind one night--it's after I've got my grub, an' you-alls knows how plumb soft an' forgivin' that a-way a gent is when his stomach's full of grub--to go up an' visit 'em a lot.But as I gets to the door I hears a noise I don't savey;an' when I Injuns up to a crack an' surveys the scene, I'm a coyote if thar ain't 'Doby, with his wife in his lap, singin' to her.
That's squar'; actooally singin'; which sech efforts reminds me of ballards by cinnamon b'ars.
"'I ain't none shore,' goes on Billy, as he relates about it to me, 'but I'd stood sech egreegious plays, chargin' it general to 'Doby's gettin' locoed an' mushy; but when this yere ingrate ends his war-song, what do you-all reckon now he does? Turns in an' begins 'pologizin' for me downin' her dad.Which the old hold-up is on the mule an' goin' hell-bent when I curls him up.Well, that ends things with me.I turns on my heels an' goes down to the Red Light an' gets drunk plumb through.You recalls it; the time I'm drunk a month, an'
Cherokee Hall bars me at faro-bank, allowin' I'm onconscious of my surroundin's.'
"Billy goes on livin' at their old camp, an' 'Doby an' Manuela at the new one 'Doby built.This last is mebby four hundred yards more up the draw.Durin' the day 'Doby an' Billy turns in an' works an'
digs an' drills an' blasts together as of yore.The main change is that at evenin' Billy gets drunk alone; an' as 'Doby ain't along to he'p Billy home an' need Billy's he'p to get home, lots of times Billy falls by the trail an' puts in the night among the mesquite-bushes an' the coyotes impartial.
"This yere goes on for plumb a year, an' while things is cooler an'
more distant between 'em, same as it's bound to be when two gents sleeps in different camps, still 'Doby an' Billy is trackin' along all right.One mornin', however, Billy goes down to the holes they's projectin' over, but no 'Doby shows up.It goes on ontil mighty likely fifth-drink time that forenoon, an' as Billy don't see no trace, sign, nor signal-smoke of his pard, he gets oneasy.
"'It's a fact,' says Billy afterward, 'thar's hours when I more'n half allows this yere squaw of 'Doby's has done took a knife, or some sech weepon, an' gets even with 'Doby, while he sleeps, for me pluggin' her paw about the mule.It's this yere idee which takes me outen the shaft I'm sinkin', an' sends me cavortin' up to 'Doby's camp.I passes a resolution on my way that if she's cashed 'Doby's chips for him that a-way, I'll shorely sa'nter over an' lay waste all Chihuahua to play even for the blow.'
"But as all turns out, them surmises of Billy's is idle.He gets mebby easy six-shooter distance from the door, when he discerns a small cry like a fox-cub's whine.Billy listens, an' the yelp comes as cl'ar on his years as the whistle of a curlew.Billy tumbles.
"'I'm a Chinaman,' says Billy, 'if it ain't a kid!'
"So he backs off quiet an' noiseless ontil he's dead safe, an' then he lifts the long yell for 'Doby.When 'Doby emerges he confirms them beliefs of Billy's; it's a kid shore-'nough.
"'Boy or girl?' says Billy.
"'Boy,' says 'Doby.'
"'Which I shorely quits you cold if it's a girl; says Billy.'As it is, I stands by you in your troubles.I ain't none s'prised at your luck, 'Doby,' goes on Billy.` I half foresees some sech racket as this the minute you gets married.However, if it's a boy she goes.Iain't the gent to lay down on an old-time runnin'-mate while luck's ag'in him; an' I'll still be your partner an' play out my hand.'