Deva Raya I.(A.D.1406to 1419)
The amorous monarch,Deva Raya I.--The farmer's beautiful daughter --The king's escapade --The city threatened --A Hindu princess wedded to a Muhammadan prince --Firuz Shah's anger --Pertal's marriage --King Vijaya --Probable date of accession of Deva Raya II.
Firishtah tells us of an event that must have taken place towards the end of the year A.D.1406,in which the principal actor was the king of Vijayanagar.This king I believe to have been Bukka II.'s successor,his younger brother,Deva Raya I.The story relates to a mad adventure of the Raya which he undertook in order to secure for himself the person of a beautiful girl,the daughter of a farmer in Mudkal.His desire to possess her attained such a pitch,that he made an expedition into the debatable land north of the Tungabhadra for the sole purpose of capturing the girl and adding her to his harem.I have already shown reasons for supposing that Bukka II.was a middle-aged man at his accession,and it is not unreasonable to suppose that this hot-blooded monarch was his younger brother,who began to reign in November 1406A.D.His escapade must be narrated in full as told by Firishtah,since it led to very important consequences.
"There resided in the town of Mudkul a farmer,who was blessed with a daughter of such exquisite beauty,that the Creator seemed to have united all his powers in making her perfect."This attractive person was educated by an old Brahman,whose admiration of her led him to think that she would prove a desirable member of the Raya's household.
"He proceeded to Beejanuggur and being introduced to the roy,spoke in such praise of the beauty and accomplishments of the young maid,that he was fired with the desire of possessing her,and entreated the bramin to procure her for him of her parents in marriage.This request was what the bramin earnestly wished,and he immediately agreed to satisfy him;upon which the roy despatched him with rich gifts and great promises of favours to the parents,and the title of ranee,or princess,for their beautiful daughter.The bramin lost no time in his journey,and,upon his arrival at the farmer's house,delivered to him and his wife the roy's orders,that they should repair to Beejanuggur with their daughter.The parents were overjoyed at such unexpected good fortune,and calling for the young maid,laid before her the rich gifts of the roy,congratulated her on being soon to be united to a great prince,and attempted to throw upon her neck a golden collar set with jewels,as a token of immediate espousals,and which,if done,could not have been broken off.
"The beautiful virgin,to their great astonishment,drawing her neck from compliance,refused to receive the collar,and observed,that whoever entered the harem of Beejanuggur,was afterwards not permitted to see even her nearest relations and friends;and though they might be happy to sell her for worldly riches,yet she was too fond of her parents to submit to eternal absence from them,even for all the splendour of the palace of Beejanuggur.This declaration was accompanied with affectionate tears,which melted her parents;who rather than use force,dismissed the bramin with all his gifts,and he returned,chagrined and disappointed,to Beejanuggur....
"When the bramin arrived at Beejanuggur,and related to the roy the failure of his scheme,the prince's love became outrageous,and he resolved to gratify it by force,though the object resided in the heart of Feroze Shaw's dominions.[92]For this purpose he quitted Beejanuggur with a great army,on pretence of going the tour of his countries;and upon his arrival on the banks of the River Tummedra,having selected five thousand of his best horse,and giving the reins of his conduct to love,commanded them,in spite of the remonstrances of his friends,to march night and day with all expedition to Mudkul,[93]and,surrounding the village where Pertal[94]lived,to bring her prisoner to him,with her whole family,without injury."The unexpected,however,happened.The king neglected to send the Brahman to warn Pertal's family,and on the arrival of news at Mudkal that a large force of the Raya's troops was approaching,the inhabitants fled,and amongst them the girl and her relatives.The troops therefore resumed,but on the way looted the country.They were attacked by superior forces and 2000of them were slain.This led to a war.
"In the beginning of the winter of the year 809(I.E.the winter of A.D.1406),[95]he (the Sultan)moved in great force,and arrived near Beejanuggur,in which Dewul Roy had shut himself up.An assault was made upon the city,and the Sultan got possession of some streets,which,however,he was obliged to quit,his army being repulsed by the Carnatickehs.Dewul Roy,encouraged by his success,now ventured to encamp his army under protection of the walls,and to molest the royal camp.As the mussulmauns could not make proper use of their cavalry in the rocky unevenness of ground round Beejanuggur,they were somewhat dispirited.During this,Sultan Feroze Shaw was wounded by an arrow in the hand,but he would not dismount;and drawing out the arrow,bound up the wound with a cloth.