
第63章 Part 5(9)

It is true masters of families were bound by the order to give notice to the examiner of the place wherein he lived,within two hours after he should discover it,of any person being sick in his house (that is to say,having signs of the infection)-but they found so many ways to evade this and excuse their negligence that they seldom gave that notice till they had taken measures to have every one escape out of the house who had a mind to escape,whether they were sick or sound;and while this was so,it is easy to see that the shutting up of houses was no way to be depended upon as a sufficient method for putting a stop to the infection because,as I have said elsewhere,many of those that so went out of those infected houses had the plague really upon them,though they might really think themselves sound.And some of these were the people that walked the streets till they fell down dead,not that they were suddenly struck with the distemper as with a bullet that killed with the stroke,but that they really had the infection in their blood long before;only,that as it preyed secretly on the vitals,it appeared not till it seized the heart with a mortal power,and the patient died in a moment,as with a sudden fainting or an apoplectic fit.

I know that some even of our physicians thought for a time that those people that so died in the streets were seized but that moment they fell,as if they had been touched by a stroke from heaven as men are killed by a flash of lightning -but they found reason to alter their opinion afterward;for upon examining the bodies of such after they were dead,they always either had tokens upon them or other evident proofs of the distemper having been longer upon them than they had otherwise expected.

This often was the reason that,as I have said,we that were examiners were not able to come at the knowledge of the infection being entered into a house till it was too late to shut it up,and sometimes not till the people that were left were all dead.In Petticoat Lane two houses together were infected,and several people sick;but the distemper was so well concealed,the examiner,who was my neighbour,got no knowledge of it till notice was sent him that the people were all dead,and that the carts should call there to fetch them away.The two heads of the families concerted their measures,and so ordered their matters as that when the examiner was in the neighbourhood they appeared generally at a time,and answered,that is,lied,for one another,or got some of the neighbourhood to say they were all in health -and perhaps knew no better -till,death making it impossible to keep it any longer as a secret,the dead-carts were called in the night to both the houses t and so it became public.But when the examiner ordered the constable to shut up the houses there was nobody left in them but three people,two in one house and one in the other,just dying,and a nurse in each house who acknowledged that they had buried five before,that the houses had been infected nine or ten days,and that for all the rest of the two families,which were many,they were gone,some sick,some well,or whether sick or well could not be known.

In like manner,at another house in the same lane,a man having his family infected but very unwilling to be shut up,when he could conceal it no longer,shut up himself;that is to say,he set the great red cross upon his door with the words,'Lord have mercy upon us',and so deluded the examiner,who supposed it had been done by the constable by order of the other examiner,for there were two examiners to every district or precinct.By this means he had free egress and regress into his house again.and out of it,as he pleased,notwithstanding it was infected,till at length his stratagem was found out;and then he,with the sound part of his servants and family,made off and escaped,so they were not shut up at all.

These things made it very hard,if not impossible,as I have said,to prevent the spreading of an infection by the shutting up of houses -unless the people would think the shutting of their houses no grievance,and be so willing to have it done as that they would give notice duly and faithfully to the magistrates of their being infected as soon as it was known by themselves;but as that cannot be expected from them,and the examiners cannot be supposed,as above,to go into their houses to visit and search,all the good of shutting up houses will be defeated,and few houses will be shut up in time,except those of the poor,who cannot conceal it,and of some people who will be discovered by the terror and consternation which the things put them into.

I got myself discharged of the dangerous office I was in as soon as Icould get another admitted,whom I had obtained for a little money to accept of it;and so,instead of serving the two months,which was directed,I was not above three weeks in it;and a great while too,considering it was in the month of August,at which time the distemper began to rage with great violence at our end of the town.

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